Aug. 9,

No. 108

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
In this week's newsletter we focus on the state of Chinese politics, preparing for the challenges ahead, a USCC job opportunity, and our newest podcast episode.

As we head into mid-August we will take our annual newsletter break. See you again in September!
Weekly Readings

As China's leaders retire to Beidaihe for some of the pre-party congress horse-trading and readers hopefully find a quiet beach, Wang Xiangwei, the former South China Morning Post China editor, offers a thoughtful meditation on the state of Chinese politics. The Chinese articles for this week are related to Xi's activities that Wang uses to support his claims. As we say here, go to the sources directly. Last week's readings covered the military aspect of Xi's activities discussed here.

USCC Job Opportunity

The U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commissio n  is currently looking for a new policy analyst to join the Economics and Trade  team. It is a great opportunity for a U.S. citizen to work for U.S. Congress on a wide range of economics and trade issues between the U.S. and China. 

Details can be found here.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

ju1 an1 si1 wei1

Meaning: think of danger in times of peace 

On July 26 and 27 Xi Jinping spoke at a meeting being held in Beijing for key provincial leaders entitled " 学习习近平总书记重要讲话精神,迎接党的十九大". Pretty meta, eh?  He used this chengyu to warn leaders to think about possible changes in the overall situation and to prepare for more challenges ahead.

Original:  习近平指出,谋划和推进党和国家各项工作,必须深入分析和准确判断当前世情国情党情。我们强调重视形势分析,对形势作出科学判断,是为制定方针、描绘蓝图提供依据,也是为了使全党同志特别是各级领导干部增强忧患意识,做到居安思危、知危图安。

Special Focus

The Top 10 Buzzwords used in Chinese newspapers in the Spring and Summer of 2017 were released by Beijing Language & Culture University. The words are separated into eight categories, and while we may be a little biased, our favorite "buzzword" on this list is 周有光 (Zhōu Yǒuguāng, the father of pinyin).

Readers can view the list here.
Video of the Week 

中国人在非洲 (Chinese People in Africa) is a six part docum ent ary series which focuses on various Chinese  nationals and the roles they inhabit on the African continent. 
NEW PODCAST EPISODE: Dr. Chelsea Chia-chen Chou (中文) 

Our new podcast episode on our recent event with Dr. Chelsea Chia-chen Chou on healthcare reform in China is now on iTunes. Readers can listen to the episode and subscribe to our podcast channel here.
The DEFINITIVE China DC Happy Hour 2017

For those of you stuck in DC during the dog days of August, the DEFINITIVE China DC Happy Hour will take place tomorrow,  August 10 from  6 PM to 9 PM ET at the  Eighteenth Street Lounge. AMS is participating in the event as we do every year.  Last year over 420 participants from 24 organizations attended.

Registration is required and can be found  here

Support the American Mandarin Society!

If you appreciate the effort we put into organizing Chinese-language policy events, providing robust language and policy resources on our website, and the kind of content you see in this newsletter, please consider supporting us with a tax-deductible contribution--every bit helps!

The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.