The Supreme Alpha Goddess's Full Emergence ~ England, Scotland, & Denmark Earth Guardian Project

 Personal, Collective & Planetary Stargate & Crystal Gate Activations 
5 ~ 11 June 2018
We are gearing up to recieve the energy of the Sacred, Divine & Supreme Alpha Goddess/Priestess/Shaman/Mother in her full capacity as from June 2017, afterwhich we welcome the Authentic Awakening Codes of the Sacred, Divine & Supreme Alpha God/Priest/Shaman/Father, signalling the full emergence of this powerful masuline energy so that ALL the awakening men of our world can rise fully and heal and restore the Sacred Family Blueprint on Earth. This is preparing us for another powerful Spiritual and Cosmic event happening in Peru in 2018 when the Divine Masculine & Feminine merge to become ONE pulsating Divine Love Code and Signature leading to full Unity Consciousness birthing from within the new Planetary Grids we are receiving and anchoring. 

I will be channelling members of my Light Team, mainly Kuthumi-Agrippa and Goddess Akasha, and decoding the energy coming through my husband, Sean Manders, who will be uploading codes from the various planetary surface connection points connected to the Inner Earth world, Agartha. In other words, the Scared Sites are the trigger points being activated allowing for the unlocking of the 99 Star Code Tablets of Moses to begin, connected to the Inner Earth World, Mother Earth herself, and other planetary and star systems. 
At each of these sites I will receive  pieces of the blueprint, eventually revealing the map of the surface planetary central nervous system and chakra blueprint leading to the integration of the Inner Earth Awakening Codes once all the Scared Sites have been reconnected with. At the same time our group will be receiving the downloads required for the first segment of this 18 month Light Project's energy blueprint, and it's codes and signatures as we travel through the sites described in this intinerary. This includes a private access gathering at dawn inside Stonehenge Circle, England on the Sagittarrius Full Moon on the 9th of June 2017. 

If you feel the call to be a part of this unforgettable cosmic and Spiritual event, and Earth Guardian project,  then please read further. 

I am still in the process of receiving all the information woven into each site visit and will have it available in January 2017. As I channel the information  I also make the necessary connections at the relevant Sacred Sites as guided and instructed by Spirit and my Light Team. My husband and I and a third person will be uploading & downloading more codes and information on the New Moon at the end of December at Adams Calendar in Kaapsehoop, South Africa. This is the oldest site on our planet and the same site at which I originally received the 99 Star Code Tablets of Moses in 1999, from Moses. Now that I have come full circle with this energy, 17 years later, and because I have merged with my Divine Counterpart who has completed his 7 years of initaitions with the Masters of Living Light, I am able to easily manage the flow of this fresh energy we and Mother Earth are ready to receive and integrate. Sean now serves as the masculine anchor channeling Kuthumi-Agrippa and other members of his Light Team.

As a result of "The Reset" which happened on  13/8/2016, Mother Earth is willing and able to receive and integrate these energies now, as are we. If you are unfamiliar with what took place on the 13th of August 2016, please click here and scroll down until you see the Emerald Gate channelling and the Middle East Phase 4 with Romania, Part 12 channelling both in Mp3 format. These are free of charge to listen to. 

This journey promises to be different to ANY of my previous trips as a result of the energy we are now able to tap into since "The Reset" on 13/8/2016, and the level at which Spirit is working through us. Thus we will be doing massive amounts of personal energy and planetary grid work, Star Code & DNA activations, and much more as directed by Spirit, my Higher Self and yours. We will also build crystal and star grids across the globe through these Divine Mission Adventures as directed by Goddess Gaia, Mother/Father Nature, Spirit and the Guardian Beings of the Sacred Sites we visit. I have set the intention that all who are destined to travel with us be blessed with the resources to join us! May your heart remain open to receive your destiny call and all the prosperous means to make it possible if this is to be so.  

England & Scotland Private Tour 
(Divine Mission Adventure)
June 5-15, 2017 
with an extension to Denmark led by Michelle & Sean Manders, accompanied by Glenn Broughton, Sacred Site & Earth Mystery Specialist.

Michelle Manders with Palace of Peace present our first Divine Mission Adventure functioning under the new energy grids brought to us by Asended Master and Chohan of the Golden and Emerald Rays of Love and Wisdom, Kuthumi-Agrippa assisted by a new Crystal Energy Being named Goddess Akasha & all the Alpha & Omega Goddesses of the Supreme Living Light. 

