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June 2023

Volume 23 Issue 6

The Rotary Club of Richmond Supports Jimmy Thomas - Doggy Paddle

Jimmy Thomas - Doggy Paddle - visited the Rotary Club of Richmond to recap his trip kayaking from New York to Key West and bicycling home to raise funds to train service dogs for veterans like himself. He shared his personal experience and how his service dog benefitted him and his commitment to helping others -- currently only 3% of those in need are matched with a service dog.

The "Richmond Charities Fund" managed by Marshall Orr was pleased to donate $5,000 to Doggy Paddle to add to the nearly $100,000 raised after this year's trip as well as make a contribution of $1,000 in his honor to make Jimmy Thomas a Paul Harris Fellow.

We salute you for your service.

Paul Harris Fellowship

Rotary started with the vision of one man —  Paul Harris. After setting up his law practice in Chicago, Harris gathered several business associates to discuss the idea of forming an organization for local professionals. He envisioned a place where professionals of diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas and form meaningful, lifelong friendships.

Rotary established the recognition of Paul Harris in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships. 

The Rotary Club of Richmond last year became an one hundred percent Paul Harris Fellow Club under the leadership of Past President Chuck Duvall, who assigned extra points to those who have given less than $1,000 to qualify them as Paul Harris Fellows.

Contributions support the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.

Khizar Wasti received Paul Harris Fellowship+8 (PHF+8) pin from Past President Lee Christian.

Mike Little received Paul Harris Fellowship+4 (PHF+4) pin from Past President Lee Christian

Katie Hellebush received Paul Harris Fellowship and pin from Past President Lee Christian.

EndPolio NOW with the Richmond Squirrels

On Sunday, May 7, THE Rotary Club of Richmond went out to the ballpark in an effort to END POLIO NOW. More than 100 tickets were sold, topping other Rotary clubs and allowing Jake Crocker to throw the first pitch on behalf of THE Rotary Club of Richmond. What a way to spend an afternoon supporting a great cause!

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunity:

Meals on Wheels

Grab a buddy or make a new friend! Meals on Wheels is back up and running. Deliveries are in full force. Sherry Peterson is heading up this effort. Sign-up sheets will be available at our meetings. Drivers are needed for June, July and August dates. Reach out to Sherry directly at  

Volunteer Opportunity:

Blood Drive

Mark your calendar for the next Rotary Blood Drive, June 29, 2023.

Our thanks to John Delandro for organizing. Sign up now and reach out to John directly for details at

Volunteer Opportunity:

Rework Richmond

Volunteer opportunities range from resume preparation for employment consideration to financial coaching with participants.

Contact John Purnell via email,, or Charles Layman via email,, and let them know how you can help.

Upcoming Meetings


The Rotary Club of Richmond will hold a social this week, Thursday, May 25. Head to Sloop John B Restaurant, Regency Square Mall, 1420 N. Parham Road, Suite M226; bring friends, family and colleagues for a wonderful opportunity to network and get to know your fellow Rotarians.


As a reminder, the Rotary Club of Richmond will NOT meet Tuesday, May 30, after the Memorial Day holiday.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Tress Breindel - Functional medicine specialist and acupuncturist, Owner, InHealthRVA


Tressa Breindel is a Functional medicine specialist and acupuncturist and the owner of InHealthRVA. She specializes in in-depth understanding of the underlying mechanisms of health issues from a biomedical perspective as well as a compassionate, whole-person approach to treatment. InHealthRVA is built around Tressa’s desire to investigate and address the underlying mechanisms of health issues and support each person’s unique healing journey.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Hammers & Ales is an all-day event that features a half-day community and corporate volunteer experience where participants use ToolBank materials, tools, and instructions to hand-build outdoor furniture and placemaking features that we donate to dozens of local community groups in need.

This year your team can choose from hand-building a park bench, picnic table, or a dog house. The outdoor furniture and placemaking features will be donated to groups like Ring Dog Rescue & Friends of the James River.

Throughout the day, Brown’s Island will transform into a lively, family-friendly open-air festival with tool-themed games & activities, local beer from Väsen Brewing + n/a beverages, food from Fries in DisguiseAuntie Ning's and Jem's Caribbean Cuisine, and Richmond's very own, Bio Ritmo.

