The first of two home furnishing sales was held the weekend of June 1
and 2
, and besting any one of the three sales last year. Note “first of two” as there will not be a third sale this year as Bear Peak Lodge will not be conveniently available to Habitat in August. The second and final
2018 sale will be on July 27 (3 PM to 7 PM) and July 28 (8:30 AM to 1 PM). Like final sales in past years this sale will be promoted as our final for the year with all items priced to sell. Items not sold by 1 PM will be available to invited non-profit organizations.
Sam Johnson, chairman of MWV Habitat’s Home Furnishing Sales has voiced concern that increased use of Bear Peak Lodge by Attitash management during the summer months suggests that it may be prudent to explore other facilities in the Valley for future sales. A minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. would be required, ideally available from May 1
through September 10
Would-be sellers and buyers are reminded that furnishings are available on-line. Go to MWV Habitat’s web page:
and follow the prompts for on-line sales or furnishings donations.
Current Build - 5 Burgdorf Drive, Madison
Backfilling the Foundation
Constructing Interior Walls
Women Build - May 12th, 2018
On Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend, 44 women gathered at 5 Burgdorf Drive in Madison to participate in MWV Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build project. This is the 11
year that the affiliate has been chosen by Habitat International to be part of a nation-wide Lowe’s sponsored event. Homeowner Support Committee member Cheryle O’Neill was responsible for making it all happen. From calling for volunteers she coordinated pre-build training at Lowe’s; arranged for refreshments/lunch with Altrusa, Big Dave’s Bagel & Deli, Community Deli; effected car shuttle runs; signed the women in and distributed instructions and T-shirts.
The late winter-early spring adverse weather had caused a touch and go situation as far as preparing the site was concerned. It was only through the herculean efforts of Gordon T. Burke Construction, HR Hoyt Construction, Coleman and Sons and habitat construction volunteers the week prior that the site was ready for the women Saturday morning.
Barbara Reilly, MWV Habitat affiliate vice president, greeted the volunteer women. Noting this was the 20
house to be built by MWV Habitat, she turned the proceedings over to Anthony Ruddy, Construction Committee chairman and site supervisor. He outlined the plan for the day, provided instructions and most important, emphasized safety precautions. The women broke out into four groups, each supervised by Habitat construction volunteers. Before the day was over six wall sections were constructed and erected.
The new homeowners were present to help with the construction. They are a very deserving family of five – parents aged 39 and 34 with three daughters ages 2, 5, and 13. They are presently cramped in a two-bedroom trailer with very poor insulation, outdated heating and plumbing and an unsafe neighborhood. The father works full time for a furniture company while the children’s mother stays home caring for the small girls.
Of the 44 women volunteering this year, six pairs were mother/daughter, one mother with two daughters and one grandmother with granddaughter. Some were first-timers such as Gloria Hutchings and her daughter, Bella. They had heard a great deal about Habitat and agreed this Mother’s Day weekend was the time to participate. Another family has been involved with Habitat ever since Hurricane Katrina. Heidi Forde’s Madison Baptist Church led a contingent of volunteers to the Gulf Coast to assist Habitat. Heidi still wears the same pair of work boots today at Habitat as she wore 12 years ago on the Gulf Coast. Her daughter, Samantha has participated in Women Build for several years, wearing the boots her grandfather had worn in Mississippi in 2008.
Check out the recap video from our 2018 Women Build here -->
Watch Video
At the beginning of May, MWV Habitat kicked off a new fundraiser, Sponsor-a-Stud.
Businesses, restaurants, organizations, schools, churches and individuals were invited to sponsor 2 x 4 building studs. The studs could be autographed, decorated with logos, good luck messages or with any sort of creative designs, so long as in good taste. The sponsored studs will become part of the interior wall system of the current Habitat house build in Madison. Before sheet rocking, sponsors will be invited to attend a reception to find their stud and be part of a photo shoot, standing proudly next to their sponsored stud.
Pictured is one of the groups that participated in the project. The family to receive the next house was present when the studs were distributed and its three children were the first to decorate a stud. The Seasons Resort personnel went all out with their decorating scheme.
Photo Credit: The Seasons Resort
Stud Finder Reception - August 2nd 3 pm - 5 pm
Cars for Homes™ Vehicle Donations
When you donate a car, truck, boat or RV to Habitat for Humanity's Cars for Homes™ program, you are helping MWV Habitat for Humanity build homes in partnership with families within our community!
