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Peace, grace, and thanksgiving from Carly, called to be pastor, teacher, prophet, and leader among the saints and sinners, lifers and newbies, doubters and believers of La Grange and beyond. Fondest greetings to each of you.


The Hallelujah Chorus rang out from all corners of our sanctuary on Easter morning. All ages of singers joined the choir. There were visitors and former members, current members and prospective members. Standing there before me - both in the congregation and up front around the lectern - were the Children of God singing the joy of Easter. It was marvelous beyond words. As I looked around, I could see that I was not the only one in the room with tears streaming down my face. It was ....indescribable. 


Resurrection is also indescribable. We cannot explain it. We cannot understand it. Yet most of us have experienced it in some way. The seemingly impossible situation is resolved. The hopeless quandary is transformed. The obviously helpless person finds the wherewithal to turn their life around. The chronically unemployed person finds new purpose, direction, and financial independence when they find that position for which they longed.


Resurrection happens to each of us in small ways, as well. It happens when we find the energy to get that spring cleaning done at last; when the usually dreadful morning is transformed by the kind gesture of a stranger; when we make a realization about our current situation and our burden seems lighter and more bearable.


In these 50 days of Eastertide, I invite you - no, I challenge you - to look for the everyday resurrections happening in your life. Look for the small signs that your life is resurrected; the small signs that resurrection is happening within our congregation; the nuances of resurrection that happen within your family. We have 50 days; I challenge you to find 50 signs of resurrection in that time. I encourage you to post these on the bulletin board outside the church offices near the elevator.


Let's find resurrection. Let's focus on resurrection. Let's BE resurrection to others and to one another.





The Zackley Work Trip Worship Service will be on April 12, followed by the Stockholder's Brunch. Come and hear what the kids have to say about their trip! 

Big Brunch Meetings
will be on April 19th and May 17th to avoid conflicts with the Stockholder's Brunch on April 12th and Mother's Day on May 10th.

On May 17th, the Confirmands share their faith statements in worship, and on May 24 the students are confirmed.

Carly is out of the office until April 13th. If you need pastoral assistance during that time, please contact the office.


Volunteer Opportunities
St. Barbara's Food Pantry Collection 

St. Barbara's Food Pantry collection items for April are personal hygiene products: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, deodorant, or similar products.  

Thanks for your support!


CNN/Meals on Wheels 

Community Nutrition Network/Meals on Wheels provides meals and resources to older adults and persons with disabilities, and assists them in leading healthy and active lives. If you can  

volunteer to help prepare or deliver meals to home-bound seniors, or have any questions, please call Tanya Harrison at 708-310-4434. 

In Our Church
Altar Flowers 
Is there an anniversary or special date coming up in 2015? See the calendar in the Founder's Room or email the office and sign up today!

CommUNITY Prayer Walk

Join with the faith communities of La Grange to move toward healing our wounds, understanding our diversity, and caring for each other. Meet on the front steps of FCCLG on April 12th at 3:00 to walk to the Village Hall for a Prayer for Unity.   


Music News
Music News

Bell-y up to the Brunch Table is coming to the Founder's Room on April 25, 10:30am.  This continues the occasional series of programs offered by church musicians and friends, followed by a light brunch.  This version will feature the Carillon Handbell Choir, Michael Brozick, trumpet and Ryan Cox, baritone.  Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for students and are available in the office.  All proceeds will go towards the Instrument Repair Fund which helps maintain our organs and handbells.  Our 5-octave set of handbells were fully refurbished in February and the next project is finishing the re-leathering work on the Van Daalen sanctuary organ.  Your support is greatly appreciated.


Save the Date: Summer Musical Camp

registrations are available. This program is for students in 1st to 8th grades and takes place July 27th to 31st from 2 - 6 pm. Performances will be at 7 pm on July 31st and 10 am on August 2nd. This year's show is Are We There Yet? (The Story of Moses and the Exodus). Please contact Ryan Cox for more information.


Choral Sermon Singers Needed! Rehearsals for the May 31st choral sermon began on Thursday, April 9th at 7:30 pm and continue weekly. We are singing John Rutter's Gloria and Vaughn Williams' O Clap Your Hands. Both pieces are accompanied by organ and brass, so we need to be LOUD, and we need YOU! 

Did You Know?
Interfaith Community Partners 
Interfaith Community Partners serves older adults living in their own homes but not able to drive themselves. They provide escorted transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping, and other events as needed and without charge. Services also include visitation to provide companionship and  support, as well as telephone contact to give well-being and safety checks. They also refer clients to other available services to maximize their independence and well-being.

There are 13 member congregations, and most of the volunteers are members of these churches. Do you have a few hours to spend with older adults in your community? Training is provided and scheduling is flexible! To volunteer, call 708-579-8929 or email today.

CYD News
  Call for Volunteers! 

Our Yzals group is growing and will continue to grow in the next couple of years. We need volunteers to help support and  love this group! If you would like to help out with this amazingly energetic group please contact Sylvia!  

Stewardship Update

Stewardship: Where are we?


At our congregational meeting in January, we passed a budget that required that we do additional fund raising in order to meet the expenses. At the time of the vote, we were challenged to offer creative ways in which to raise the necessary funds that would draw funds from outside the congregation. Your Stewardship Committee is working on some ideas that were shared with them. However, we need the participation of every member of the congregation to help with fund raising.


Our income is primarily from member giving. After the income we receive from leases and rentals, our ministry costs on average approximately $22 per week per member. In order to lighten the burden on all of us, we must do outside fund raising. 


As of February 28, our income to date was $56,796.83. Our expenses were $74,449.32. That leaves a deficit of $17,652.49. This is the last year we are allowed to draw from our reserves under the Alban Team Plan. We have already drawn over 70% of the allowed draw.


Now is a great time to be creative. How might you help us raise the necessary funds to fulfill our ministry plans for this year?


Currently being explored are these: Grocery Store scrips and restaurant sponsorships where a percentage of what you spend is given back to the church, a church wide estate sale of the many and varied excesses of "stuff" around the church. What ideas do you have? How might you help close the gap? Talk to members of the Stewardship Committee and let's get this ball rolling.

Ken Moe, Chair

Jerry Palmer  

Rich Bradley

Ted Tomkinson


Touch List
Your Cards and Prayers Will Comfort and Touch...

The family of Mary Brabec, mother of LuAnn Hall, who died on March 16th.

Bernie Casella.

Jim Clayton, who is doing better.

Devon, who had brain surgery.

The family of Evelyn Earl, who died April 3rd.

Our thoughts are with LuAnn Hall's niece Jessica.

Lois Hindman, who is house bound with a brain condition.

Paul Jones, friend of the Weiss family, who is in hospice.

The family of Ruth Philbrook, who died April 1st.

The family of DeFord Schwall, Susan Schwall's father, who died recently.

The family of John Nixon Stellwagen, who died on March 11th.

Erin Swan, daughter of Chris and Renee Bryant, who has ongoing medical issues.

Mike Tobin, Char Tobin's son, Jill's brother who is being treated for cancer.

Chet Won, Viola Clayton's son-in-law, who is now at home.