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March 2023

Volume 23 Issue 4

Grant and Project Updates

Project W.A.R.M. Keeps Homes and Hearts Warm with

140 Deliveries over 18 Weeks

A hearty thanks to everyone who participated through out the season to support Project W.A.RM.. Above you can view a photo of Project W.A.R.M.'s Season 47 Finale on March 18th - 140 deliveries over 18 weeks - keeping others' homes and our hearts WARM!!!!

Giving Tuesday

As I travel around our District 7600, I see and hear about all the impactful projects our Rotarians accomplish using District grants that are made possible by your generous annual giving to The Rotary Foundation. I joined in giving to my Rotary Club to help achieve our Club’s annual giving goal because I believe in The Rotary Foundation and I see firsthand how the Foundation funds come back to our district and tackle the most pressing needs in our communities. I know that by combining our giving with so many others, we can truly make a difference and do good in the world.

Very soon everyone will have a great opportunity to support the Rotary Foundation and earn extra Foundation recognition points. Our Giving Tuesday is fast approaching on April 4th. This is your chance to help your club achieve its annual Rotary giving goals, and you will be rewarded by earning extra Foundation Recognition Points two for one. When Rotarians contribute between $100 to $500, they will receive 2 recognition points for every dollar they donate. Donors may extend Foundation recognition points to others to help them become a Paul Harris Fellow or multiple Paul Harris Fellow. Your Club President and Club Foundation Chair have all the details. I have attached a graphic with a QR code to further assist in making your donation to the Annual Fund. 

In addition to The Rotary Foundation supporting local district grants the Foundation is also supporting immediate humanitarian relief for people affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan, the war in Ukraine, and the destructive earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Please join me in giving to our Rotary Foundation. Imagine what we can do together!!


Yours in Rotary Service,

Kenny Janes


Kenny Janes. District Governor

Rotary District 7600

Reminder to Turn In Rotary Pledges

Thank you to all who have submitted pledge forms for 2022-2023. Your consideration in three areas of giving is critical: our Rotary Club of Richmond Annual Grants Program, our Rotary Club of Richmond Foundation, and our Rotary International Foundation. Please complete the pledge form and bring to our club meeting Tuesday or mail to our office at: 

Rotary Club of Richmond

P.O. Box 17664

Richmond, VA 23226-7664

Thank you for supporting our local and global community in this way.

Rotary Serves Community with Ramps

Visit the Rotary Club of Richmond on Facebook to view photos of speakers, socials and ways in which Rotarians are serving our community! Here the Rotary Club of Richmond helps Project Homes install a wheelchair ramp to help the recipient exit her home safely and provide more independence.

Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Opportunity:

Meals on Wheels

Grab a buddy or make a new friend! Meals on Wheels is back up and running. Deliveries are in full force. Sherry Peterson is heading up this effort. Sign-up sheets will be available at our meetings. Drivers are needed for March and April dates. Reach out to Sherry directly at  

Volunteer Opportunity:

Blood Drive

Mark your calendar for the next Rotary Blood Drive, June 29, 2023.

Our thanks to Ken Nachman for organizing. Sign up now and reach out to Ken directly for details at

Volunteer Opportunity:

Rework Richmond

Volunteer opportunities range from resume preparation for employment consideration to financial coaching with participants.

Contact John Purnell via email,, or Charles Layman via email,, and let them know how you can help.

Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

As the leader of Girls For A Change (GFAC), Angela graduated from Meadowbrook Highschool (in North Chesterfield, Virginia) in 1990. She has been recognized in the local Richmond, VA press as Top 40 Under 40 (2010), by a coalition of girl serving groups in 2015, by President Obama as a White House Champion of Change (2016), has received the Nonprofit Partner of the Year (2018) from the Metropolitan Business League, and Richmond Times-Dispatch 2019 Person of the Year Honoree. In 2022 Angela was recognized by The International Alliance for Women as a World of Difference Awards winners in the Non-Profit/NGO Awardees category.

Angela is an Ambassador for who she calls “at-promise” (as opposed to “at-risk”) girls and a serial innovator committed to “Preparing Black girls for the world, and the world for Black Girls.”

In 2016, Patton led her national Board of Directors and staff to refocus and retool the program structure to more accurately reflect GFAC’s goal to work with Black girls. The organization is now able to disseminate its programs using GFAC’s unique, replicable approach.

