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A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Alumni, and Friends of Delone Catholic High School,


This week begins the spring semester. We have much to look forward to in the weeks ahead.


Under the guidance provided by the diocesan School’s Office, masks will be optional beginning this Monday, Jan. 24.


Together with several parent and faculty chaperones, two busloads of DCHS students will participate in today’s March for Life in Washington. D.C. In addition, this past Wednesday, as a community, DCHS began “9 Days for Life,” a novena for the protection of life.  We invite all to join us in this important cycle of prayer.


I add my enthusiastic congratulations to the five members of the Hall of Honor Class of 2022, which was announced this week. Read more about these outstanding inductees below.


As always, thank you for entrusting the education of your children to us. Please keep us in your prayers and know of our prayers for you.


William J. Lippe P’25, EdM


In This Issue

  • A Message from the Principal
  • Hall of Honor Class of 2022
  • Preparing For The 2022-23 School Year
  • Celebrating Catholic Schools
  • Squires in Service to One Another
  • News and Events from Our Partners
  • Quick Links


Photos of Hall of Honor Class of 2022

2022 Hall of Honor Class to Be Inducted in February

Delone Catholic High School announces the selection of its Hall of Honor Class of 2022. This class, comprising five members, brings the total number of inductees to 35 in seven induction classes. The Class of 2022 will be inducted in a series of events to take place on Friday, Feb. 11, 2022, as part of the school’s celebration of Founder’s Day. Founder’s Day 2022 celebrates the 158th birthday of the school’s founding benefactor and namesake, Charles J. Delone, Esq.

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Preparing for the 2022-23 School Year

While we celebrate the midway point in the 2021-22 school year, it is time to begin preparations for next school year. Please be advised of the timeline for course selection and re-registration for 2022-23 (for the Classes of 2023, 2024 and 2025).

  • March 4
  • Course Catalog posted on www.DeloneCatholic.org and PlusPortals School Resources
  • March 21-25
  • Guidance Department provides instructions and course selection sheets in Religion classes.
  • Faculty discuss placement decisions with students.
  • March 28
  • Online course selection instructions and forms released on PlusPortals
  • Meetings with Guidance Counselors
  • March 28-April 8 (Class of 2023)
  • April 6-15 (Class of 2024)
  • April 13-22 (Class of 2025)
  • Deadlines for Forms and Fees
  • April 11 (Class of 2023)
  • April 18 (Class of 2024)
  • April 25 (Class of 2025)

Celebrating Catholic Schools Week - Jan. 30-Feb. 5

As Celebrating Catholic Schools Week (CSW) 2022 approaches, we are announcing two initiatives that bring to life our school's CSW theme - Planting Seeds of Hope! Donated items for The Gleaning Project of South Central Pennsylvania help to support food security in our local communities. Monetary donations for Samaritan's Purse support international relief efforts. Donations will be accepted throughout Celebrating Catholic Schools Week - Jan. 30 through Feb. 5.

Look for more information about our CSW plans next week!

The Gleaning Project

Squires in Service to One Another

Delone Catholic High School is a community that reaches out to those in need whether it be a family close to home or one that is connected to us by a greater distance.

Rebecca Lazo, a junior at Delone Catholic, has family members in South America who are suffering with COVID. Her uncle has been hospitalized for the last month. He is 61 years old and is currently in the intensive care unit (ICU) in critical condition. His wife and children have also tested positive for COVID. Unfortunately, due to the severity of the pandemic, most hospitals in South America do not have all the medicine necessary to adequately address the challenges of this pandemic. This has not only created an emotional impact for them, it has also caused a great financial hardship for their family.

Delone Catholic’s International Club has organized a dress down day to help support Rebecca’s family. On Jan. 28, all students are invited to dress down at a cost of $3 to help support the family. All dress down rules apply. Students are asked to provide your donation to your HR teacher that morning. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Foresight - the strength to think ahead and consider what if or what might happen.

This week our virtue is FORESIGHT - the strength to think ahead and consider what if or what might happen. This week, Something to think about. Do a little examen:

  • What are the occasions of sin in your life?
  • Who are the people, what are the habits, places and things that tend to get you into trouble?
  • Talk with your parents about this and make the resolution to avoid a near occasion of sin.
News and Events from Our Partners

Quick Links


Spiritual Life Spotify





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Our Mission

Delone Catholic High School educates and challenges students spiritually, academically, physically, socially, and aesthetically, within the traditions and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. This challenge will inspire students to encounter Jesus Christ personally and to "Be Doers of the Word."

Delone Catholic High School educa y desafia a los estudiantes espiritualmente, académicamente, físcamente, socialmente y estéticamente dentro de las tradiciones y enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica Romana. Este desafío inspirará a los estudiantes experimentar Jesucristo personalmente y ‘Ser hacedores de la palabra.’ (James 1:22)

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