Pl ease  click here  to find out more about who I am,  and here  to find out more about what I offer, and  click here
 to find out more about our Earth Guardian Clan and Planetary Grid Project currently underway.  

The fully detailed project Purpose for this trip will become available in early January 2017. Here is what we have for now. 
Day 1 - June 5th:
Pick up at London Heathrow Airport at 11 am.  Drive through to Tintagel (4 hrs) for a one night stay. On the way visit the Lady of the Lake at Dozmary Pool for her gift to empower everyone for the journey ahead and conduct our opening channelling.  Welcome dinner at the hotel included
Day 2 - June 6th: 
Visits to Great Halls of King Arthur, Tintagel Castle and Merlin's Cave. Channellings will be conducted on site where privacy and weather permits it. Today we are joined by fleets of powerful energy and Beings as we officially honour and anchor the grounding of the fully upgraded 99 Star Code Tablets of Moses, originally given to me by Kuthumi/Moses in 1999 and the upgraded codes received at Adams Calendar on the New Moon in Scoprio in December 2016. These Star Code Tablets contain 99 Keys which unlock 99 timelocks on and within Mother Earth, as well as within individual and collective consciousness. The new energy Grids of the upgraded Tablets begins with the Divine Child Template making up the first 33 Star Code Tablets. This energy is also very closely linked to the journey of King Arthur, Lady Guineveirre, Lord Merlin, Lancelot, the Golden Oracle Masters and many others. 

All sites in Tintagel are dominated by everything Arthurian and you'll have the opportunity to re-live the stories of the Arthurian legend. Under the guidance of Glenn our guide, we travel back in time and discover how these archetypes can help us in our world today. Glenn's perspective will enhance the expanded dimension of what the upgraded Tablets are truly unlocking within you, us as humans collectively, and Mother Earth and all her kingdoms of life. 

We'll learn the stories of the Arthurian legend and about the lives of the fabled Knights of the Round Table as we visit King Arthur's Great Halls, constructed entirely of crystal-studded granite using sacred geometry in its layout. Then we cross the footbridge that is now the only means of access to Tintagel Castle, the fabled birthplace of Arthur, which sits in splendid isolation on its rocky promontory. Descending the castle cliffs to the beach below, we'll enter Merlin's Cave accessible only for a short time at low tide each day. (Order of the day may change according to the tide schedule.) Crystal grids will be laid where the Guardian of each Sacred Site grants us permission, so please bring a bag of small stones and crystals to use toward building our grids as we travel. Late afternoon drive to Devizes (3 hrs) for a 4 nights stay.  Free-choice dinner not included.

Please note more information will be added to this itinerary as soon as I have chanelled more of the information for this Project and it's activations. 
Day 3 - June 7th:
Today we invite day-trippers to join us for the day if you like. The energy exchange to spend the day with us utilizing your own transport is GBP90 and includes all entrance fees where applicable, channellings and energy work with Sean and Michelle at Avebury, Silbury Hill and West Kennet Long Burrow, as well as the guidance of Glenn Broughton with his wealth of Sacred Site and Earth Mystery knowledge ( Please click here to register . Please note bookings are on a first come first serve basis and will close once we reach full capacity. If you are planning to travel with us for the full 11-days DO NOT register here. You will be automatically registered for all these events and a travelling Earth Guardian. )

Visit Avebury, Silbury Hill, West Kennet Long Burrow and any crop circles that may be in the area.

At Avebury, within the largest stone circle in the world, we find the remains of two smaller stone circles, one solar and one lunar. This place has a remarkable story to tell! Here I will conduct the first powerful Activation of Unity and anchoring of the Sacred and Divine 10th dimension Magdalene Roses of Transcendence and Asccension in preparation for the gathering in the centre of Stonhenge at dawn on the the Full Moon morning on the 9th of June 2017. Here we meet up with the energies of the St Michael leyline that we will also encounter in Glastonbury as they course across England. All the sacred sites in this area centre on Avebury including Stonehenge some twenty miles distant. Close by is the largest manmade mound in Europe, the remarkable five thousand year old Silbury Hill and its hidden 'treasure'. Finally we visit West Kennet Long Barrow, a five and a half thousand year old underground chamber that was used both as a tomb and a place of initiation.  Free-choice dinner not included.

