The Holiday Fair: It's Time to Prepare!
Sat., Nov. 23 - 9:00 – 2:30
We need your help with this major fundraiser.
We will need you to bake, make handcrafts, clean out your closets and bring your clean, good toys, books/CDs and household treasures to the church the week before.
All Tables need help. Contact any chair or Peg Kitchenham781-635-0007 to volunteer. If you are new, let us know your interests! Thanks to Karen Baker for being in charge of the bake sale.
Be a part of this year’s fair and make special memories! Be sure to bring a good appetite for lunch and don’t miss the fun of this important all church activity. Mark your calendars now!
Themed Gift Baskets to be Sold at the Holiday Fair!
Themed Gift Baskets-Still time to sign up to create a basket to be sold at the Holiday Fair. Choose one of our baskets and sign up at Coffee Hour (or use your own basket!) Questions? Contact any of us! Thanks!
Bev Gardner, Noel Constantino, Heather Comeau, Debb Welsh
Table Chairs 2024 - More help needed at each station!
Set up & Handcrafts & Art- Marcia Babcock, Betsey Drollett
Silent Auction - Bob Gramarossa, Diane Koury
Snack Bar- Heather Comeau, Tom Magazu
Books – Mary Mercier, Duane Wilke
Grandma’s Attic – Linda Twomey, Noel Constantino
Jewelry – Kerry Ouellet
Gift Baskets & Plants Bev Gardner, Deb Welsh
Baked Goods – Karen Baker and the Alliance.
Toy Table – Amanda Adams, Becky Smock
Electronics/sports – Chris Kitchenham, Larry Baker
Raffle & Publicity – Peg Kitchenham
Clean-up - Don Messinger, Les Taylor, Paul Smock