Welcome to St. Paul's Epistle
Starting with this edition, you will be receiving a regular email with news of St. Paul's such as progress on the rector search, upcoming events, and new developments. The frequency will depend on the time of year, but initially, until the beginning of May, it will be a weekly. As things slow down for the summer, it will become a monthly until fall, and then again a weekly. We hope you will find it interesting and useful. Please send questions, suggestions and comments to:
Upcoming Events
Noon Today - Lenten Organ Concert
Sunday Guest Organist - Matthew Steynor
The Results are in!
Following this Sunday's 9:30 service, our Holy Cow rector search consultant, Susan Czolgosz (see her bio here ) will share results of the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). The presentation will allow time for parishioner questions and comments. After the service, coffee and beverages will be served outside in the cloister followed by the meeting in the nave.
Canon John Tidy This Sunday
Canon to the Ordinary, the Reverend John Tidy (see his bio here) of the Episcopal Diocese of Southeast Florida will celebrate this Sunday, March 31st at the 7:30 and 9:30 services. Canon Tidy has been a frequent visitor to St. Paul's, and to his thoughtful sermons, he always brings a delightful touch of humor. We will continue to have supply priests each Sunday until May 1st when the new interim rector, Fr. Stephen Carlsen (see his bio here ) arrives.
Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday , April 14
7:30 am Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist: Rite I 
9:30 am Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist: Rite II
with Procession, Choir, Hymns, and Incense 

Maundy Thursday: April 18, 7 pm
Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing followed by 
Garden Vigil in Our Mary Chapel
G ood Friday: April 19, 7:30 am
Good Friday Liturgy with Holy Communion from the
Reserved Sacrament 
Good Friday: April 19, 12 pm – 3 pm
“The Three Hours”  
12 pm: The Good Friday Liturgy
1 pm: The Veneration of the Cross
2 pm: Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament 
Good Friday: April 19, 5 pm
5 pm: Stations of the Cross 
6 pm: The Good Friday Liturgy with  Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament  
Holy Saturday: April 20, 7:30 pm
The Great Vigil of Easter 
The First Service of Easter with the  Lighting of the Paschal Fire,  
Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist 
Easter Day: April 21
7:30 am: Sunrise Service in the Memorial Garden 
9:30 am: Festival Celebration of Easter
Holy Eucharist and Choir followed by Brunch in the Parish Hall 
After the 9:30 am Service: Easter egg hunt in the Memorial Garden.
Centennial Celebration
Save the Date: February 1st, 2020
Planning is underway to celebrate the centennial of our current church, 1920 - 2020. The event will include an opening worship service, historical exhibits, video, entertainment, food, and beverages. Stay tuned for updates as plans take shape. Email questions, suggestions or offers to help to:
Learn more about St. Paul's history here