Please note more information will be added to this itinerary as soon as I have chanelled more of the information for this Project and it's activations. 
Day 4 - June 8th: 
Full day in Glastonbury (approx. 1 ½ hr driving time) Glastonbury Abbey, the Tor, Chalice Well.

This day we invite day-trippers to join us for the day if you like. The energy exchange to spend the day with us utilizing your own transport is GBP90 and includes entrance fees where applicable, channellings and energy work with Michelle and Sean at the sites mentioned above, as well as the guidance of Glenn Broughton with his wealth of Sacred Site and Earth Mystery knowledge.  ( Please click here to register . Please note bookings are on a first come first serve basis and will close once we reach full capacity. If you are planning to travel with us for the full 11-days DO NOT register here. You will be automatically registered for all these events and a travelling Earth Guardian.)
We will visit Glastonbury Abbey, once the largest and most powerful abbey in all of Britain and the reputed resting place of King Arthur and Guinevere. Here we meet the Michael and Mary Earth Energy currents that run along the St Michael leyline that we met in Avebury. After the channelling and activations, where we encounter the next powerful Activation of Unity and anchoring of the Sacred and Divine 10th dimension Magdalene Roses of Transcendence and Asccension and preparation for the gathering in the centre of Stonhenge tomorrow, w e have a long lunch break to allow time to explore the myriad of alternative shops such as 'Man, Myth & Magik', 'The Speaking Tree' or 'The Goddess & the Green Man'. I have personally been to Glastonbury twice already and the shopping is guaranteed to blow your budget! The shops are stunning. You have been warned! Lol!

Rising dramatically from the flat land of the surrounding Somerset Levels, the Tor has been a beacon of spirituality since pagan times and still acts as a magnet for people of all beliefs. You will hear the stories and the legends as well as experience the powerful energy and atmosphere of this sacred site. The views from the top are spectacular!  At its foot lies Chalice Well, a true healing place in this land, and you are encouraged to drink from the holy well where, a local story tells, the Holy Grail is hidden.  Dinner at the hotel included. 
Please note more information will be added to this itinerary as soon as I have chanelled more of the information for this Project and it's activations. 

Day 5 - June 9th: 
Stonehenge with private access, then Winchester.

This day we invite day-trippers to join us for the day if you like. However, because only 30 people are permitted private access into Stonhenge at a time, we only have access for 6 day-trippers wishing to join us. We have set aside 22 places for people choosing to travel with us for the duration of this 11 -day journey. A waiting list will be drawn up in case we have extra places become available. The energy exchange to spend the day with us utilizing your own transport and including entrance to Stonehenge is GBP132 and includes channellings and energy work with Michelle and Sean, as well as the guidance of Glenn Broughton with his wealth of Sacred Site and Earth Mystery knowledge.  ( Please click here to register . Please note bookings are on a first come first serve basis and will close once we reach full capacity. If you are planning to travel with us for the full 11-days DO NOT register here. You will be automatically registered for all these events and a travelling Earth Guardian.)

If you're joining us for the day, please ensure you meet us at Stonehenge at the exact time allocated. Late comers will not be refunded as Stonhenge will not refund either. Logistics regarding this will be mailed to all registrants. 

Early morning visit to Stonehenge before it opens to the general public for the day. We have arranged for our group to have private special access inside the stones of the world's most famous sacred site, where I will conduct today's Full Moon in Sagittarius Planetary Grids Activations, uploads and downloading of energy codes. Standing inside the huge megaliths which have stood in magnificent isolation on the windswept Salisbury Plain for thousands of years, you can feel the pulse of powerful earth energy currents coursing beneath your feet, imagine the ceremonies which have been performed by robed priests over aeons as we lose ourselves to powerful presence of Spirit joining us on the inner planes of Supreme Living Light. This is a rare opportunity to truly experience a site revered by countless generations.

After breakfast we travel to the nearby ancient city of Winchester. This city, dating back to Roman times, was once the capital of England and is built around its 11th century Winchester Cathedral, which will be our first visit of the day.  After lunch we see the oldest copy of King Arthur's Round Table housed in Winchester Castle. On the way we pass the medieval Westgate into the city.  Free-choice dinner at a riverside pub not included.

