March 21, 2024: Sustainable and Resilient Communities - Regional Funding Workshop, 9:30am-2:30pm, lunch provided, Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, CT.
March 21, 2024: Facilitation Basics for Coastal Managers, CT NERR, UCONN Avery Point, Groton, CT. For more information or to register, email: (Virtual options, April 10-11, 2024 1:00-4:00pm and April 16-17, 2024, 2:00-5:00pm)
March 23, 2024: Connecticut Land Conservation Conference, Wesleyan University, Usdan Center, Middletown, CT.
April 4, 2024: Connecticut Beach Association's Guide to Coastal Activities & Permitting training presentation, 6:00pm, Fairfield Fire School, 205 Richard White Way, Room 102, Fairfield, CT. RSVP by email: Online attendance option also available with Webex, email for details.
April 10-11, 2024: 34th Annual Nonpoint Source (NPS) Conference, NEIWPCC, Saybrook Point Resort & Marina, Old Saybrook, CT.
April 23, 2024: Connecticut Emergency Management Symposium, Camp Nett, Niantic, CT.
April 23-25, 2024: ResCon, New Orleans, LA.
May 7-9, 2024: 2024 New York State Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association (NYSFSMA) Conference, Glens Falls, NY.
May 14-16, 2024: National Adaptation Forum. Saint Paul, MN.
May 15, 2024: Long Island Sound Research Conference, Port Jefferson, NY.
May 23, 2024: 2024 Rhode Island Flood Mitigation Association (RIFMA) Annual Meeting & Conference, University of Rhode Island, South Kingstown, RI.
June 2-5, 2024: National Flood Conference, Washington, D.C., save the date, more information to come.
June 17-21, 2024: National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) 2024 Annual State, Tribal, Federal Coordination Meeting, National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV.
June 23-27, 2024: Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) 48th Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
July 14-17, 2024: 49th Annual Natural Hazards Research & Application Workshop, Broomfield, CO.
October 6-10, 2024: Restore America's Estuaries: 2024 Coastal & Estuarine Summit, Washington, D.C.
November 13-15, 2024: 2024 Integrated Watershed Planning Workshop (NAWM & ASFPM), Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.
NFIP-related training webinars are available through STARR, a FEMA contractor. Below is a list of upcoming webinars. To register, go to the NFIP training website and click on the "Upcoming" tab. When asked during registration what FEMA Region you are in, please reply "1". All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 1:00pm EST unless otherwise noted below. These webinars are free.
- March 19, 2024 - CRS: Preparing a Verification Visit
March 20, 2024 - CRS: FEMA Elevation Certificates (1:00-2:30pm)
April 16, 2024 - CRS: Annual CRS Requirements (1:00-2:30pm)
- April 17, 2024 - CRS: CRS & Floodplain Species Assessment
- May 16, 2024 - Introduction to Coastal Construction
The ASFPM Training and Knowledge Center offers webinars and an online university as a professional development resource for floodplain management professionals.
NFIP 101 Training Course - This on-demand nine unit course covers flood maps and studies, flood regulations, compliance, flood insurance, substantial improvement/substantial damage, and pre/post disaster floodplain management. The combined course duration for all nine units is approximately 14-17 hours to complete. There is a twenty question exam at the end of the course with unlimited retakes. The course can be completed at your own pace.
'The NAWM posts past webinar recordings on its website. Register here for the upcoming webinars listed below.
- March 19, 2024, 3:00-4:30pm - Predicting and Mapping the Effects of the Sackett Decision
- May 22, 2024, 3:00-4:00pm - MAWWG-NEBAWWG Webinar Series: Wetland Classifications
Soak Up the Rain is a U.S. EPA stormwater public outreach and education program to raise awareness about the costly impacts of polluted stormwater runoff and encourage compliance with stormwater rules and requirements through nature-based solutions such as green infrastructure and low impact development. To view watch recordings of past webinars, visit their webinar archive. The U.S. EPA Watershed Academy offers training and resources on watershed management, including a new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management training module, intended for water quality and hazard mitigation professionals that are interested in integrating water quality issues and/or nature-based solutions into state or local Hazard Mitigation Plans.
The Natural Hazards Center, posts past webinar recordings on its website.
Past webinar recordings are posted on the CTDEEP Climate Change website.
Recordings of previous Planning Information Exchange (PIE) webinars can be found here.
FEMA's Resilient Nation Partnership Network (RNPN) brings together a diverse network of stakeholders committed to help communities act and become more resilient toward natural disasters and climate-related events.
