Emerging Themes:
- Westview has not seen a continued rise in Opioid use, rather after the initial uptake of case with COVID, things have normalized in the last month.
Emerging Initiatives:
- PSD70 offering 4-week COVID anxiety prevention workshop for students at local schools (also continuing with regular supports of Rainbows (grieve and loss support), anger management, and managing anxiety.
- CIAFC workshop on Unconscious Bias, Wed, September 23,1:00 PM
Today Centre is hosting FREE Family Violence Across the Lifespan starting on September 17
Emerging Themes:
- AHS stats for Spruce Grove and Stony Plain show average of 385 Emergency visits/year for a mental health or addiction concerns; 94 visits/year specifically for suicidal behaviors
Emerging Initiatives:
Recovery College offering 8 week course: Finding Your Balance for caregivers supporting a loved one's recovery journey starting October 20
- Family Life Psychology is working with children, youth, and adults and providing a free webinar series for parents to improve their skills; next session is October 7, 7:30PM
TriRegion bunch hosting Curbside Concerts for youth throughout the region to connect and raise awareness around local mental health supports
Rotary Run for Life runs from September 10-30; still time to register! Participate and raise funds for mental health and suicide prevention initiatives in the region; watch the video
Emerging Themes:
Emerging Initiatives:
To call in dial 1.587.328.1099 Meeting ID: 881 4869 1901 Passcode: 276655
Building a Strong and Connected Community
780-963-8583 PFCSS@stonyplain.com