Know Before You Go!

The Top 10 Things to Know for Brownfields 2022

1: Location, Location, Location

Brownfields 2022 will take place at the new Oklahoma City Convention Center located at 100 Mick Cornett Dr, Oklahoma City, OK 73109, located east of Scissortail Park along S. Robinson Avenue.

2: Getting Your Conference Badge

The conference registration area is located in the main lobby on the ground floor of the Oklahoma City Convention Center. When you arrive, present your barcode email, or give your name and photo ID, to the registration desk so they can print your badge. The registration desk opens at 7:30 AM on Tuesday, August 16th. 

Click here for the Oklahoma Convention Center Virtual Tour

3: Weather and Staying Hydrated

It will be very hot in OKC during the conference. Peak temperatures on Tuesday are expected to surpass 100 degrees. We suggest bringing a water bottle to refill at water coolers, which will be available throughout the convention center. Don't forget to stay hydrated!

4: What to Wear

Suggested dress for all events is business casual. The temperature inside may fluctuate based on the size of the room and the number of people inside.

5: Continuing Education Credits

AICP and Legal continuing education credits are available for some sessions. Visit the CEU desk, located in the registration area, for more information.

6: Conference App: Whova

The Brownfields 2022 conference app is Whova. Download Whova from the app/play store and use the invitation code "Brownfields2022" to enter.

7: Special Events

There are many special events happening at Brownfields 2022 in addition to educational and plenary sessions. Click to learn more about affiliate events, the Environmental Justice Caucus, the Community Reception, the Phoenix Awards, and mobile workshops.

8: Airport Access

Public transportation is not available from Will Rogers World Airport (OKC), but taxis, ride shares, and private shuttles are available. Click here for more information

9: First Time at a Brownfields Conference?

We will be hosting a special session for Brownfields 2022 first-time attendees on Wednesday, August 17th from 10:30 - 11:30 AM in Room 203. If you missed our first-time-attendee webinar, you can view the recording here: (Click here to view recording)

10: Questions

For general conference information, please visit the Ask Me! Desk in the registration area beginning at 7:30 AM on Tuesday, August 16th. 

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