Welcome to the Cathedral Church of St. Luke

On This Sunday, September 25th,

The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

We are most grateful to welcome you to our Sunday worship. Whether in-person or online, we wish you God's blessings and love for this day.

We hope that you can feel part of the Cathedral community wherever you are in your life's journey. Know that this is a place of welcome and love for all.


Dean Shambaugh and the Cathedral Community.

Please click on the 'Bulletin' Icon Below to Access the service leaflet for today's 7:30 and 10:00 am services.

Bulletin for 7:30 and 10 a.m. services
Bulletin for 5:15 p.m. Confirmation Service

Service Schedule

7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Emmanuel Chapel)

10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Nave & Livestream)

5:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II (Emmanuel Chapel)

*The 5:15 service will be our service of Confirmation. 

Please see the above, 'Bulletin for Confirmation'. 

Streaming on YouTube and Facebook Live

Please click on the 'View on YouTube' 0r 'View on Facebook' buttons below to access our live streaming.

View on YouTube
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Service Participants

Service Participants for 10 a.m. Service

Preacher: The Very Rev. Benjamin A. Shambaugh, Dean

Celebrant: The Rev. Suzanne Roberts, M.D. 

Assisting:  The Rev. Rebecca Grant, Deacon

Canon for Liturgy and Music:  Christian M. Clough,  

Assisting Organist: Randall Mullin

The Cathedral Choir

Ushers: Peter Bingham, Bob Parshley, Martha Parshley, Gail Swanton

Lector: Ray Murdoch Curry

Prayers of the People: Marlene Cordes

Live Streaming: Jack Swanton and Sam Allen  

Acolytes and Vergers; The Flower Guild; The Altar Guild

Service Participants for 5:15 pm Service of Confirmation

Preacher and Celebrant: The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, Bishop of the Diocese of Maine

Assisting: The Very Rev. Dr. Benjamin A. Shambaugh, Dean 

Guest Cathedral Musician: Terry Foster


For Confirmation
: Charles Scott Hornor, Matthew Okulski, Isaac Okulski, Alec Thorne


To be Received: Shana Rose, Orion Williams


For Reaffirmation of Baptismal Vows: Tammy Parker

Sunday Services & Announcements

Welcome Visitors: We are glad you are joining us today. Please sign our register and give us your email address so we can contact you. Greeters at the door are available to answer any questions you might have about the Cathedral.

Childcare: Our Sunday school and nursery are both open today. Sunday school begins in the upper hall at 9:45, with children returning to their families at the sharing of the Peace. The nursery is open every Sunday from 9:45-11:30. Families are always welcome!

The Flower Guild: The Flower Guild: The flowers today are offered in celebration of the 40 year wedding anniversary of Jack and Byrd Wood, married on September 25, 1982.

St. Luke's Cathedral Choir: Each week we are blessed with the gift of music from the St. Luke's Cathedral Choir under the direction of our Canon for Liturgy and Music, Christian M. Clough. If you are interested in singing with our choir in future services, please contact Christian for details.

Choral Evensong for the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, 4:00 PM Sunday 2 October. Music by Titcomb, Davies, and Houston. Choral Evensong is offered at 4 PM on the first Sunday of each month from October through June.

Thanks to our Assisting Organist

We welcome back Randall (“Randy”) Mullin, longtime Assisting Organist, to accompany the Cathedral Choir. Randy generously donates his time and musical talent to enrich our worship, which in turn helps make the work of the choir and conductor much better! Thank you, Randy, for such an amazing offering! —Christian Clough, Canon for Music & Liturgy

En-ROADS workshop Today: Evidence that global warming is caused by human activity is incontrovertible. Is there any hope that global warming can be arrested? What would it take to achieve the 2015 Paris Climate Accords goal to limit the average global temperature rise to well below 2°C (ideally, 1.5°C)? Join us today, 11:30–12:30 P.M. in Emmanuel Chapel with Sam Allen, En-ROADS Climate Ambassador.

Bishop Brown to preside at 5:15 p.m. Service of Confirmation Today: We are delighted that Bishop Thomas J. Brown will be back at St. Luke’s for a service of Confirmation, Reception, and Renewal of Baptismal Vows at 5:15pm later this evening. This service was to be held originally in June but had to be postponed due to health concerns related to Covid-19. We thank members of the youth confirmation class who have had this service put off several times for their patience and flexibility! This service, open to all, is a special opportunity for those who wish to reaffirm their faith or to formally become part of the Episcopal Church and St. Luke’s.

Reintroduction of the Common Communion Cup: Within the next few weeks, barring another coronavirus outbreak, St. Luke’s Cathedral plans to begin offering the common cup again at Communion. We ask that you follow a few guidelines if you wish to drink from the cup. We understand that not everyone is comfortable sharing the cup; please feel free to refuse. You may walk away from the communion rail after receiving the host or cross your arms across your chest if you do not want to share the cup at this time. You may not “dip” (intict) your host as this practice is actually more likely than drinking from the cup to spread germs to other parishioners. For this reason, our clergy and Eucharistic ministers will be instructed to refuse to allow anyone to intinct. If you are not feeling well or if you are recovering from an illness that may be contagious to others please do not drink from the common communion cup. If the CDC declares Cumberland County to be in the yellow or red Covid transmission zones, we will suspend the use of the cup until we return to the green zone.

Questions? Contact the Rev. Dr. Suzanne Roberts.

The Old Testament Roots of Jesus Study: “What are the methods God uses to talk with us? What methods does God prefer? Who are God’s messengers? What languages does God use or speak? What are God’s utterances called?” Join us on Sunday mornings at 8:30-9:30 in the Chapter Room to discover what God’s ancient and current ways are of allowing us to hear. For more information, call The Rev. Dr. Bob Hanson at 207-405-8250.

A Christian Life of Faith: Signs and Thresholds Along the Way: So much of what we do at St. Luke’s is designed to help others. What about nurturing and exploring our own spiritual lives? What about our questions and struggles of faith, our relationship (or not) with God? Dean Shambaugh is leading a Sunday morning class called “A Christian Life of Faith: Signs and Thresholds Along The Way.” Join us at 9 am in the Chapter Room.

This Week's Services & Events

St. Elizabeth's Jubilee Center is offered every Tuesday from 8:30 am to 11 am.

Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist has resumed gathering weekly in Emmanuel Chapel.

The Food Pantry is open from 9 am to 11 am every Thursday. Additionally, Contemplative Prayer is offered every Thursday at 4:30 pm via Zoom.

For a complete list of our events, please visit our events page.

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