The Spirit of Sanlando eNews for July 27, 2022


Join us in worship this Sunday as we continue our sermon series on the Wesleyan Way of Salvation as taught by John Wesley's reflection on Scripture.

9:30 AM Modern Worship

At the 9:30 worship service, please join us in welcoming in new members: Steven & Tara Lazlo, Susan Green, and William & Greta Youngman. Steven & Tara Lazlo will also be baptized by Pastor Jonathan in this service.

11:00 AM Traditional Worship

Our 8:15am Traditional Worship Service with Holy Communion is currently on break for the summer.

On August 14th, this worship service will resume meeting weekly with a start time of 8:00am.

The 9:30am Modern and the 11:00am Traditional services will continue to meet at their regular times.

We look forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Jonathan's Weekly Article

Those who are left in Zion, who remain in Jerusalem, will be called holy, all who are recorded among the living in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 4:3

We are wrapping up our current worship series this Sunday, July 31st. A Method To The Madness has been a preaching focus on several of the core practices and beliefs that John Wesley, the founder of our Methodist movement, placed at the center of our approach to Christianity. Methodism is truly a holiness movement. It began as a renewal movement in England -> came to the American colonies as an evangelism movement -> and in both places went on to establish itself as a spiritual revival of scriptural and social holiness -> all leading to the global movement that has positively impacted the world for Jesus Christ.

Throughout the sermons over these past five weeks, I have emphasized the different ways that Methodism is a holiness movement.

What does it mean to be holy? We don’t hear the word holy very often in contemporary English, except perhaps in the critical phrase “holier than thou.” Holy people are thought to be self-righteous at best and quite strange at worst. You may not really be comfortable with people in your workplace calling you holy.

Yet the biblical notion of holiness doesn’t have this negative connotation. To be holy is to be special—special to the Lord. Holy things are not for ordinary use because they are dedicated to God—say, for use in the temple. Holy people, by analogy, are set apart by God for relationship with God and for God’s own purposes. Holiness isn’t simply a matter of being separate from the world. It is being distinct from the world to be fully devoted to and invested in God’s kingdom.

A major theme in the New Testament is that all who receive God’s grace through Christ are holy people. We have been set apart by God for an intimate relationship with him and for participation in God’s way of life. If we are holy in this sense, we aren’t cut off from the world. In fact, like Jesus, we are intimately involved with this world and its people. But we are different, in heart and in action, in commitment and calling, because of our relationship to a holy God.

The point, of course, is not to be called holy, whether this is meant positively or negatively. Instead, the point is to be holy, to be people set apart by God for God’s work in the world. As holy people, we give ourselves to God and to others in God’s name.

  • How do you understand holiness?
  • In what ways do you live as a holy person?
  • How do you reflect the distinctiveness of God in your daily life? In your workplace?
  • Is it possible to be holy, in the biblical sense, without being some kind of oddball or offending others?
  • Are you aware of doing or saying things differently because you belong to the Lord?


Help us, Lord Jesus, to be holy people. Teach us how we are to be different from the world and its values. Teach us how to reach this world, how to extend your love and grace to the people around us. May our holiness be like your holiness - separate in crucial ways from the world, yet profoundly engaged with the world and its people. 


Last Sunday in our worship services, a rose was placed on the altar in honor of the arrival of Al and Beverly Blackmon's new grandbaby girl, Tinsley Renee Blackmon. The proud parents, Blake and Diana Blackmon, were excited to meet Tinsley for the first time on her day of birth, July 8, 2022.

BEANediction Coffee Hour- All Sanlando friends ages 55 and up please join Pastor Jonathan and Sheryl Bane for a cup of coffee & an opportunity to be a blessing and be blessed through fellowship and connection. BEANediction will meet on the 2nd Monday of each month beginning Aug 8th in the Fellowship Hall from 10-11AM. We can’t wait to have a sip of coffee with you!


Hello Sanlando Families!

School is just around the corner, I cannot believe it!

This year our Step-Up Sunday will be on Sunday, August 14th.

We have 4 different rooms for our 9:30am Sunday School. They are as follows:

0-3 years Nursery – Room 6

3 years-Kindergarten – Room 8

1st-3rd Grade – Room 9

4th-5th Grade – Room 10

We have 2 rooms for our 11:00am Children’s Church. They are as follows:

0-3 years Nursery – Room 6

4 years-5th Grade – Meet in the Sanctuary for our Children’s Message and be dismissed to Children’s Church

At 11AM, all Rising 6th Graders through High School Seniors will meet in The Point for a fun time of games, activities, and a lesson from FaithWeaver Now.