Please note more information will be added to this itinerary as soon as I have finished chanelling more of the information for this Project and it's activations. 
Day 6 - June 10th: 
Integration Day with no channellings and energy work being done. 
Drive to Bristol Airport (approx 1h20 driving time) and fly to Glasgow (approx 1 hour flight) and take a beautifully scenic drive to Oban (approx 2 hours driving time) for the next 3 nights.  Spend the rest of the day at leisure/shopping in Oban. 
Dinner at a local restaurant included.
Day 7 - June 11th: 
Spend the day touring Kilmartin Valley.

This day we invite day-trippers to join us for the day if you like. The energy exchange to spend the day with us utilizing your own transport is GBP90 and includes entrance fees where applicable, channellings and energy work the sites mentioned above, as well as the guidance of Glenn Broughton with his wealth of Sacred Site and Earth Mystery knowledge.  (Please click here to register. Please note bookings are on a first come first serve basis and will close once we reach full capacity. If you are planning to travel with us for the full 11-days DO NOT register here. You will be automatically registered for all these events and a travelling Earth Guardian.)

We're off to the Kilmartin Valley with over 350 Neolithic and Bronze Age sacred sites and where we will conduct today's first channeling aligning with the essence of Scotland and spreading the 10D Magdelene Roses energy through the sites we visit today! This entire landscape was held to be sacred and was the focal point for spirituality by our distant ancestors. We visit Nether Largie Standing Stones believed to be an astronomical observatory from nearly five thousand years ago. Close by are the twin Templewood Stone Circles set in a copse of trees. A short walk takes us to Nether Largie cairn that we can enter where we conclude our time in the Kilmartin Valley. On the way home we visit the Kintraw Stone, a site aligned to the solstices, located with wonderful views over the Sound of Jura. See if you think the stone looks like a wise old man... 
Free-choice dinner not included.
Day 8 - June 12th:  Iona day trip.
We catch the early ferry from Oban to Craignure on Mull, a 45-minute sailing. We then have an hour's scenic drive through Mull to the ferry terminal over to the sacred Isle of Iona. Our day on Iona includes Iona Abbey, with its beautiful acoustic Chapel. St. Columba established a monastery here in 563AD that was eventually destroyed by the Vikings. Following these raids a Benedictine Abbey was established over 800 years ago. Still an active Christian community today the Abbey is open to visitors and includes St Columba's cell and beautifully carved tombstones of many kings and chieftans. Close by, the Nunnery gardens are sublime and peaceful and will be full of colorful flowers, and could very well be the site for today's channeling and energy work.  Return to Oban at the end of the day. Free-choice dinner not included.
Day 9 - June 13th: 
This is our second and last integration day before completing our personal and planetary grid activations. This energy integration day is essential in order to receive the full benefit of tomorrow's activations, however Sean and I will be performing group energy work an on each of you too in preparation for tomorrow once we arrive at our destination. Today we drive to Edinburgh (approx 3 hours driving time) and spend the rest of the day at leisure.  Free-choice dinner not included.
Day 10 - June 14th:
Visit Rosslyn Chapel (Feminine) and Edinburgh Castle (Masculine) and St Margaret's Chapel (Magdalene). Here we anchor the final batch of 10th dimensional Magdelene Roses of Trancendence and Ascension, marking this site as the new Emerald Beacon of Light signalling to all that the Supreme Triple Alpha God/Goddess/Priest/Priestess/Shaman/Mother grids are fully revived and the next satge of planetary healing can now get underway, which is the full healing and emergence of the Divine Alpha God/Priest/Shaman/Father. This is also the completion channelling for this leg of the journey before we take our extension to Denmark to continue the work. (The itinerary for the extension to Denmark will be ready in Januaty)

This day we invite day-trippers to join us for the day if you like. The energy exchange to spend the day with us utilizing your own transport is GBP110 and includes entrance fees where applicable, channellings and energy work with Sean and I at the sites mentioned above, as well as the guidance of Glenn Broughton with his wealth of Sacred Site and Earth Mystery knowledge.  (Please click here to register. Please note bookings are on a first come first serve basis and will close once we reach full capacity. If you are planning to travel with us for the full 11-days DO NOT register here. You will be automatically registered for all these events and a travelling Earth Guardian.) 

Rosslyn Chapel, made famous by The DaVinci Code, is a remarkable building full of secrets, green man carvings and esoteric symbolism that our guide Glenn will tell us about. It is like no other chapel or church you have been to before. We'll also visit the ruins of Rosslyn Castle across the valley from the chapel.

