The Star Gazette
In this Edition:
  • Spring 2022 Child Care Stabilization Grants-Application Now Available
  • Creative Way to Offer Paid-Time-Off
  • Qualifications Verified by MiRegistry – April 1, 2022
  • Maximum Group Size Change
  • Preparing for Transition-Postponed PQA Timeline
Spring 2022 Child Care Stabilization Grant – Application Now Available!
The Michigan Department of Education is pleased to announce that the application for the Spring Child Care Stabilization Grant is now open! The application will close on Thursday, May 26th at 6:00 pm. In order to apply you must submit your fall 2021 Child Care Stabilization Grant Spending Report.

Grants will include up to $1,000 bonuses for each full time staff member and $500 for each part time staff member.

Before you apply, we strongly encourage you to review the FAQ. 

Visit to read more about the grant and review frequently asked questions. We will also be posting a grant calculator so you can estimate your grant award.
A Creative Way to Offer Paid-Time – Off to Staff (Indicator A-AM3D and C-AM5)
The pandemic has created challenges that have required providers to make a lot of changes in the past two years. During a recent validation, one program shared a creative way they are continuing to offer paid-time-off to their staff.
If you are struggling to find ways to provide paid time off for your employees, consider the following idea: 
Offer staff one paid day per year to volunteer in the community. The program shared that this allowed staff to have a day off while also benefiting their community, and set a positive example for the children and families they support. Staff then came back and shared what they did during their day volunteering with the children and turned it into a new learning opportunity. 
Qualifications Verified by MiRegistry – April 1, 2022
As shared previously, many adjustments have been made to the validation process to work with programs to determine their specific circumstances and the best way to move forward during the pandemic. These adjustments include awarding credit for qualifications as long as all staff have an individual account with MiRegistry, have a current individual membership, or are in membership process with MiRegistry, and are connected to the Organization Profile. As a reminder, these scoring accommodations are only in effect until March 31, 2022.

Beginning April 1, 2022, only Qualifications verified through the MiRegistry membership process will count towards the Self-Assessment Survey for Great Start to Quality.

Have questions? Reach out to your local Resource Center at 1.877.614.7328 for additional support and guidance.
Maximum Group Size Change
In February 2022, there was a licensing rule change which outlined a maximum group size for preschoolers ages three and four years old, and school aged children. How does this impact Great Start to Quality?
Indicator R1 states, “Program/Center demonstrates that it has smaller group size and better teacher:child ratio than required by licensing.” To meet the intent of the indicator a program needs to always follow the ratios and groups sizes below.  
Have questions? We are here to help! Reach out to the Validation Team any time at for additional support and guidance.
Preparing for Transition Postponed PQA
Many adjustments have been made to the on-site assessment process to better support programs and maintain safety during observations since the COVID-19 pandemic.

PQA scoring accommodations will end on March 31, 2022. Beginning April 1, all programs will need to meet the rows in the PQA to earn credit. The Assessment Team has noticed a few themes while visiting programs to be aware of, as they will no longer be accommodated when scoring the PQA.

  •  Meals not served family-style
  •  Parents not allowed in the building for drop off/pick up
  •  Dramatic Play “dress-up” clothes not available

Assessors will also no longer complete day before’ health checks calls prior to a PQA. Assessors will now contact programs near the beginning of their scheduled window via email or a phone call, and PQA visits will be unannounced. It will be up to the program to update their assigned assessor if there's been a COVID-19 exposure, diagnosis, program closure, or significant emergency that would prevent the assessor from conducting a PQA during the agreed-upon 4-week scheduling window (block out days will still be honored). 

As always, contact the assessment team with any questions or concerns at: 
Great Start to Quality on Facebook
Great Start to Quality is on Facebook! Like and follow our page to get the latest updates for you and resources to share with your colleagues and families. 
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If you are thinking about how to maintain or continue making quality improvements, or if you’re ready to learn more and need help, contact your local Great Start to Quality Resource Center by calling 1-877-614-7328 or visit
Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.