Dear Friends,
After several months at Westminster, this faith community continues to delight me as I learn about gatherings that have been around for decades and as I participate with you in imagining new approaches to ministry. Here is also what I am learning: I might share this joy with someone who has been around for years only to find he or she is unaware of our breadth and diversity.
Westminster thrives and we have so much to offer one another.
Next week, look for an email on Tuesday as we launch a new, weekly series with content inviting you to engage and belong in these many ways. Written by church members and staff, the emails will contain a brief article or video that tell a story. We hope they spark ideas for you to deepen your faith with God and through one another.
Rest assured, the content of this Friday email will continue to provide you with the robust news of Westminster's worship, events, milestones in our congregation, and links to online resources you have come to trust.
We are so blessed with the creativity of the spirit swirling among us.
In faith,