SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2020
The Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed from the Cathedral Nave at 11 a.m. Sunday morning.
Download the leaflet in advance
The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman
The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
This joyful Eastertide
(192, stanzas 1 & 2);
Come down, O Love divine
O praise ye the Lord!
Dirksen, arr. Kleinschmidt,
"The whole bright world rejoices now"
Trumpet Voluntary;
J.S. Bach,
Allabreve in D Major,
BWV 589
An Introduction to Sunday's Hymns
Friday 5/15, 3 p.m.
Friday afternoon tea
Friday 5/15, 7 p.m.
Mideast Focus Film Series
Screening and Discussion
Sunday 5/17, 9 & 10 a.m.
Church School for kids
Sunday 5/17, 12 p.m.
Virtual Coffee Hour
Sunday 5/24, 11 a.m.
Heritage Sunday Celebration:
Forum, Liturgy, Festive Coffee Hour
Sunday 5/24, 3 p.m.
"Trying Times" Mental Health Webinar
Wednesday 5/27, 7 p.m.
Family Talent Show
Sunday 5/31, 11 a.m.
The Feast of Pentecost
Sunday 5/31, 2 p.m.
Earth Ministry Webinar
Wednesday 6/10, 7 p.m.
Parish Forum: "Is EfM for me?"
will be broadcast and livestreamed, 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, now with a choir of four singers. Listen live on KING-FM 98.1 and online at, or watch live at the cathedral's
livestream page.
Compline Highlights:
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
In dieser österlichen Zeit
All repertoire and liturgy information subject to change.
Screening and Discussion:
Voices Across the Divide
Watch the film online any time between now and Friday evening, using this link:
(The film is 60 minutes long—begin watching at 7 p.m. at the latest in order to participate in the discussion at 8 p.m.)
Live Q&A with the director begins at
8:00 P.M.
via Zoom.
to receive the link. (Please note that the time of the Q&A has changed.)
On Friday, May 15, the Online Film Series continues with
Voices Across the Divide, an award-winning film by Dr. Alice Rothchild, exploring the thinking of Jews who support the Occupation and settlements in the West Bank, and those who do not. A live discussion with Dr. Rothchild will follow the screening. The purpose of the film, as explained by its directors, is to open a space for honest dialogue:
"The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is one of the most prominent, hot button debates in the US today. There is often little space for compassionate listening or deepening awareness. Access to information about the conflict is shaped by powerful forces and organizations. We believe a better future is possible based on mutual respect and knowledge."
And mark your calendars for these upcoming events in the online film series:
- FRIDAY, MAY 29: Oscar-nominated short film Nightmare of Gaza, paired with Gaza Fights for Freedom, followed by a discussion of the film with Former Congressman Dr. Brian Baird.
- FRIDAY, JUNE 5: Farah Nabulsi’s short film Today They Took My Son, paired with Imprisoning a Generation, followed by a discussion of the film with author and filmmaker Dr. Alice Rothchild.
- FRIDAY, JUNE 12: Farah Nabulsi’s short Oceans of Injustice, paired with The Lobby—USA, followed by a discussion with former U.S. Attorney in the West Bank and current President of the King County Bar Association John McKay.
Sign up for the Mideast Focus Ministry email list to stay up to date and to receive the links to participate automatically! Simply email to get added to the list.
Heritage Sunday at Saint Mark's Cathedral
In 2019 Saint Mark's began what was intended to be an annual tradition:
Heritage Sunday
, an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for all the generations who have come before us in the community of Saint Mark's, Seattle—from the founders of the parish in the nineteenth century, to those longtime members of the community who still bless us with their experience and wisdom today.
The event will begin with
a special Zoom forum
in the 10 a.m. hour. Dean Thomason will present a brief slide show of historical details about the cathedral, then a panel of
The Reverends Carla Berkedal Pryne, Kate Kinney, and Sue Reid, who served at Saint Mark’s as priests in three different decades, will reflect on their experiences. This forum will be presented simultaneously over Zoom and on Facebook Live—watch your email for more details, or contact
From 10:45 until the start of the 11 a.m. liturgy, the livestream will present a
special slideshow of historical images
from the 1940s through the 2000s, shared by many members of the community. (
Note: If you want to share a photo to be included, please send a copy, with your names on the back, to Erik Donner at
no later than Monday May 18.
Like last year, the 11 a.m. service will again employ
elements of the liturgy that would be familiar to generations past
, including music, prayers, vestments, and the order of service itself. Drawing on prayers spanning nearly 500 years of Anglican worship, we will pull out the stops for a special celebration. Former senior wardens serving in three different decades will read the scriptures. Former Dean The Rev. Fred Northup will be guest preacher. Dean Thomason will officiate. Special music will frame the joyful occasion, including a rousing postlude of Copland’s “
Fanfare for the Common Man
” with organ and percussion.
Following the service, there will be a Zoom gathering to which all are invited as we share stories about our common life at Saint Mark’s through the years.