Donating a car, truck, boat, RV or other vehicle is quick and easy, and your car donation may be eligible for tax deduction purposes if you itemize (consult the IRS or your tax advisor for details). Cars for Homes™ accepts a majority of cars, trucks, boats, RVs and other vehicles with proper title and ownership information, and makes the arrangements to have your vehicle, keys and title picked up for processing.
Net proceeds generated by donated vehicle sales are used by MWV Habitat for Humanity to build homes in partnership with families in our community. It's quick and easy to donate. With your help, more low income families can have a decent place to call home, and the hope of a better life. All Cars for Homes™ correspondence should go to Marcia Rundle, Director, Cars For Homes:
; (406) 624-6871.
Landscaping Greg Tuttle’s House
Gary Speirs, founder of Eastern Green Landscaping volunteered to provide plantings and shrubs for Greg Tuttle’s house in Sokokis Pines last year while the house was being built. However, as we all know the weather has a way of changing plans. On 22 May, Gary’s partner, Shawn Landers and his crew came in bright and early to turn this donation into a landscaping work of art. Plantings included four White Pines, one Red Oak and one Blue Point Juniper.
Eastern Green Landscaping was founded in 1973 and was originally based in Jackson, NH. The company quickly gained a broad customer base of both businesses and homeowners, thanks to its award-winning design and its well-deserved reputation for meticulous attention to detail in both landscape construction and maintenance. Today the landscaping company is conveniently located on Route 16 & 302 in Intervale, and serves clients throughout New Hampshire and Maine.
When asked how this donated gift came about, Gary allowed that he just wanted to help Habitat in making a difference in the lives of others.
Current board officers (Dick Ficke-President; Barbara Reilly-VP; Russ Seybold-Treasurer; and Sam Johnson-Secretary) were reelected at the annual board meeting June 12. Board members Bill Beck; Talmira Hill; Lauren Hawkins; and Anthony Ruddy were elected for another two-year term. Bill Beck’s appointment to the Executive Committee was approved by the board.
A camper trailer was recently donated to MWV Habitat. Camping World in Center Conway agreed to sell the trailer for Habitat, netting the affiliate $4000.
Anthony Ruddy, Roger Aubrey, Bill Brochu and Greg Harris completed Competent Person training in March at the New England Habitat Affiliate Conference. This was accomplished to meet OSHA and HFHI requirements that there be at least one on-site Competent Person at a construction site to be able to recognize unsafe situations and to make necessary corrections in recognized high hazard areas.
Did you know –
- There are more than 1300 Habitat affiliates in the U.S.
- Average 3-bedroom Habitat house uses 40,790 nails and 600 pieces of lumber to build the house.
- About 466,114 individuals live in Habitat houses in the U.S.
- In the Mt. Washington Valley, 25 families comprised of 38 adults and 56 children have benefited from MWV Habitat construction.
- Honey-Do action cancelled this spring is being planned for this fall.
You can access MWV Habitat’s Facebook page by going:, or go to and at the bottom of the web page there is the Facebook symbol – just click on it – lots of photos!
With the beginning of a new fiscal year for Habitat, it is useful to look back over the past year. It was another solid year where we accomplished what we do so well. We finished building another house, turned the keys over to another family, selected another family, and started another house.
Sounds all very easy until you scratch the surface and see what has been going on underneath. Over 20 dedicated volunteers are at the building site each Thursday during the building season. Area contractors discount building materials as well as their services to clear land, pour foundations, raise and fasten roof trusses, shingle, donate lunches. Charitable foundations provide grants; individuals generously contribute money; volunteers pick up donated furniture and appliances to make our Home Furnishing Sales a success; space is donated for those sales; monthly mortgage servicing is donated; office space is provided; fund raising is organized and managed; family support is provided when needed; public relations effected through newspaper articles, a web site, Facebook page, newsletters, and radio/tv interviews. A new family is selected; another piece of land is acquired; a mortgage is generated and it goes on!
And, oh yes, another event occurred at the end of the fiscal year in June. Members of the Board of Directors and Officers, who were responsible for making all of the aforementioned happen, were reelected for another term. These are remarkable individuals whose managerial expertise, experience and dedication to making a difference in the lives of the underserved in our community is unparalleled and with whom I feel extremely fortunate to serve. I would be remiss not to recognize that the glue holding all this together is provided by our administrative assistant, Nancy Davis – thank you Nancy!
Please Help Us Continue Our Work
Donate Online
Help support the MWV Habitat mission making a secure donation online via Paypal. You do not need a Paypal account to 'donate.
Donate by Mail
Please make your check out to:
MWV Habitat for Humanity
2 Common Ct.
North Conway, NH 03860
The Mt Washington Valley Habitat for Humanity is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your contribution may qualify as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes