Week of February 26, 2023
Volume 76, Issue 9
The Beginning of Lent 2023
Join us for worship
8:00 and 10:30

**The 10:30 service will be streamed "live" on Facebook.**

Ash Wednesday February 22 **NEW**

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, a time to step off the treadmill of our busy lives and consider again what is most important. This year Ash Wednesday falls on February 22.

The traditional worship for this day can be especially powerful and calls for the “imposition of ashes.” During this service, you are invited to come forward to receive the imprint of ashes on your forehead, as a sign of your mortality and your dependence on God. In this stark way, we are put in mind of the difference between those things that are passing away and those things that endure, and we recommit ourselves to that which endures.

On Wednesday, February 22, three Ash Wednesday services will be held in the main church: 7:00 am, 12:00 noon, and 5:30 pm.
Come walk The Stations of the Cross during Lent. Our fourteen beautiful stations, “stopping points,” were made by Anne Strand and A. C. Reeves. We walk every Friday in Lent, from 5:30 to 6:00 pm in the nave of the church.
If you can’t come then, please come when you are able. There are booklets on the stand below the pulpit. You can move at your own pace, beginning in front of the altar at the base of the chancel stairs. You then move to the stations beginning near the chapel wall. At each station, there is a Scripture Reading with prayers and a reflection on the image of Christ.

*Pilgrims traveling in Jerusalem during the twelfth and fourteenth centuries wrote about walking to the holy places along Christ’s probable path on his way to Calvary. In 1857, bishops in England were finally able to place the stations in the churches.
Barbara Pritchard
2023 Lenten Lunch Series **NEW**
For the five Wednesdays in March, St. Paul’s will offer our annual Lenten Lunch Series each week at 12:00 noon in Upper Hall. Our theme this year is “Finding Common Ground.” Here are our 2023 guest speakers:
Wednesday, March 1
The Reverend Diane Everette
Senior Pastor, Church Street United Methodist Church
Selma, Alabama
Wednesday, March 8
Breanna Mitchell
Missioner for Racial Healing and Pilgrimage
The Diocese of Alabama, Birmingham

Wednesday, March 15
Sewanee Spring Break Outreach Cohort
Sewanee Office of Civic Engagement
Sewanee, TN
The Reverend John Burruss
Rector, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Birmingham, Alabama
Wednesday, March 29
The Reverend Ed Bacon
Episcopal Priest, Author, Speaker
Birmingham, Alabama
Shrove Tuesday Photos**NEW**
Creative Writing Awards **NEW**
Congratulations to Parker Hewston, Gavin Hewston, and John Beekman Youngblood for winning AISA Creative Writing Award Championships. Parker won first place in grades six to eight; Gavin won first place in grades nine to ten; and John Beekman won second place in grades ten to twelve.
Tornado Relief Needs Assessment

As a vital part of St. Paul’s tornado relief ministry, we are conducting a Needs Assessment of our members. This assessment will help us to identify and focus on services that are currently needed within our church family.

Click here to complete the Tornado Relief Assessment Form. We would appreciate any time you can take to complete it. Your response is greatly valued and will be used by St. Paul’s Vestry and Staff to develop ministries and actions to insure an effective tornado relief response by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.

You may return the form to us by placing it in the offering, bringing it by the church office, emailing it to rector@stpaulselma.org, or mailing it to

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
210 Lauderdale Street
Selma, AL 36701
Thank You
Thank you very much to everyone who so willingly and generously agreed to proved dinner these past two weeks for the tornado relief workers staying at Gamble House and Church Street UMC's old Parsonage. Your meals were most appreciated and enjoyed by these "visiting angels." This thank you includes those of you whose meals we had to cancel. St. Paul's hospitality has been a heart-light during these dark days in Selma.

Terry Jones
Yoga Classes To Begin **NEW**

Hi friends,
As we get closer to meeting for our first classes on Monday, February 27th @ 5:30 pm AND Saturday, March 4th @ 8:00 am, I want to answer a few of your FAQs:
1. What do I need to bring for my first class? 
You don't need anything. For our first classes we'll be using the chair and the walls in the room. I don't recommend buying a lot of yoga props until you're sure you'll keep coming back:-). 
Those who already have a yoga mat, blanket, blocks, or other yoga props you enjoy- please feel free to bring them to class. Please bring a bottle of water and a folded blanket. (I'll have a few extras for anyone that needs)
2. How much does it cost?
Sliding Scale pricing of $25.00 or $45.00/month for unlimited classes. *50% of what you pay will be donated to local and national non-profits that are uplifting Selma and other underserved communities. 
3. Can my spouse/ kids attend with me?  
Yes, the price you pay is per family/ per couple
4. Can I invite other people to join the class? 
Yes, The space can accommodate up to 20 people comfortably. 
Simply forward them this email with the link below to register.
5. Where do I sign up for class? 
Please fill out this short form that includes a standard yoga liability waiver for practice and a few short questions to help me get to know you: https://forms.gle/yXXuTgFqPoEn4kha6
(Don't worry, we won't be doing headstands or other advanced cirque du soleil moves you've recently seen on social media) I am an E-RYT 500hr Certified Yoga teacher, registered with Yoga Alliance, so I have to follow these protocols:-). 
Please try to complete the e-form above prior to class. A copy of your completed form will be emailed back to you. I will have a few printed copies available just before class, for those that prefer a hard copy.
Still have questions? Email, call or text:-)
Warm Thanks and Looking Forward!
Missing Vases

If anyone has borrowed 2 small heavy brass vases from the church (about 10 inches tall), please return them.

Greg Bjelke
Christian Formation **NEW**
Good morning!

Thank you all for participating in last Sunday's spirited discussion of the "He Gets Us" campaign!

In keeping with the theme of division, this Sunday we'll delve into the history of separation within the Christian faith.

Bring an example from ancient or recent history, or your personal experience with division within a church or denomination, and we'll discuss the pros and cons.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Sunday!

Much love,
EYC Update **NEW**
Valuing Fun, Love, Prayer, Community
We have had such wonderful and excited acolytes this year, and each Sunday, they are ready to robe up and serve. Above is a snapshot that was taken on Sunday, of Annah Camille and Hatch playing rock, paper, scissors before the service began.
Thank you to all the parents and acolytes who serve with us.

Acolytes for February 26th:
Madge Minter, Annah Camille Lott, Peyton Houston

EYC includes all youth in the church and community for 7th-12th grade. If you have any youth who would be interested in joining,
please encourage them to join us for any of our regular activities.
Our regular activities include:

Bibles and Biscuits
Thursday mornings 7:00-7:30 am
at Jack's on Dallas Ave.
White Hydrangeas for Easter **NEW**

Deadline March 29
Cost $33.00 including foil and tax
Reference: Four Seasons, Rosalie Bjelke

Media Ministry at St. Paul's
I have had a few questions regarding what the Media Ministry will entail. This ministry has two segments:

Stream Team: A team of people who rotate the setup and streaming of the Sunday 10:30 services. Each streamer charges the equipment, sets up the microphone and cell phone in the nave, and begins and ends the stream for the 10:30 service. Training can be arranged freely, and detailed instructions are included in the box at all times.

Social Media Committee: This is a fun opportunity for parishioners who love to snap pictures with their cameras! This group of people includes any parishioners who attend parish events! They can post new photos and updates on the church's Facebook and Instagram pages to interact and grow in our social media pages, connecting with people near and far!

Are you concerned about navigating your social media, computer or phone?
No Problem! We will have opportunities to learn how to navigate Facebook and Instagram and to help you connect with the church and your friends and family in the future!

This is a growing opportunity to connect with our friends and family. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity, and contact me with any questions you may have.

Peace, Liz Huynh (334)327-5780
February 26, 2023 Service Schedule **NEW**
First Sunday in Lent

Lector: David Tipmore
Intercessor: Grace Hobbs
Acolytes: Madge Minter, Annah Camille Lott, Peyton Houston
Ushers: Urban Friday, Jeff Dennis
8:00: Arthur Duncan
Breakfast Team: Team 1 - Greg Bjelke

Saturday February 25th
11:00 am AA meeting

Sunday February 26th - First Sunday in Lent       
8:00 am Holy Eucharist II
8:30 am Breakfast
9:15 am Christian Formation
10:30 am Holy Eucharist II 
Monday February 27th      
12:00 pm Al-Anon
 6:00 pm AA

