As you may have heard, the ERS suite of observation tools will be options for most programs when the GSQ Revisions launch in February. Find out more about ITERS-3, ECCERS-3, and FCCERS-3 here.
The Assessment Team will be traveling throughout the state to conduct ERS reliability observations this fall. These practice observations will not affect your current star rating or the quality levels in the new model. This is simply a time to have an assessor come in and practice observing using the appropriate ERS tool in your setting while they gain reliability and experience using the tool. We are in need of home-based providers, as well as, Infant, Toddler, and Preschool classrooms to observe for three hours. Your program will get feedback from the observation which can be used to improve quality.
Email if you are interested. While we cannot guarantee your program is selected for a practice ERS observation, we do our best to observe many different program types and age ranges in various locations in the state and would love to hear from you!
As always, if you have any questions regarding On-Site Observation, reach out to the Assessment Team at