New Elevation Certificate and Dry Floodproofing Certificate webinars
FEMA Region I Flood Mapping 101 Skill Share Virtual Workshop
On August 8th, 2022, FEMA Region 1 hosted a two-hour Flood Mapping 101 Skill-Share Virtual Workshop for state and local floodplain management and permitting officials in New England. Topics covered included: history of the flood mapping program, overview of flood insurance rate maps and flood insurance studies, Map Service Center tutorial, how to read flood maps and how different flood zones affect local communities, the flood mapping development process, and Letters of Map Change.
Flood Insurance & Risk Rating 2.0
Watch this 2 hour video of a training session recorded on June 8, 2021 for insurance agents to learn more about Risk Rating 2.0. This 1:15 minute video will discuss how Risk Rating 2.0 defines a property's unique flood risk. This 25 minute video of a 2022 Hurricane Season webinar for insurance agents is also available.
Risk Rating 2.0 - Equity in Action videos
Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) Section 1206
Section 1206 of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) authorizes FEMA to reimburse communities that participate in the NFIP for the resources needed to effectively administer and enforce building codes and floodplain management regulations following a major disaster declaration. This creates new eligible activities through FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) Program to carry out required post-disaster activities. FEMA has developed a 6 minute video on DRRA 1206 to educate floodplain administrators, emergency managers, elected officials, and other stakeholders in the recovery process with the information needed for successful reimbursement of these new eligible activities.
Elevation Certificate Training Series
This eight-video training series provides guidance on how to complete each section of a elevation certificate as per requirements of the Community Rating System (CRS) program. The series also covers general issues that are commonly encountered and how to correct an elevation certificate that was filled out incorrectly.
Rising Waters: Planning for Flooding in Connecticut
This 15 minute educational video from Adapt CT highlights flooding scenarios within our state along with the social and economic impacts of flooding, and opportunities for mitigation. The video aims to increase the knowledge base of municipal officials to make informed decisions and effective choices supporting resilience. The general public and other stakeholders will also find the video valuable.
Climate Change in Connecticut
This 13 minute educational video from Adapt CT highlights the effects of climate change in our state. The video aims to increase the knowledge base of municipal officials to make informed decisions and effective choices supporting resilience. The general public and other stakeholders will also find the video valuable.
Legal Issues and Flood Resilience
This 18 minute educational video from Adapt CT, entitled Drowning in Liability: Reducing climate change impacts through municipal planning and zoning, aims to help viewers recognize the planning and zoning interests related to flooding, describes actions that can reduce liability related to planning and zoning decisions, and identifies key resources for further information. The video illustrates the causes of flooding and what has and can been done to protect Connecticut residents, property, and natural resources from its devastating impacts. The video also discusses “takings” and identifies multiple court cases to enhance understanding.
High Tide Flooding
This 7 minute video from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, "Rising Waters" series, discusses high tide flooding, also known as sunny day or nuisance flooding, that is occurring as a result of sea level rise. Sea level rise is often spoken of in future terms, including projections for impacts we're likely to see by the end of the century. But in many communities in the U.S., sea level rise is already a factor in people's lives in the form of high-tide flooding. The video visits Annapolis, Maryland that has seen a dramatic increase in floods in recent years. Waters sometimes breach flood walls, or more often, back up through storm sewers to flood nearby streets.
Can Your Facility Weather the Storm? U.S. Naval Submarine Base, Groton, Connecticut
This 5 minute video highlights how the U.S. Naval Submarine Base is an outstanding example of preparedness and shows some of the actions they have taken include elevating equipment and materials, using floodgates and having a plan of action in order to be more flood resistant.
Can Your Business Weather the Storm? Marina located along Connecticut's coast
This 5 minute video highlights a local full-service marina and boat repair business which has implemented a variety of actions to protect the environment and be more flood resistant, including a daily walk-through and connecting with local emergency responders.
The 21st Century Resilient Business training: Managing Your Chemicals Can Help You Manage the Storm
This 25 minute video will show how to make your business resilient to natural hazards, reduce property damage, environmental contamination and liability. This video will help businesses that use chemicals in their process, sell chemicals and store hazardous waste onsite, including retail stores and service providers. It offers steps businesses can take to reduce risks and keep your business operating, especially those in flood prone areas. This video is also available as a training course.
Past webinar recordings can be found by clicking here. You can also sign up for their newsletter.
Check EBC's events calendar for webinars and other events scheduled until August 2024 or view past presentations.
This free, online course assists municipal aquifer protection agencies and their staff with meeting the training requirements under the Connecticut Aquifer Protection Act. The course can be completed at your own place, but must be completed within 60 days once started. It is estimated that the course will take approximately 8 hours to complete. There are 13 modules with text, videos, interactive activities, and practice quizzes. The course provides an overview of the regulatory requirements for local implementation, instructs agency members and staff responsible for knowing the law, and assists them in complying with the law. Register here for the training program.
