We have been working hard to proactively plan for the system transition to the new quality improvement process for Great Start to Quality next fall. The good news is we have a lot of time to prepare and we will continue to communicate with you so the transition is as smooth as possible.
We have created a timeline of actions and deadlines for providers should they need to (or choose to) engage in Stars before the shift to Quality Levels. You will notice we do not have a definitive launch date at this time and will likely be able to pin that down closer to March. The goal is to launch in October, we are just not sure of the exact date.
A very important point to note is related to Postponing Assessments. Because programs may postpone assessments for six months, the last day to postpone is January 31, 2022. Beyond that, programs need to be ready to go through the assessment process or opt-out at a 3 Star (4 Star for Alternate Path programs). Because this deadline is fast approaching, we did not want this communication to wait until the new year.