Then we head into Edinburgh for a guided visit to the historic fortress of Edinburgh Castle that has sat regally atop Castle Rock for 800 years. The Scottish Crown Jewels are on display in the castle and St Margaret's Chapel, within the castle grounds, is the oldest freestanding building in Edinburgh, dating to the twelfth century. There will be free time in Edinburgh in the afternoon where we weave peace particles in gratitude for what beautiful Mother Scotland has blessed us with.  Farewell dinner included. 

Day 11 - June 15th:
Depart for Edinburgh Airport home or to Denmark with Sean and I. (Look out for the Danish itinerary coming in January 2017.)

Please note that for this 11-day journey we are travelling with a maximum of 22 people and a minimum of 10. Please do not book your flights until we have confirmed minimum numbers have been reached. Bookings are on a first come first serve basis, so please book asap. Bookings for this trip close in March 2017, or as soon as have reached maximum numbers.

Energy Excahnge for this life-shifting experience is as follows -

10 full paying: GBP 2 716
15 full paying clients: GBP 2 486
20 full paying clients: GBP 2285

GBP300 extra for a single supplement.

* All ground transport in mini-buses
* Collection from London Heathrow/drop off Edinburgh airport
* Flight from Bristol to Glasgow
* Scottish Ferries
* Accommodation on a bed and breakfast basis
* 4 dinners
* Tour guides throughout
* Energy work and support throughout from Sean and Michelle
* Admission to all sites including private access to Stonehenge
* Gratuities for accommodation and included meals

* Flights to London and home from Scotland. 
* All lunches and some dinners - please check the itinerary for details.
* All additional costs incurred by you at hotels and B&B's not included in the itinerary. Please settle your account before departing your accommodation. 
* The Earth Guardian 4-month Project package focussing on the theme of our trip. This package is a compulsory part of the trip and is provided at $150 per month for 4 months as a seperate PayPal invoice, and covers everything pertaining to the Earth Guardian Project and the purpose of this trip. This includes -
  • All the public series channellings comprising of a minimum of 20 channellings in Mp3 and pdf format.
  • 1 x private soul-group mini-group channelling at the beginning of the project with the Masters.
  • 4 x  Group Only private channellings with the Masters for the core group pertaining to your personal and the project energies. One channelling per month for the duration of the project. 
  • Bonus channellings included in the package containing previous activation work done in the areas as part of the group soul work we'll be doing. 
  • You are also entitled to a support session with Sean Manders before we leave, and full daily support whilst we travel and complete the powerful energy and code activations on you, and with Mother Earth at the sites mentioned in this itinerary. 

Please note that this Project begins on the 8th of February 2017 and consists of a weekly live channelling, as well as other awesome soul fulfilling meetings with the Masters as described above. More details are provided upon booking. This amount of $600 is separate to the price above. Only this amount may be paid in instalments beginning on the 25th of January and ending 25 April 2017 and is payable directly to Palace of Peace. 

A bit about our Guide, Glenn Broughton of All Tours. 

Glenn, who is English, has been researching and visiting ancient sacred sites for over twenty years and is drawn to explore their energetic properties and how such places of power affect us today. Knowing intuitively that they have something to teach us Glenn has been a tour guide for most of this time leading groups exploring the mystery of sacred sites through Journeys With Soul.

Glenn came to sacred sites via a circuitous life path which included school-teaching, founding and running an inner city community arts centre, pioneering wholesale organic produce distribution in the UK, and leading spiritual development and earth mysteries groups and workshops. Running alongside all of these activities was a constant spiritual exploration which opened many doors and led to many questions. Practising Vipassana meditation, travelling, and training with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and the International College of Crystal Healing, were all experiences which have informed his current perspective.
Glenn lecturers internationally on sacred sites and earth mysteries and was a co-founder / co-organizer of Earth Spirit Conferences in the USA. He has appeared on television and radio and has regularly presented at conferences on both sides of the Atlantic. 

To book you spot to travel with us from the 5th - 11th June 2017 please e-mail Please note that bookings are on a first come first serve basis and are limited to 22 places so as to ensure quality attention and support. A deposit will be required to secure your booking. Details will be provided once we have you registered. 

If you are interested in joing us for the day, where mentioned, then please use the registration link provided beside each invitiation in the itinerary. May I also remind you that a lot more inforamtion on the nature of the project will be provided soon.

In love, peace and gratitude,