1. What Folks Are Saying...
2. Need a Shuttle? It's as Easy as 1, 2, 3...4!
3. Bow River Drift Boat Rentals
4. Today along the Bow River
5. Chatter, Back-Fence Talk & Other Important News!
6. CONNECT Canadian Premiere
- Tickets Now Available!
7. Bob Scammell: The Battle for No-Man's Land
- Nov 18
8. TUC Bow River Chapter - Fall Splash Nov 24
9. Fly Fishing & Gear
10. Fly Fishing & Online Magazines (New)
11. Fly Fishing & Seminars
12. Fly Fishing & Clubs/Groups
13. Fly Fishing & Fly Tying/Rod Building
14. Environmental/Conservation Concerns
15. Drift Boats For Sale
16. Share
17. Subscribe
"The Stimulator has become an important resource for southern Alberta fly fishers..."
- Jim McLennan, Fly Fish Canada Magazine, Aug 2007
"It has become much easier to keep tabs on the Bow through the...weekly e-mail
reports of Michelle Magotiaux of Bow River Shuttles".
- Bob Scammell, Calgary Herald, Sept 2004
1. What folks are saying...

About our Boat Launch Reports (email & blog):
- "Your Reports are absolutely awesome." - Don B.
- "Thanks for the frequent updates, Michelle. Us foreigners in BC certainly appreciate it. Unfortunately, after viewing the Bow yesterday during a quick trip to Calgary, it's still going to be some time before I'm ready to wet a line there." - Bob H.
- "Thank You both so much for making the time to keep the fishing community posted about what's happening. I shared the last boat launch report with several customers and will do the same with this one."
About Our Shuttle Service:
- "Thanks for safe, efficient shuttling. Have a great Summer." - Paul G.
- "Thanks so much for the extras in shuttling our truck today!! Greatly appreciated (Pieroway crew). The dash in my husband's truck has never been so clean...thanks so much!! :)" - Brenda M. (posted on Facebook)
2. Need a Shuttle? It's as Easy as 1, 2, 3...4!
Do you want to get set up for shuttle service?
Here's all you need to do: 1. Complete our Consent/Waiver form 2. Photo copy your vehicle registration and proof of insurance (pink card) 3. Give us a spare vehicle key 4. Book your shuttle 7-9 pm the evening before your float For a copy of the Consent/Waiver form, please contact michelle@bowrivershuttles.com Advance Booking: We require ALL shuttle bookings to be done the evening before your float. Please call 7:00 - 9:00 pm. In addition, letting us know your put-in and take-out points is very important for us in planning the logistics for the next day. We do recognize that occasionally, fly fishing clients may not want to make their put-in/take-out decision until the morning. We will provide flexibility for that. However, we MUST know the evening before that you are going to need a shuttle. Scan & Email: michelle@bowrivershuttles.com Courier or Personal Delivery: 1279 Lake Sundance Cres S.E. Regular Mail: 1279 Lake Sundance Cres S.E., Calgary, AB. T2J 2S7
Shuttle Rates:
Regular boat launches: $37.00 to $106.00
Private shuttles: from $53.00, $85.00 & $127.00.
3. Bow River Drift Boat Rentals
South Fork Skiff rental
Photo: Bow River Shuttles
The following are included in your fee:
� well outfitted boat, including knee braces and Bo's foot release anchor system.
� life jackets, throw bag, whistle, bailer, sponge, spare paddle and spare anchor net.
� the shuttle of one personal vehicle
We can also provide the following items for complementary use:
� basic first aid kit
� river fishing maps
� large fishing net with rubber net
� coolers (24 can/15 litre size) suitable for day trip
� frozen Ice-Paks
Several options are available, including delivery to, and pick-up from, the river.
From only $86 per person* for a day on the river.
* based on triple occupancy
Bow River Drift Boat Rentals
Recommended reading
"Float-Fishing Strategies: Tactics and Techniques for Drift Boats, Rafts, and Pontoon Boats" (2011) by Neil Streeks
Available at your favourite Calgary fly shop
5. Chatter, Back-Fence Talk & Other Important News!

Check in with my Bow River Shuttles Blog every morning for up to date news on the Bow River, fly fishing on the Bow River, the local fly fishing community and fly fishing generally.
You'll also find news on environmental & conservation concerns, especially those related to water issues.
We post daily.
56 posts during October
Here are some recent posts.
6. CONNECT Canadian Premiere - Tickets Now Available!