All Rising 9th-12th graders are invited to an Ice Cream Social from 7-7:30PM on Step-Up Sunday in The Point following regular Youth Group.

The Child and Youth Protection Policy (CYPP) training will be held on Sunday, August 14th from 12pm-1pm and Sunday, 21st from 12pm-1pm. These training days are for all adults that are currently volunteering or anticipate volunteering with any child or youth ministry within the Sanlando United Methodist Church (Sunday School, Children’s Church, Youth, Wednesday Night Children’s Programming, etc.). All volunteers are required to attend one of the training sessions offered. See below to RSVP for whichever date you choose to attend. This training is required, even if you have previously attended a training before, and is for the safety of our volunteers as well as our Sanlando children and youth.

Trainings will be held in the Fellowship Hall, and a lunch of pinwheel sandwiches, assorted chips, fruit, and drinks will be provided. Please use the comment box on the RSVP sign-up if you need a gluten-free or vegetarian option.

If you have any questions, please contact Katie Hamilton, Director of Children’s Ministries at or 407-571-2100 x 103.

RSVP HERE for Sunday, August 14th 12:00pm-1:00pm

RSVP HERE for Sunday, August 21st 12:00pm-1:00pm

ECD Gathering on the Continuing UMC

Join us here at Sanlando on Monday, August 22, from 7pm-8:30pm, where Dr. Bob Bushong, East Central District Superintendent, will present the Continuing UMC. He will discuss the recent postponement of General Conference and give information that will be helpful to you and your church during this season.

Everyone is welcome to attend. There is no registration. This event will not be livestreamed or recorded.

You are invited to join us on Sunday, August 28, 2022, at 10:30am to celebrate Sanlando’s 50th Anniversary! The day begins at 10:30am in the Sanctuary as we gather to celebrate 50 years of God working with Sanlando in this community and attending to the spiritual needs in and around our church. The service will consist of messages, music, videos, testimonies and culminate with Holy Communion, then we will adjourn to Fellowship Hall for a catered luncheon. The menu is: tossed salad, fruit cups for children 5th grade and under, penne pasta in Pomodoro sauce (plain pasta with no sauce or gluten free options are also available upon request), garlic knots, and dessert.

Reservations can be made by choosing one of the following options: you may CLICK HERE or find the link on the Sanlando website; sign up at the Welcome Center on Sunday morning; or contact Kira Krieger at 407.571.2100 ext. 109 or




We pray you all can join together on Sunday, August 28th as celebrate this historic occasion. See you there!


Sanlando Seeking Part-Time Front Office Administrative Assistant

Our administrative assistant, Kira Krieger, is finishing her tenure at Sanlando's front desk on August 25th in order to pursue her full time career as a massage therapist. Sanlando is searching for a professional, friendly, and technologically proficient person to be the face of Sanlando's front office. Could this secretarial position be filled by you?


Do you have great organizational skills and a passion for serving God through working in a supportive role at our church? Are you able to create digital and paper communications and manage information in relatively simple databases? Are you a sincerely kind person that can serve the needs of the congregation with confidentiality and compassion? If so, I urge you to prayerfully apply for this 20 hour per week position. Our office is open from 9:30-4:30, Monday through Thursday, and the 20 hours of this position are somewhat flexible within these office hours. 


This position reports our Director of Operations, Josh Miller. Interested applicants should send their resumes and cover letters to The position is open until it is filled. 


Pastor Jonathan, Josh Miller and our Sanlando SPRC

This Sunday, July 31st, is our Fifth Sunday offering, a special collection to benefit the Florida Children's Home. Your donation of any amount will support children who reside at the residential facility. The funds we contribute as a church help sustain the Children's Home's century old mission to be a safe, healing, Christian home for hurting children.

This week, July 31st, the altar flowers have been provided anonymously.

If you are interested in providing flowers for the altar, we have several upcoming Sundays available! The price remains at $30 for each flower arrangement.

If you are interested, please call (407) 571-2100 or email


We offer several Sunday school options here at Sanlando. If you are interested in joining any of the following classes on Sunday mornings, please feel welcome!

The Doers Class - 9:30am, Parlor / Facilitators: Geri Evans & Leslie McKeen

Multi-generational group who enjoys highly interactive discussions around a variety of topics, using both Biblical principles and life's experiences as the foundation for the conversations. Couples and singles welcome.

Bible Study Class - 9:30am, Conference Room / Facilitator: Sherry Fischer

Class consists of couples and singles, ages 50 and above. This group uses various book studies.

