Timberwolf Team,
Maya Angelou penned the poem Caged Bird, a metaphor of the struggle against oppression and the triumphant spirit that perseveres against all odds. In the spirit of Angelou’s verses, I encourage every member of our EDW & PWM family to reflect as we honor Black History Month.
In the face of challenges, the human spirit longs to break free, soar to new heights of understanding, empathy, and unity. Our school community is committed to fostering an environment where every student, regardless of background, can spread their wings and reach their full potential. It is within these diverse perspectives that we find strength, resilience, and the ability to create positive changes.
Throughout this month, let's engage in meaningful conversations, explore diverse narratives, and celebrate the achievements of Black trailblazers who have left a mark on history. Together, as educators and mentors, let’s inspire our students to embrace their unique voices and perspectives, empowering them to soar beyond their wildest dreams.
Albert Briones
Assistant Principal, E.D. Walker Middle School