Special guests have been invited—including Pro Christo Award recipients, former senior wardens, and all the living clergy who have served at Saint Mark’s through the years. Join the fête to share some Saint Mark’s time together.
Watch your email for the links to participate, and contact
with any questions.
Trying Times:
Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Grief—How to Tell the Difference
A Webinar with Shelley Mackaman, PhD, and Wayne Duncan, PhD
SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2020, 3 P.M., via Zoom (click
to register now)
Do you find yourself fretting or anxious about reopening? Are your children stressed with the challenges of virtual school? Are you struggling to balance all the aspects of life now converging in your home life? We are all facing new pressures in light of this pandemic and the lack of certainty about so many things. Dr. Shelley Mackaman (clinical psychologist in Kirkland with emphasis in Child Development and Family Psychology) and Dr. Wayne Duncan (Child and Adolescent Psychologist in Seattle) are both active members of Saint Mark’s Cathedral and will offer timely and important information for people of all ages. Dean Steve Thomason will moderate the webinar. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The webinar is free but advance registration is required. Click
here to register now.
Live Talent Show Starring the Children and Families of Saint Mark's
via Facebook Live and Zoom (click
to register)
A Talent Show organized by the Saint Mark's Cathedral Choir School and Children & Family Ministries will be presented online, Wednesday, May 27 at 7 p.m. Our families will present their acts LIVE via a live Zoom webinar, and simultaneously in the cathedral's private Facebook group. Tune in to celebrate our community and to be amazed by the talented young people of the cathedral! Register to watch the Zoom broadcast at
this link. Contact Rebekah Gilmore at for more information.
Webinar: From Active Hope to Embodied Hope
SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2–4 P.M.,
via Zoom. Learn more and register
Based on the book
Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in Without Going Crazy by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone, this Zoom gathering will offer an experiential pathway to help address our climate grief and envision the future we want to bring into being. The discussion, led by Rev. Marilyn Cornwell and Rev. Terry Teigen and psychotherapist Francie Rutherford, will offer a process for navigating what the future holds. We'll begin the work of equipping ourselves by naming our grief, seeing with new eyes, and taking steps to embody the active hope Macy and Johnstone envision. Learn more and register
here. (
Note: This is not an official cathedral event, although Earth Ministry is a partner organization with longstanding ties to Saint Mark's.)
20s & 30s
Questioning Together
MONDAY, JUNE 1, 7:30 P.M.,
via Zoom
Join this welcoming and curious group of young adults to discuss questions of faith relevant in our time. Our question this month:
On what do you base your faith? Feel free to drop in even if you'll be a bit late. This will be our last meeting before breaking for the summer. Looking forward to seeing you there! Email Rachel Crosbie at to get the link join.
"Is EfM for me?"—An Introduction to Education for Ministry
via Zoom
If you have attended Saint Mark's for some time, you have probably heard about
Education for Ministry many times—especially this time of year when registration for the upcoming session is open. If you are new to Saint Mark's, you might be hearing about EfM for the first time. But what it is really like to participate in an EfM class? What sort of work is required? What happens at the class meetings? Are there exams??? Please consider attending a Zoom forum on Wednesday evening, June 10, to learn all about what EfM is... and what it isn't! Canon Cristi Chapman will be the host, and Saint Mark's team of EfM mentors will be the panelists. Contact for the link to participate.
Sanctuary News – Are You on the List?
The situation for immigrants and refugees is increasingly difficult, and our paying attention, responding to calls for emails and phone calls to our legislators, getting involved where we can, and praying for all affected is now more important than ever. The group
Sanctuary at Saint Mark’s receives updates on what’s going on locally and at the border—and here with our own family in Sanctuary—from Canon Nancy Ross. Everyone who is interested, regardless of their level of engagement in the Sanctuary Ministry, is encouraged to sign up for these mailings to stay informed. If you’re not already on the Sanctuary mailing list, and you want to receive these occasional email updates, please email
Casa Latina Workers Need Work!
We can now support our friends at Casa Latina, who have been hit extremely hard by the pandemic shut-down!
The Day Workers Center has opened
on a limited basis, with strict policies to follow Governor Inslee’s
“Safe Start Plan,”
and is now taking work orders related to
landscape services
outdoor maintenance
If you have tasks around your yard that need to be done, there are people ready and willing—and needing the work! So many of us appreciated the Forums and Cathedral Commons when members from our partner Casa Latina came and shared their personal stories of immigration—and their difficulties and resilience and activism for worker rights—with us. If you have work, that is the best way to support the community in these times. Rest assured that Casa Latina’s priority is to ensure the safety of worker-members and employers as the Day Workers Center re-opens. All the details are here:
. Please consider supporting the livelihood of these neighbors.
Climate Change Forum Now Available Online
via Zoom.
Thank you to all who participated in one or both of the Creation Care Ministry's forums exploring Project Drawdown the last couple of weeks. If you missed them, check out the videos of the forum
here. The resources and references distributed at the events may be found
here. Look for more opportunities to learn and share together in the coming months! In the meantime, anyone is welcome to join our monthly Creation Care Ministry meetings, currently being held on Zoom. Our next meeting is this Monday, May 18 at 6 p.m. Email Kylee Krida at or Marjorie Ringness at for the link to join the meeting.