Michelle Magotiaux of Bow River Shuttles is pleased to present the Canadian Premiere of CONNECT from Confluence Films! This event will benefit Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Canada. From Chris Patterson and Jim Klug - the filmmakers who created the highly acclaimed movies DRIFT and RISE - comes CONNECT, the most ambitious, large-scale fly fishing film ever made. Continuing in the tradition of the multi-segment, multi-story format that Confluence Films has become known for, CONNECT introduces a number of new locations, exotic species, and compelling characters that epitomize and exemplify the sport of fly fishing. Shot on location in Japan, Yellowstone National Park, the Yukon Drainage of Alaska, the flats of Cuba, the coast of Maine, and in the wilds of Tanzania, Africa, this feature-length movie will once again transport viewers around the world in search of new waters and exhilarating travel experiences. CONNECT features well-known anglers Greg Vincent, Jeff Currier, Jimmy Bartschi, Craig Mathews, Masa Katsumata, Brian Porter, and Captain Eric Wallace, and more than a dozen different fish species, both freshwater and saltwater. As with DRIFT and RISE before, the cinematography, sound, and feel of CONNECT come together in a visual masterpiece that promises to re-set the bar for fly fishing films. Date: Friday January 13, 2012 Showtime: 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6:00 pm) Location: Cardel Theatre 180 Quarry Park Blvd SE, Calgary, Alberta Tickets: $10 in advance, $15 at the door. TICKET INFORMATION HERE Purchase tickets online here
Purchase tickets at the following locations: Fish Tales Fly Shop, Country Pleasures Fly Fishing, West Winds Fly Shop, Southbow Fly & Tackle, Bow River Troutfitters, The Fishin' Hole and Calgary Women Fly Fishers Club. Give CONNECT for Christmas!  Great stocking stuffer!
"100% over-the-top kick-a**." - Michael Gracie, Midcurrent and www.michaelgracie.com
"Confluence Films has done it again! With winter just around the corner, this will have you longing for next season ... dreaming of that trip of a lifetime." - Kevin McKay, Maine Fly Fish
"I think I've watched Connect 6 times already .... Love it!" - Jason Duong, Bloodknot Magazine
"I thought the film was amazing ... breathtaking ... fantastic. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time." - FlyFishilicious.com
| Confluence Films |
7. Bob Scammell: The Battle for No-Man's Land - Nov 18
Alberta Wilderness Association
The 2011 Martha Kostuch
Annual Wilderness and Wildlife Lecture and the Annual Wilderness Defenders Awards
Bob Scammell: The Battle for No-Man's Land
Bob Scammell is known for his 45 years of writing a weekly outdoors column carried at one time or another by most of Alberta's main newspapers, and continuously by the Red Deer Advocate since 1966. On November 18, Bob takes us on a heartfelt journey through Alberta's public lands, and proposes a plan of action for responsible management of those lands going forward.
Two Alberta Wilderness Defenders awards and one Great Gray Owl award will be presented at this evening of celebration. The 2011 Wilderness Defenders Award recipients are Steve Herrero and Bob Scammell.
Friday November 18, 2011 Reception at 6:00 pm Lecture and Awards at 7:00 pm 455 - 12th St. NW Calgary, Alberta Members $30, Non-members $45
8. TUC Bow River Chapter - Fall Splash Nov 24
YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US for our 20th Annual Bow River Chapter Fall Splash to celebrate the Bow River and the volunteers that work to protect its world class fishery. This event is your chance to support conservation efforts along the Bow while bidding on unique art, fantastic trips, and top line sporting equipment in the company of friends.
This exceptional evening also includes:
* Live auction
* Silent auction
* Door prizes & awards
* Bucket raffle
Price: $100 per ticket.
Date: November 24, 2011.
Location: Coast Plaza Hotel, 1316 - 33 St. NE, Calgary AB.
Time: 5:00 pm
Purchase your tickets here
9. Fly Fishing & Gear
Angling Trade has partnered with MidCurrent to create a comprehensive online Gear Guide featuring reviews, videos, and photographs of fly fishing products available for 2012.
It is one of the most comprehensive consumer media resources focused on fly-related products, involving over 160 new products and 140 different brands.
It also promises to be one of the most widely-read, having generated more than 180,000 ad impressions on the day it was launched (October 12) alone.
10. Fly Fishing & Online Magazines (New)
We've introduced our readers to a number of e-zines over the past couple of years, including Catch, This is Fly, Flymage, Ten & Two, Pool 32, Bloodknot and others.
We try to make a point of posting subsequent issues to our Bow River Shuttles Blog.
Since the last issue of 'The Stimulator', we've come across a few more. Some are brand new while others are just 'new to us'.
Premiere Issue
Southern Culture on the Fly
A number of years ago, we spent a few days in Atlanta, Georgia, and sampled the great food and hospitality that area had to offer. I still remember grits with breakfast. :-)
While we were there, we made a trip north to float the Nantahala River, enjoying wonderful views of the Great Smoky Mountains as we drove.
Now, there is a brand new e-mag that will give us a detailed look at fly fishing in that entire area - Southern Culture on the Fly!
The first issue packs a whole lot into 150 pages - something for everyone!
A Tight Loop - Issue #2 Sep 2011
A magazine about fly-fishing the Midwest. We cover fisheries from the Dakotas to Pennsylvania and from Minnesota to Arkansas.
Our waters hold a diversity of fish and we will show you methods and patterns to help you catch everything from perch to pike and oh yeah, trout.
Scale - Fly & Spin Fishing Magazine
Issue #2 Sept 2011 Timely reports on international fishing destinations, garnished with the latest photos by the best photographers, reviews of the latest tackle, clear and concise coverage of the hottest topics and everything to do with the spin and fly fishing experience. Issue #1 June 2011 |