Tuesday February 28th      
9:00 am Staff Meeting
 6:00 pm AA

Wednesday March 1st      
7:00 am Holy Eucharist
12:00 pm Lenten Lunch; The Rev. Diane Everette
5:00 pm Choir
6:00 pm Reunion Group

Thursday March 2nd       
7:00 am Bibles and Biscuits

Saturday March 4th       
11:00 am AA
January 2023 Minutes
Click HERE to read Vestry Minutes for January 2023
Ongoing @ St. Paul's
NOTE: Al-Anon group in Selma. If you are interested in attending, the group meets every Monday at 12:00 p.m. at Common Ground (Gamble House), 223 Lauderdale Street.
The Al-Anon Family groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to solve their common problems. Conversations are confidential.

NOTE: AA meets in the Tipton Parlor on Mondays and Wednesdays at
6 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:00 a.m.
Ways to Serve @ St. Paul's
There are Several ways to serve in Selma!

(1) Christian Outreach Alliance Food Pantry
Looking for volunteers to assist with food distribution and bagging. To volunteer contact Nancy Bennett.

(2) WINGS (Walking IN God's Spirit)
WINGS is a social day program for adults with dementia. Volunteers are need to programming. To volunteer call Glennis Porter at (334) 327-0346.

(2) Edmundite Missions
Looking for tutors, coaches, admin support, greeters, active adult teachers. For more information call (334) 872-2359

(3) Homestead Hospice
Looking for volunteers. Homestead Hospice has several ways to give back to the community...companionship, crafts, clerical support, community outreach, are just a few ways volunteers can make a difference.

There is also a Junior Volunteer program for ages 10 and up. Junior volunteers can also receive community service hours.

For more information call the Volunteer Coordinator
Courtney Gallion 334-412-0696
Worship Announcements
First Sunday in Lent
February 26, 2023

The service stream will begin at 10:20 am.
It will also available for viewing on YouTube following the service.

Click here to view the service on Facebook

Click here to view the service on YouTube
Click Videos > Select service video

Daily Office and Lectionary Readings
Click below for Sunday's Readings:
Click below for the Daily Office Readings
Prayer Requests
Please remember in prayer these members of our parish 
for whom intercessions have been requested: Ed Greene, Nancy Bennett, Anne Strand, Carol Sommers, Joe Knight, Anne Knight, Catesby ap C. Jones, Cloris Jones, Tommy Gayle, Cissie Hudson, Sonia Martin, Judy Blanton, for all friends and family serving in the military; for our healthcare workers and personnel especially, Ashley Griffin, Leah Moreland, Ronald Barrette, Betsy Hopkins, Ann Bradford Kennedy, Gray Youngblood, Lee Youngblood.

For Those We Love:
Almighty God, we entrust all who are dear to us to thy never-failing care and love, for this life and the life to come, knowing that thou art doing for them better things than we can desire or pray for; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Tornado Recovery:
In this time of recovery, surround us with the certainty of your loving presence; and remind us that there is hope to be found even in the midst of so much destruction and loss. Renew our strength for service and compassion in the days ahead. May we hear again your call to be the Church; to speak comfort to those who weep, and to be present with those who suffer. We trust that you have given us every gift required to meet the needs of this time. Teach us to walk in the way of Christ, the one whose coming we await; the one who will lead us through even the most difficult days in the spirit hope, peace, joy, and love. We believe in your goodness and love in all things. Send us in your peace as we wait in hope. And may there be joy in the morning. Amen.
Please contact the parish office (334-874-8421 or parish@stpaulselma.org) to add someone to the prayer list.

Birthdays and Anniversaries
February 25 John Beekman Youngblood
February 26 Stephanie Kemmer
March 2 Leah Moreland
March 3 Van Carter

A Birthday Prayer
Watch over your beloved children, O Lord, as their days increase;
bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand; comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and in their hearts may your peace which passes all understanding abide all the days of their lives; 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
(Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer)

Anniversary of a Marriage
Grant, O God, in your compassion that 
having taken each other in marriage, and affirming again in the covenant which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love;
and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord' who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 
(from the Book of Occasional Services)

*Please contact the parish office (334.874.8421 or parish@stpaulselma.org) if you would like to add your birthday or anniversary to the parish list.