The Star Rigel as Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12, 2022

Please go to this page on my website to read the two articles I have written on Our Lady of Guadalupe/Our Precious Lady of Flowers: Articles

Reading those first you will have context and insight for what follows, below.

The Star Rigel as Our Lady of Guadalupe

All authentic Shamanic Ceremonials are the dramatic enactment of the Mythos

inherent within cosmological phenomena.

Guadalupe is the re-emergent Sacred Celestial Feminine. She is not Mother Mary, who is the Catholic equivalent of the Earth Mother. Guadalupe is the brilliant blue star in the leading foot of the constellation Orion: the star Rigel. On the Day of Guadalupe, December 12, the star Rigel is at zenith (directly overhead) precisely at midnight. Synchronistic alignments such as this bespeak to the Shamanic authenticity of December 12th as being a highly significant day to attest to her manifestation upon this earth. In attendance of Her day, I am offering to speak with her on your behalf.

Hello All!

For twelve days, December 12th through 24th at midnight, I will be holding presence with my altar set up for Our Precious Lady of Flowers. Upon it will be a Guadalupe candle, roses freshly picked, and a live coal upon which I will be burning copal incense. While I am releasing the wonderfully aromatic smoke of the copal, your name will be spoken – if you should so request – asking Coatlaxopeuh (Guadalupe) for her intersession of Mercy and Grace on your behalf.

One final note… 

Our Precious Lady of Flowers/Coatlaxopeuh,/Guadalupe only requires of you the acknowledgment of your personal suffering and/or misery. This is what she, through her Mercy and Grace, will lift you from. It is like she is lifting you from the dark pit from which – no matter how hard you have tried – you have not been able to pull yourself out of. She lifts you out and places you on firm ground so that you can move forward in Life. You may not have earned such a release. You may not even deserve it. None of that matters. It is through the Compassion of her Mercy and Grace that you are lifted out of your misery. Once you are out of the pit, and you move on with your life, it might behoove you to also clear up whatever it is that put you in that pit to start with. Deal with those addictions. Resolve the beliefs that you must live in poverty in order to be spiritual. Forgive yourself. Whatever you have done to create that hole from which you have just been lifted, do what is necessary to fill it with Love.

Remember, as with any authentic change: The more honest you are in acknowledging your Darkness, the more effective will be your capacity to be filled with Light.

While I am not placing a fee upon this work being done on your behalf, I am in greatest appreciation for your contributions that enable me to pay my bills and meet the needs of my life.

Click here to send me an email requesting that I speak on your behalf to Guadalupe/Rigel.

Click here for Contributions.

Thank you!

Jade Grigori

©2022 Jade Grigori

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