September 6th, 2019 - Elul 6, 5779
Upcoming Events

  • September 12, 6:30p.m. - Back to School Night
  • September 16, 7:30p.m. - Board Meeting
  • September 27, 2:45p.m.- - Kabbalat Shabbat/Rosh Chodesh
  • September 30 - NO SCHOOL, Rosh Hashanah
  • October 1 - NO SCHOOL
  • November 1, 1:00p.m. - Grandparent/Grandfriend Day
A Message from the Head of School
Welcome back to The Silver Academy!

After a wonderful summer, everyone is recharged, renewed and ready to start the new school year. We want to personally thank every one of you for choosing The Silver Academy and deciding to be part of our learning community. This year promises to be an incredible and productive school year.

Each year brings positive change, and this year is no exception. We are thrilled to welcome Mr. Nickolas Fortini to our faculty as our computer teacher, Silver Summary coordinator, year-book publisher, social media facilitator and entrepreneur club creator! In addition to Nick, we welcome Ms. Sara Romano as our math teacher who will also continue her duties as gym teacher. Sara brings a wealth of knowledge in mathematics and is a Silver Academy graduate. Niema Schertz has jumped head first into her duties as Admissions Coordinator and is fully engulfed in identifying potential families, giving tours, and helping Morah Tamara with the Gainenu class. We welcome Aviva Woodland back to Silver Academy as our Kindergarten Judaics teacher and 4th/5th grade Hebrew teacher. We are thrilled to have Aviva with us! Kimberlea Konowitch is our new Director of Development and is tirelessly ensuring the financial security of Silver Academy. Samara Sofian has moved into the position of Assistant Head of School and is assuming most, if not all, of the day to day operation of The Silver Academy...and doing a fabulous job!!

You may have noticed that our physical space has decreased because the ELC has moved the pre-k classes upstairs and now occupy one of the hallways. This physical change occurred over the summer months while Myrna Rubin, almost single-handedly, moved us out of that space. We are grateful to the many community members who assisted Myrna over the summer with both the move and getting the school ready for the new year.  

We updated our safety and security procedures and feel confident that we are able to provide the best and safest environment for your children. Lastly, a great deal of time and effort was spent placing students in classes that are appropriate for them academically, challenging each and every student while providing them with healthy social opportunities.  

Thank you for all your help, your positive energy and enthusiasm, and your input. We look forward to working with each and every one of you with the common goal of making this a school year of growth and achievement for all students.

Shabbat Shalom,
Debra Freeburn, Head of School
Samara Sofian, Assistant Head of School

Our first two weeks back to school were amazing
Enjoy this video from our first week of school
Good Things Happen Every Day at The Silver Academy
Coding with Google
Mr. Nick Fortini
This week students from 4th grade and above began to learn computer science with Google's "CS first" junior coding program. Students will learn about the possibilities of computer science through hands-on tutorials to begin block-based coding. Projects will allow students to explore the possibilities of code while still granting them the freedom of creativity to create whatever program they envision.
D'var Torah
D'var Torah for Parshat Shoftim

by Rabbi Daniela Szuster
to read this D'var Torah
We are thankful!
  • THANK YOU to all of the volunteers and our coordinator, Myrna Rubin, who went above and beyond to help clean up and clean out our school over the summer to make sure it sparkled and shined for our first day of school. Many, many thanks to Myrna Rubin (Superhero status), Bert Rubin, Gail & Joel Burcat, Ethan DeBroff, Traci DeBroff, Ricci Doctrow, Emily Freeburn, Mark Glick, Norman Gras, Mindy Lock, Myra Sacks, and Cheryl Sinoway.  

Support The Silver Academy!
Don't Miss These EASY, Fundraising Opportunities that support The Silver Academy!
Grandparent/Grandfriend Day information
Order your Challah!
Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Challah Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers

  • Order your challah by 8:30 pm Thursday evening at The fresh baked challah will be given to your child to take home on Friday.
  • To pay, please send an envelope with your name on it to the school office, including cash, or a check payable to Challah with a Twist, or use Paypal or Venmo.

Challah With a Twist, (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah to the Harrisburg community for over 24 years.
For any questions, please call or text Varda Gewirtz at  717-919-1358  .
Contributions to The Silver Academy are always appreciated and every dollar makes a difference for our students!

Looking for a way to celebrate a birthday or special occasion? Do you have someone you would like to honor? Do you want to make a donation in memory of a loved one? Consider making a donation to The Silver Academy. We will send them a lovely card to share with them that a gift has been made in their honor.
You may contact the school's office to make a contribution or do so online here.