Recognizing the Class of 2020
Will you or someone you know graduate from high school, college, or graduate school this summer? If so, the Saint Mark’s community would like to recognize them! Because of the unusual challenges facing graduates at this time, we are exploring some creative ways to celebrate their achievements. Please send the names of those graduates and their graduation information (school and degree program if applicable) to The Rev. Canon Cristi Chapman ( or Nicole Silvernale, ( by Monday, June 1.
Friday Afternoon Tea
via Zoom.
Remember when we used to get together in coffee shops? We can still do that... online! Michael Perera will host afternoon tea once a week; drop in and chat about whatever’s on your mind. Bring your favorite hot beverage and let’s continue hanging out and making the isolation easier. Email Michael Perera with questions or to get the link to join:
Interactive Church School Has Resumed
SUNDAYS, 9 A.M. (age 4–8) AND 10 A.M. (ages 8–12)
Godly Play for children ages 4-8 at 9 a.m. on Sunday, with a participating parent. Hosted by Alicia Goodwin. Email Kelly Moody at for a zoom link and a list of items to gather beforehand.
Jesus and His Kingdom of Equals for children ages 8-5th grade begins at 10 a.m., hosted by Kristen Kelly and Sonjia Gavin. Email Kelly Moody at for a Zoom link and more information.
Children and Family Prayer Podcast
The Children and Family Ministry team has put together a brief (6-minute)
prayer podcast! You'll hear a verse of scripture, sing a song with Miss Gilmore, and be invited to pray together.
Check out all the episodes here!
Youth Group Zoom "Office Hours"
We will have an open "office hours" for the youth of the community where a mix of Saint Mark's youth leaders and clergy including Rev. Cristi, Anna Wiley, and Nicole Silvernale will be available over Zoom to hold space for conversation, questions, prayers, and anything else you may need. To get the link, email Nicole Silvernale at
Virtual Coffee Hour
THIS SUNDAY, 12 P.M. (or when the liturgy concludes),
via Zoom
Immediately following the Sunday morning worship service, let's join together on Zoom for a
virtual coffee hour—to check in, connect, and just see each other's faces! The link will stay the same each Sunday. If you have not received the link already, email
Peter McClung and he will send it to you. (Include a few words about your connection to Saint Mark's when you write.)
Canon Michael Kleinschmidt:
Sounds of Longing
Cathedral Conversations is a podcast by, for, and about the community of Saint Mark's Cathedral. In the most recent episode, recorded March 2, 2020, our beloved Canon for Cathedral Music tells us how his love affair with church music began, the role that music has in our worship, and why being the organist for Saint Mark’s is like playing tennis with God. Listen at or download and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
Education for Ministry (EfM) registration for 2020/21
Do you want to go deeper into your faith in an intense, ongoing way? Do you want to form lasting connections with others who also seek that connection? Consider registering for EfM. EfM is a four-year program focused on the study scripture, church history, and modern theology. Classes connect the material with church tradition, personal experiences, individual beliefs and current events. The next term begins the week of
September 1, 2020. Three different classes meet weekly September to June at Saint Mark’s: Sundays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.; Mondays, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.; or Mondays, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Each class is limited to 12 people; enrollment starts now and ends in early August or when classes are full. Tuition, including books, is $375. Please inquire by contacting clergy or class mentors: Sunday evening: Michael Seewer,; Monday morning: Maria Coldwell,; Monday evening: Tom Hayton,
Check Out “Online Community Life” at Saint Mark’s Website
The Saint Mark’s website has a new
Online Community Life
page with ways for us all to stay connected. You’ll find activities to join, both prayerful—like Stations of the Cross and Morning and Evening Prayer—and playful—like an online trivia contest. There are poignant reflections on these times to read and comment on, and more being added, so keep checking back – and keep connected!
Reach Out if You Need Assistance
If you are homebound as a result of this viral outbreak and need others from Saint Mark’s to help you by picking up and delivering groceries or other supplies, there are parishioners who are willing to help.
Please reach out to cathedral in whatever way is most convenient for you. Email Dean Steve Thomason at or Erik Donner at, or call either one—or any of the clergy—at 206.323.0300.
A note on Zoom links...
We have all very quickly become used to using the Zoom teleconferencing platform in so many areas of our lives, from work meetings to classes to socializing. At the same time, the phenomenon of "
Zoom bombing," when uninvited guests invade meeting to cause disruption, has become a real threat. The nature of the disruption has in some instances gone well beyond the level of mere practical jokes. For this reason
we must become more careful about openly posting Zoom links in public. (This includes this weekly
Sundays & Beyond email, which is made
publicly available.) All Zoom meetings and events will be publicized with the organizer's email address. Please do not hesitate to write a very brief email, and they will respond with the link to join. If at any time it is unclear how to get the link, simply email Thank you for your understanding.