The Patagonia Journal
The Fall 2011 issue of Patagonia Journal features hunting adventures, fly fishing with mouse patterns in Chile, and an Artist Profile on world renowned fly fishing artist, A.D. Maddox.
Kayak Angler
We're beginning to notice a few Bow River fly fishers trying out sit-upon kayaks that are specially rigged for fishing.
The Summer/Fall 2011 edition is 'The Skills Issue': 44 ways to paddle, fish and live like a pro, along with keys to unlocking big sea trout and snook on the flats.
For 'Gear of the Year', check out the Early Summer 2011 issue.
Angling Trade
The August 2011 edition is dubbed The 2011 Show issue.
11. Fly Fishing & Seminars

Sunday Afternoon 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Nov 13: Join Sean for this session focused on tying some of his go-to patterns for the Bow. Most of Sean's fishing is done during the cold season (when he's not doing field work in archeology.) He'll tie a few favorites and discuss tactics during this session.
More information here
12. Fly Fishing & Clubs/Groups
 The Calgary Hook & Hackle Club is dedicated to the enjoyment of all aspects of flyfishing with special emphasis on fly tying. Club activities and meeting are designed to encourage people to share their knowledge, stories, and experiences with others. The Club also encourages Catch & Release, good sport fishing ethics, stream etiquette, and the preservation of the fishery for future generations. 
Photo: Bow River Shuttles Nov 09: Regular Meeting Nov 23: Regular Meeting Dec Sunday 11: Christmas Party |
(b) Northern Lights Fly Tyers Club/Trout Unlimited Edmonton
 The Northern Lights Fly Tyers Club is a group of dedicated and concerned anglers who meet regularly throughout the year to converse about all things fly fishing. Our regular weekly meetings & and Tying sessions are held each Wednesday @ 7:00 p.m. at the The Queen Mary Park Community League at 10844 117th Street. Regular Meetings: Nov 02: Bob Guidos - Swan Lake Boatman and Zug Bug Nov 09: Gord Boutette - West Coast Salmon Fly Nov 16: Peter Little - Stillwater Adaptations Nov 23: Jim O'Neill & Jessica Reilly - Results of the Pembina Grayling Survey Nov 30: Emmerson Dober - A demo of Subsurface Flies Special Events: Nov 19 (Sat): Kids Tying outreach event at Cabellas January Seminar Jan 21 & 22:Jack Dennis and Phil Rowley Broken Threads is the official newsletter of the Northern Lights Fly Tyers, Trout Unlimited Edmonton. News, events club articles, fly patterns - contact numbers - everything you need to get involved! |
(c) Chinook Waters Fly Fishing Club (Lethbridge)
 This Organization is a non profit membership organization established to promote the pleasure, fellowship and sportsmanship of fly fishing and its related activities.
Beers & Flies will be every Tuesday that nothing else is scheduled Dec 03: Fly Tying Materials Dying Day Dec 06: Fly Tying Instruction Day 1
Chinook Waters Fly Fishing Club Chinook Waters Fly Fishing Club on Facebook |
(d) Central Alberta Fly Tying Club (Red Deer)

