To help programs and organizations offer in-house training through MiRegistry, a FREE 3-part training is available. This training will walk attendees through the steps to add the necessary Training Sponsor Organization (TSO) designation to their MiRegistry Organization Profile. While this training is available for anyone to take, it is geared toward program or organization directors and/or administrators and counts for GSQ.
Part 1: Trainer Application Process (1 hour)
Part of adding the TSO designation for your MiRegistry Organization Profile is having an approved trainer on staff. Part 1 of this training series focuses on the trainer application process. If you OR anyone you know is interested in becoming an approved trainer, this 1-hour training is highly recommended.
Part 2: Become a Training Sponsor Organization (1 hour)
Part 2 of this training series focuses on the steps to add a TSO designation to your MiRegistry Organization Profile. This training is specifically for directors or administrators who manage their program's MiRegistry Organization Profile.
Part 3: Entering Courses and Events (1.5 hours)
After your MiRegistry Organization Profile is designated as a Training Sponsor Organization (TSO), you are all set to submit training to MiRegistry for approval. Part 3 of this training series focuses on how to enter courses and schedule events in MiRegistry.