10. We’ll have a “Gaming 101” seminar for incoming legislators and others who would like a refresher on key aspects of gaming.
9. You’ve always wanted to shop, eat and drink in a mile-long, mile-high outdoor pedestrian mall.
8. You can hang out with regulators and lawyers: Both the Gaming Laboratories International (GLI) Regulator Seminar and the International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL) Masterclasses are co-locating events with the NCLGS Summer Meeting.
7. You finally have an appropriate place to wear that cowboy hat that’s been gathering dust in your closet.
6. We offer three terrific keynoters: David Highhill, General Manager of Sports Betting for the NFL; Mark Ferrandino, Executive Director of Colorado Department of Revenue; and Adrian Vella, CEO of Tipico North America.
5. Denver International Airport is the third busiest airport in the world, and Denver is at the crossroads of Interstate 25 and Interstate 70. So you CAN get here from there.
4. The New York Yankees will be in Denver that weekend (tickets are available). Taylor Swift will also be in Denver that weekend (good luck getting tickets).
3. Not one, not two, but three – three! – evening networking receptions. Rocky Mountain Oysters will not be among the passed hors d'oeuvres.
2. You need some mile-high fresh air. (Officially, Denver is exactly one mile [5,280 feet] above sea level. In reality, the altitude within the city limits ranges from 5,130 to 5,690 feet. Your mileage may vary.)
1. More than 90 legislators and regulators are registered to attend – a NCLGS record!
Bonus: The agenda is packed with topical discussions on a full range of issues that will affect the entire gaming industry, from lotteries to casinos, and from igaming to racing. So … with more than 10 great reasons to attend, what are you waiting for?
Click here to register, review the amazing agenda, and select hotel options.
For sponsorship information, contact Josh Faber at jfaber@nclgs.org or Allison McCoy at amccoy@nclgs.org.
Legislators and others seeking NCLGS membership information should contact Wayne Marlin at wayne.marlin@nclgs.org.