Fellowship Class - 9:30am, Fellowship Hall / Facilitator: Gary Garmon

Class consists of couples and singles, ages range from 50's to 80's.

This group offers many opportunities for fellowship throughout the year with annual events.

Transformations - 11am, Conference Room / Facilitator: Shane Robinett

This group uses topical studies by various Christian authors and uses DVD studies for group discussion.

Family Matters - 11am, Parlor / Facilitators: Jay & Nicole Downing

This small group for adults of all ages uses Orange Adult Streaming Curriculum to foster discussion.

Youth Sunday School - 11am, The Point / Facilitators: Ellie Erickson & Randi Richardson

This growing group of 6th-12th graders uses the FaithWeaver Now Curriculum.

Congregational Care Ministries

Please join the prayer team as we pray over the needs of those in our church and their loved ones. We meet every Tuesday of each month. We will begin at 9:45am in the church parlor. All are welcome!

Have you been affected by cancer in your life or the life of someone you love? Join Sheryl Bane on Sundays at our cancer support group from 7:30-9:00pm in the church parlor. The participants and content of this group will remain confidential so participants may feel free to come and openly share their experiences. A Zoom option will be available for those who want to join remotely. Please email Sheryl to RSVP at

Pastor Jonathan's Grief Support Group resumes on Tuesday, August 16th at 2:30pm


Our Grief Support Group led by Pastor Jonathan will begin meeting on Tuesdays beginning August 16th at 2:30 PM in the Church Parlor. If you would like to be a part of this grief support group, please join us on any of the following dates: August 16, August 23, August 30, September 6, September 13, September 20, September 27, October 11, October 18, & October 25. All are welcome to attend.


Let Pastor Jonathan know you're coming by contacting him at 407.571.2100 ext. 101 or Please reach out to him with any questions. Participants of the past group are welcome to attend again.

Fresh Bread Bible Study LIVE @ Sally's Diner!

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All men are invited to join in our "Fresh Bread" Bible Study which reviews a few scriptures, what their historical context and messages were, and how they apply to us today. The meetings are in person and on ZOOM, Monday mornings at 8AM.

Please contact Hugh Moore for more information and/or questions or (407)404-4905. Click HERE for a complete "Fresh Bread" daily reading list.

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Youth Week

Wednesday, Aug 3rd - Saturday, Aug 6th (Youth Sunday Aug, 7th)

Youth Week 2022 is right around the corner! This year Youth Week will be Wednesday, August 3 through Saturday, August 6. We’re going to have some great events on each day of the week along with a message on our theme “GLOW – God Light Our World.” All the events will take place in the late afternoon or evening. Youth Sunday will take place on Sunday, August 7th, where our students will have the opportunity to lead all Sunday Services. All students are invited to join!


Registration is now open HERE! Please email or call 407.571.2100 ext 105 with any questions.

Click the events lists below to see our summer schedule

and the fun activities planned for the youth group!

Sunday Night Youth Group Dinners

We need your help! Dinners are provided on a volunteer basis. Please consider serving our youth by signing up alone or with another family. We are looking to provide a main dish, fruit, and dessert each week for 20-25 students.


You DO NOT need to provide plates, utensils or beverages. You DO NOT need to stay and serve. Students will have the opportunity to donate $2 to help cover the cost. If you are looking for a way to serve our youth ministry by making dinner, you can sign up HERE. If you would like to serve our youth ministry by sending a donation, please provide $2 with your student on a Sunday night to donate. (Students do not need to pay $2 to eat dinner, it is just a donation.)


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Remember to bring in your soda-pop tabs! Drop them in the beautiful Ronald McDonald House collection bin outside at the Welcome Center on Sundays. All money collected will help with operating costs at the Ronald McDonald House. Thanks for your support for this worthy cause!

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As we return to many of our activities at Sanlando, we are looking for volunteers to serve in different capacities. All of the following opportunities are vital to our church ministry and programs and we encourage everyone to become involved in serving God and Sanlando. Here are several ways for you to volunteer:

  • Usher
  • Communion Server
  • Sunday Morning Breakfast
  • Wednesday Evening Dinners
  • Welcome Center

You may sign up at the Welcome Center on Sunday morning, emailing or by calling the church office.

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Online giving is safe, secure and easy. Just click HERE.

It is not necessary to create a profile.


Rev. Jonathan Tarman, Senior Pastor

Rev. W. Dean Witten, Pastor Emeritus

1890 West State Road 434 - Longwood, FL 32750

Phone: 407.571.2100 Fax: 407.571.2121

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9:30am to 4:30pm

Friday, closed

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Click Here


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