The fly fishing season is winding down and it's time to get the Central Alberta Fly Tying Club organized for another year.
The plan is to get rolling on Monday November 28th at 7 pm. We will be again back to West Park Middle School (right across from Red Deer College) in the library!
The plan is to have tying sessions every Monday until the end of March with an added all day fly tying session on Saturday January 7th with Phil Rowley.
At this moment, the Theme is FUN with Foam. With the cost of hackle and its poor availability, it's time we examined alternative ways to tie flies that work.
Nov 28: Bob Vanderwater
Dec 05: Dr. Bill Young
Dec 12: Les Kolibaba
Dec 19: TBA
Jan 07: Phil Rowley all day workshop
Central Alberta Fly Tying Club
Each Monday evening in Red Deer at West Park Middle School, the Central Alberta Fly Tying Club meets during winter months. Weekly tying sessions begin at 7pm. Call Bob Vanderwater 403.347.3802 or email
(e) Cypress Fly Fishing Club (Medicine Hat)
Second & Fourth Tuesday monthly over winter. Starts at 7:00 pm, Masterpiece Retirement Center. #4 River Ridge Dr. Randy Seitz rseitz79@shaw.ca
13. Fly Fishing & Fly Tying/Rod Building

Rod Building - Level I During the five evening sessions of this course students are taken step by step through the rod building process. By the end of the course you should be able to fish your new personally finished fly rod. Streamer Fly Tying Join Kurtis for this three night session focused on tying techniques for streamer patterns. He'll take you through a half dozen patterns with variations on some favorites like the Clouser Minnow and Bow River Bugger. Other patterns will include Galloup's Sex Dungeon and Zoo Cougar. Dry flies for mountain streams New Course Offering - Tying dry flies for mountain streams - Join Jeff Harrop for this 3 night session focusing on surface patterns like wulff's, extended bodies, blue quills, and lime trudes. Fly Tying - Level I During this five week course students will learn techniques for dubbing, ribbing, hackling dry flies, and more. Some of the flies learned are the San Juan Worm, Beadhead Prince Nymph, Elk Hair Caddis, and Stimulator. Fly Tying - Level II Students will learn the skills necessary for parachute posts, spinning deer hair, hair wings, dubbing ropes, dealing with peacock, and using CDC.
More information on Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 classes here...
Fish Tales Fly Shop |

Fly Tying Schools
During the School students will learn to tie nymphs, streamers and dry flies, including local favourites and new patterns such as the San Juan Worm, Bead Head Nymphs, C.D.C Caddis, Stimulators, and Clouser Minnows. All flies are chosen for their effectiveness in local waters as well as the techniques required for their tying. Join us for your introduction to this fascinating hobby.
More information here...
Country Pleasures Fly Shop |

Overwhelmed with where to start , or having difficulty learning the art of fly tying? Our beginner fly tying course will get you started in the right direction and get you tying and creating flies as smoothly as possible! The schools cover the breakdown of a hook, all the different parts of a fly, all your basic tying techniques needed, the wide variety of tools needed, and just as important, the materials needed.
The flies we choose to tie during the school covers two important features; 1) they must be effective and, 2) cover at least one or more fly tying techniques. We will start with the most basic techniques and flies, and move forward from there making the process as smooth as possible..
More information here
Bow River Troutfitters |

Beginner - Introduction to Fly Tying
During a three week course students will learn techniques for tying flies such as a woolly worm, woolly bugger, hairs ear nymph and more.
Intermediate Fly Tying
During a three week course students will learn techniques such as how to spin deer hair, tie with rubber legs, foam and synthetics and much more. Patterns learned include the Bow River Bugger, hopper patterns, stimulator patterns, caddis patterns and various dry flies.
14. Environmental/Conservation Concerns

The Water Log - Nov 08, 2011 1. Values and Voices from Alberta's Southern Foothills 2. New premier raises questions about the future of water 3. Provincial Government Still Failing Alberta's Rivers 4. Managing Dams and Rivers for Ecosystem Health 5. Water Matters 2010 Annual Report Available
Want to sell your boat?
Send us the details including a separate photo, and we will provide a complementary listing in our next Update.
16. Share
Share this Bow River Shuttles newsletter "The Stimulator" with your fly fishing friends. Click on "Forward email" at the bottom of this newsletter
17. Subscribe
To receive your own copy of "The Stimulator", simply send a request to michelle@bowrivershuttles.com.
Or you can click on "Join our mailing list" in the right hand column of this newsletter.
The subscription is complementary, and is available to any interested person.
Our Mission Statement |  |
To move vehicles in a safe, courteous, efficient manner, while exceeding customer's expectations with outstanding service.
To give back to the community by supporting: Opportunity Works, Trout Unlimited Canada Fish Rescue Program, Ducks Unlimited Canada Wetlands for Tomorrow and Casting For Life. |

Back Cast Fly Fishing Film Festival on Facebook |
Bow River Shuttles Blog