Register your Rotary Team here!

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Madelyn Peay - new Habitat for Humanity Metro Richmond CEO


Madelyn Peay is an accomplished veteran and dedicated public and affordable housing professional who believes that having a safe, healthy place to call home is a right that every family and individual should enjoy. She has served in the housing world for 20 years and has a long track record of success in property management, asset management, and real estate investment. She served as the Chief Operating Officer of Hopewell Redevelopment and Housing Authority (HRHA) for 12 years, lending her HUD programs expertise and leadership to their organization. In 2018, she started her own company, Peay United, focused on increasing access to affordable housing and financial freedom. She believes that improving the housing industry in any area also promotes healthier and safer neighborhoods, and serves on the Board of the Virginia Housing Alliance and The City of Richmond’s Affordable Housing Trust fund Board, supporting and advocating for the expansion of affordable housing opportunities. Now, as the CEO of Richmond Metropolitan Habitat for Humanity, she will lead the strategic direction and fundraising efforts of the organization.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Virginia Secretary of Labor Bryan Slater

George “Bryan” Slater brings more than 20 years of experience to the Youngkin Administration with a wealth of knowledge and senior-level experience leading public, non-profit, and private sector organizations.

In Virginia, Bryan served as Secretary of Administration for Governor James Gilmore (R-VA) and as Director of Administration for the Attorney General’s Office under Attorney General James Gilmore. Most recently, Bryan served as Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the U.S. Department of Labor and Assistant Secretary of Administration for the U.S. Department of Transportation under President Trump. He was the White House Liaison at the U.S. Department of Labor under President George W. Bush and as a congressional relations officer for the Department of Housing and Urban Development under President George H.W. Bush. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Installation of Officers

July 4th - NO MEETING

As a reminder, the Rotary Club of Richmond will NOT meet Tuesday, July 4th, in honor of Independence Day.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Warren McCrickard, Executive Director of Boys to Men Mentoring 


Warren is a native of Richmond and graduate of Hermitage High, Warren has spent most of his career in sales and marketing. He spent seven years in Los Angeles working at Paramount, DreamWorks and Summit (now Lionsgate). He spent seven years in Chattanooga, Tennessee working in the recreational marine industry and two years in Atlanta, Georgia working for his wife's Health Tech start-up, Motivo. He is excited to be home and to apply his 15+ years of corporate experience to the non-profit sector while learning and growing in this new role for Boys to Men.

2022-2023 Board of Directors!


Paul Neumann


John White 


Pam Embrey


Ken Nachman

Immediate Past President 

Chuck Duvall


Warren Aldridge

Stephen Broocks

Leslie Chlebowski

Scott Coffield

Chuck Coreth

Jim Davis

John Delandro

Joe Kelleher

Todd Martin

Laurie Shipley

Tabasco Editor

Katie Hellebush

Club Photographer

Khizar Wasti

CLUB #69 



The FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Other Helpful Websites:

Our Website:

Meals-on-Wheels Info: or

Habitat for Humanity

Make up meetings in District 7600:


The Tabasco is sent monthly.

The team requests all content by the 15th of month prior.

Email Katie Hellebush at

Whether you are relatively new to the club or a long-serving member, the Rotary Club of Richmond has been serving Richmond for more than a century; do you have your copy of this history? Copies are now available; $20 soft copies; $30 hard copies.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Let's wish our fellow Rotarians Happy Birthday and congratulations on their Rotary Anniversary!



Embrey, Pamela Jean (PAM)


Chlebowski, Leslie (LESLIE)


Ellis, Linda (LINDA)


Delandro, John S. III (JOHN)


Caldwell, John B. H. (JOHN)


Duvall, Charles R Jr. (CHUCK)


Shipley, Laurie Jean (LAURIE)


McDonald, Geoffrey R. (GEOFF)


Ughetta, Mark (MARK)


Nachman, Ken (KEN)



Start Date


Broocks, Stephen Christopher(STEPHEN)



Finkbeiner, Eric J.(ERIC)



Richardson, William Stephen Jr.(STEVE)



Miller, Esson McKenzie Jr.(E. M.)



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