December 1, 2020
Upcoming Wellness Opportunities & Events
- It's Time for Stressbusters!
- January Body Positive Brandeis Groups
- Ongoing Events from the Center for Spiritual Life
Featured this Month
- The COVID-19 Incubation Timeline
- Creating a Daily Wellness Routine
- COVID-19, the Cold, and the Flu
- Keep in Touch with HAWP and BTW During Break
Additional Resources
- World AIDS Day
- The 10-Minute Mind®
- Giving DEISday
It's time for Stressbusters!
This fall, the Wellness Programmers have created a website with a curated collection of stress-relieving videos, apps, meditations, playlists, websites, and other supportive resources. Think of this site as a digital care package that you can visit whenever you need a study break or some stress relief.
Content includes soothing videos, guided meditations, quick workouts, playlists, podcasts, and so much more! Here are just two examples:
Oddly Satisfying Cookie Decoration
Can't Stop the Feeling Dance Workout
January Body Positive Brandeis Groups
Body Positive Brandeis is offering January groups. In these groups, we will unlearn harmful messages about our bodies, explore practices for intuitive self-care, cultivate self-love, expand our understanding of beauty, and build community. January groups will meet twice per week for a total of eight 90-minute sessions. Undergraduates and graduate students are welcome.
Ongoing Events from the Center for Spiritual Life
Information about special winter break programs and opportunities will be announced via the Center for Spiritual Life's newsletter and calendar.
The COVID-19 Incubation Timeline
Rates of COVID-19 are surging in the United States. During this high risk period, it is important to understand the infection's incubation timeline. Here's what you need to know:
- COVID-19 has an incubation period of up to 14 days.
- You can be contagious before you begin showing symptoms.
- You can test negative despite being infected because tests may not detect the virus early in the incubation period.
- Even with a negative test result, it is still important to physically distance and wear masks.
See this sample incubation timeline:
Check out the following articles to learn more about the COVID-19 incubation period:
Creating a Daily Wellness Routine
Transitioning to living off-campus or away from Waltham can be tough for many students. It is difficult to be separated from friends, and it can be hard to adjust to a new routine during finals season. Creating a regular wellness routine for yourself can help ease the transition. If you are looking for a place to start, try stretching for 10 minutes every morning! What little things can you do every day to support your wellness?
COVID-19, the Cold, and the Flu
As the weather starts to get colder in some places you may experience cold-like symptoms, which are characteristic of the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19. It is important to reduce your risk of contracting any of these illnesses. In order to prevent COVID-19, the cold, and the flu this winter, make sure to wash your hands, wear masks, and stay home when you are sick!
Keep in Touch with HAWP and BTW During Break
Many students have left campus for the semester, but we still want to connect with you!
We will continue posting helpful wellness information, tips, and strategies, as well as information about campus resources and programs.
Follow @BrandeisWellness!
Brandeis Health Center
All appointments must be scheduled by calling
After hours consultation:
Intersession Hours:
Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Health Center will be closed Dec. 24, 2020, to Jan. 3, 2021.
Brandeis Counseling Center
All appointments must be conducted virtually.
Please call during regular business hours for routine matters, and after 5 p.m. for urgent concerns.
To reach the BCC call
The BCC will be closed Dec. 24, 2020, to Jan. 3, 2021.
Health & Wellness Promotion
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