Angela’s TEDWomen talk describing a father-daughter dance for incarcerated dads and their daughters has been viewed over 1,000,000 times to date. This talk and work has inspired a documentary, DAUGHTERS, where Angela has taken the role of Co-Director/Executive Producer. The documentary follows the lives of four young girls who prepare for a dance with their incarcerated fathers as part of the rehabilitation program Date With Dad.

Angela has been an in-demand speaker at conferences and colleges/universities throughout the country. She is also a published author. She coauthored the book Finding Her Voice: How black girls in white spaces can speak up & live their truth, with Faye Z. Belgrave, PhD and Ivy Belgrave. The book is available on Amazon, at Target, and at many small, Black-owned bookstores across the country.

Angela is a member of SisterFund and still finds time to serve on the board of Orchard House Middle School for Girls, volunteer for various organizations, and serve as a technical assistance consultant with MENTOR Virginia.

When she isn’t inspiring change, advocating for gender equality, and empowering girls, she is hanging with her family, enjoying festivals and concerts with her husband and motivator, Adofo Ka-Re and their loving children, Imhotep and Asani. Her interests include spending a day at the spa, visiting the Caribbean islands, cardio kickboxing, watching documentaries, and attending dinner parties with close friends.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Brock Bierman currently serves as CEO of Ukraine Focus. Last year Bierman led seven missions to Ukraine to deliver humanitarian assistance. As founder of the Volunteer Ambulance Corps, he helped raised $2 million through a partnership with Rotary International to purchase 90 ambulances to Ukraine, personally driving several to the front lines. For his humanitarian contributions, Ukraine's Territorial Defense Force made him an honorary soldier. Bierman is considered an expert on democracy and governance by the German Marshall Fund, where he's a Visiting Fellow.

April 18, 2023 --

Chuck DuVall and Tripp Perrin,

2023 General Assembly Update

For nearly four decades Lindl Corporation has delivered definitive government relations solutions in a wide-range of subject matter:

Electric utilities, telecom & broadband; Pharmaceuticals & health care; Municipal & hazardous waste; Franchise management; Retail; Gaming; Transportation; Manufacturing; Wholesale distribution; Alcohol beverages; and Software & information technology.

April 25, 2023 --

Dean King is an award-winning author of ten nonfiction books. He crossed the Sahara on camels and in Land Rovers while researching Skeletons on the Zahara, trekked the Long March trail in the mountains of Western China for Unbound, and was shot at while researching The Feud in Appalachia.


As a reminder, the Rotary Club of Richmond will NOT meet Tuesday, May 2 after the Downtown Throwdown.

What a bash it will be!

Be there or be square!

2022-2023 Board of Directors!


Paul Neumann


John White 


Pam Embrey


Ken Nachman

Immediate Past President 

Chuck Duvall


Warren Aldridge

Stephen Broocks

Leslie Chlebowski

Scott Coffield

Chuck Coreth

Jim Davis

John Delandro

Joe Kelleher

Todd Martin

Laurie Shipley

Tabasco Editor

Katie Hellebush

Club Photographer

Khizar Wasti

CLUB #69 



The FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Upcoming Events

Purchase Your Tickets Today for the Downtown Throwdown

April 28, 2023, Virginia War Memorial

Other Helpful Websites:

Our Website:

Meals-on-Wheels Info: or

Habitat for Humanity

Make up meetings in District 7600:


The Tabasco is sent monthly.

The team requests all content by the 15th of month prior.

Email Katie Hellebush at

Whether you are relatively new to the club or a long-serving member, the Rotary Club of Richmond has been serving Richmond for more than a century; do you have your copy of this history? Copies are now available; $20 soft copies; $30 hard copies.

Birthdays and Anniversaries

Let's wish our fellow Rotarians Happy Birthday and congratulations on their Rotary Anniversary!



Janes, Kenneth Wayne (KENNY)


Hicks, J. Robert Jr. (BOB)


Coffield, Scott (SCOTT)


Nardo, G. Paul (PAUL)


Poston, William G. (BILL)


Cosby, Robert E. Jr., P.E., F.ASCE (BOB)


Gray, Elizabeth (LIZ)


Ware, H. Hudnall III (HUDNALL)


Justis, Prudence (PRUDENCE)


Robinson, Camille (CAMILLE)



Start Date


Daughtry, Robert Purcell (BOB)



Cabell, William Wymond II(WILLIAM)



Aldrich, Warren Edward (WARREN)



Justis, Prudence (PRUDENCE)



Neumann, Paul A. (PAUL)



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