Issue Date: Sept. 25, 2022

Brought to you by Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer through the Center For Nutrition & Wellness, a division of the Upper Perk Chiropractic Center


News and information for people who want to restore and maintain their health and wellness.

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In This Issue

Featured Article

The Sun and Dementia


Cleanse Testimonials

Event Info.

Stay tuned


A common enemy

Office Hours

Nutritional Wellness


9:00 am - 12:00 pm &

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:

9:00 am-12:00 pm &

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


Closed Friday to Sunday



We're settling in to a new season, ready to turn off the air conditioning and open the windows to let in the crisp, fall winds. It was a hot summer, whether you were playing oceanside in the sun or hiding in the mountain shade. Now as the temperatures cool, we will welcome the warming sun, and the fall festivities will begin, without the need to take precautions from the heat. What a relief?

As I wrote last week, too much sun can cause more than overheating. Too many UV rays can cause cellular problems in the skin, the worse of which is melanoma. Yet, problems can also occur when we get too little sun. I give you just one example in this week's feature, The Sun and Dementia.

Fall is also a time when our diets shift to heartier foods. Be mindful of how this makes you feel. For instance, a poor diet could be the cause of a headache. Sugar and other inflammatory substances can trigger joint pain. Meanwhile, the healthy vegetables that make up the fall harvest can give you a jolt of energy or can calm nagging anxiety. Beginning Oct. 2, these are things my students of the Fall Cleanse will be learning to recognize as they detoxify their systems and retrain their eating habits. If you believe you should be feeling better than you do, if you want to enjoy every season like it was your favorite, plan to join the class in Spring 2023.

Until then, eat the pumpkins and reject the pumpkin-flavored lattes, pancakes, cookies, and other nonsense foods that rob you of your quality of life. Then smile as you put your face to the sun and give thanks for a new season.

We’re here for you,

Dr. Pfeiffer


The Sun and Dementia

by Dr. Pfeiffer

In my last article, I cautioned readers about the potential for sun exposure to cause melanoma. In it, I also emphasized the importance of sun exposure due to the generation of vitamin D. There are so many negative health effects that can result from a deficiency of vitamin D, and today I will elaborate on another: vitamin D deficiency and dementia.

Click Here to Read More


Getting Results

Next week, Doctor Pfeiffer will be guiding students who registered for the Fall Full System Detoxification Cleanse Program through the first steps of the 21-day program. There are many reasons why we continue to offer this program twice each year. Below are just three, presented with the words from past Cleansers.

While registration is closed for 2022, we will be announcing the dates for Spring 2023 in the near future. Stay tuned!

“During the final week of Dr. Pfeiffer’s Cleanse Program, I feel good. My energy has increased, and I am sleeping better. The waves and curls in my hair have come back since beginning the Cleanse. I lost 9 lbs. and my sleep is more restful. If you are considering the Cleanse, it is the best way to begin new habits. I believe one should do this every couple of weeks. I have done the Cleanse previously, but this time I learned more about nutrition.”

-Laurel A.

“During the final week of Dr. Pfeiffer’s Cleanse Program, I have more energy, I am sleeping better, and I no longer have bloating. I am feeling better, I have more energy and I am losing weight. If you are considering the Cleanse Program, it is a tough 3 weeks, but hang in there because you will love seeing and feeling the results!”

-Maryan S. 

“The final week of Dr. Pfeiffer’s Cleanse Program has me feeling great. I am sleeping better and have more energy. I can move better with less joint pain, especially in the hips. If you want to get your health back on track, Dr. Pfeiffer’s Cleanse Program is a good place to start. Thank you for caring about people’s health!”

-Kelly B. 


There are no new events scheduled at this time

The Fall 2022 Cleanse will soon be in session

and registration is closed.

Missed the cleanse? Stay tuned to our website or future newsletter issues for upcoming information about our Spring 2023 Cleanse.


Workshops and Seminars Location

1543 Layfield Rd., Pennsburg, PA

For questions, registration, etc., contact:



“A friend is a gift you give yourself.”


-Robert Louis Stevenson


Dr. Pfeiffer never stops

learning. He continues

to study and research the

latest wellness information.

For example, he is currently enrolled in the

Nutrigenomics Certification


Nutrigenomics is the study of how foods affect our genes, and how genetic differences affect the way we respond to food.

Dates: Ongoing



Our entire practice is referral based, and we'd like to say Thank You for your referrals!

C. Stout

T Marks

A. Halteman

M. Jacobs

J. Gunchenko

C. Stout

M. Chmielewski

M. Andrews

E. & D. Tielemans

T. Fleming

N. Thompson

L. Mathews

B. Yemm

T. Marks

P. Stevenson

T. McCarthy

R. Heydt

A. Readinger


The informative book, Dr. Pfeiffer’s Guide to a Longer Healthier Life, is available through Amazon or for purchase at the office.

Get a copy for yourself or give one to someone you love.

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Copyright 2022, Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center. All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other intellectual property laws and may not be reproduced, rewritten, distributed, re-disseminated, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, directly or indirectly, in any medium without the prior written permission of Upper Perkiomen Chiropractic Center.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult with your health care professional before changing any medications or undertaking intense physical activity.

This email has been sent on behalf of your practitioner, Dr. Douglas G Pfeiffer DC | Center for Nutrition and Wellness | 215-679-WELL (9355)