Visit the CTDEEP inland wetlands agents training webpage to access the comprehensive online training program, continuing education workshops, archived training material, training videos, and newsletter for municipal inland wetland agents. Also visit the National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) webpage for past and upcoming webinars and trainings.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Digital Coast has a suite of recorded webinars, trainings, and educational videos on various coastal zone management topics which are great for virtual learning. Also check out their training calendar for online instructor-led training offerings and webinars.
All webinars are free. Click here to view 2024 annual calendar and register for the webinars listed below.
- Understanding Foundation Vents and FEMA's Technical Bulletin 1 - April 17, June 19, August 21, October 16, December 10 - 12:00-1:00pm
- Designing Passive Floodproofing Solutions Using Floodproof Windows and Wall Systems - March 20, May 22, August 28, November 13 - 3:00-4:00pm
- Flood Mitigation and Insurance for Small Business Owners - May 1, October 10 - 3:00-4:00pm
- Flood Mitigation and Insurance for Facility Managers - July 10 -3:00-4:00pm
- Floodplain Design, Construction and Impacts on Flood Insurance - April 13, May 8, June 5, July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 11 - 3:00-4:00pm
- Active and Passive Floodproofing for Non-Residential Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas - March 27, June 12, September 25, December 9 - 3:00-4:00pm
The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) is located at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Emergency Training Center (NETC) in Emmitsburg, Maryland. EMI serves as the national center for emergency management training of federal, state and local government officials. Tuition, housing, and all books and materials are provided at no cost. Participants are responsible for the cost of a meal ticket (approximately $250-$300/week depending on length of class). Below is a select list of floodplain management classes offered into September 2024. A full list of training classes and how to apply for admission can be found at the EMI website.
E101 Foundations of Emergency Management - April 15-19, 2024.
E102 Science of Disaster - May 15-17, August 14-16, 2024.
E103 Planning: Emergency Operations - May 20-21, August 19-20, 2024.
E202 Debris Management Planning for State, Tribal, Territorial and Local Officials - July 29-August 1, 2024.
E212 Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Developing Quality Application Elements - April 14-18, 2024.
E213 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program: Application Review & Evaluation- July 22-23, 2024.
E214 Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program: Project Implementation and Programmatic Closeout - July 24-25, 2024.
E273 Managing Floodplain Development through the NFIP - April 22-25, September 9-12, 2024.
E312 Fundamentals of Building Science - August 5-8, 2024.
E2461 Advanced Building Sciences Series I: Flood Mitigation - May 13-15, 2024.
E2462 Advnaced Building Sciences Series I: Wind Mitigation - May 16-17, 2024.
EMI also offers free Independent Study courses on various aspects of the NFIP aimed at community officials, surveyors, insurance agents, and claims adjusters. These web-based courses are offered at no cost and can be taken at your own pace. Below is a sample of courses available. Independent study courses are also available for other topics in emergency management, hazard mitigation planning, disaster response and dam safety. Check out the full course list for all available independent study courses.
IS-10.a Animals in Disasters: Awareness & Preparedness
IS-11.a Animals in Disasters: Community Planning
IS-21.21 Civil Rights and FEMA Disaster Assistance
IS-30.b Mitigation eGrants System for the Subgrant Applicant
IS-42 Social Media in Emergency Management
IS-111.a Livestock in Disasters
IS-158 Hazard Mitigation Flood Insurance in Disaster Operations
IS-162 Hazard Mitigation Floodplain Management in Disaster Operations
IS-212.b Introduction to Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA)
IS-230.d Fundamentals of Emergency Management
IS-251.a Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) for Alerting Administrators
IS-271.a Anticipating Hazardous Weather and Community Risk
IS-273 How to Read a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
IS-274 How to Read a Flood Insurance Study (FIS)
IS-276.a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) Fundamentals
IS-277.a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA): Entry Level
IS-279.a Introduction to Retrofitting Flood-prone Residential Structures
IS-280 Overview: Engineering Principles & Practices for Retrofitting Flood-prone Residential Structures
IS-284.a Using the Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0 Tool
IS-285 Substantial Damage Estimator for the Floodplain Administrator
IS-318 Mitigation Planning for Local and Tribal Communities
IS-324.a Community Hurricane Preparedness
IS-366.a Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters
IS-386 Introduction to Residential Coastal Construction
IS-393.b Introduction to Hazard Mitigation
IS-394.a Protecting Your Home or Small Business From Disaster
IS-552 The Public Works Role in Emergency Management
IS-554 Emergency Planning for Public Works
IS-556 Damage Assessment for Public Works
IS-558 Public Works and Disaster Recovery
IS-559 Local Damage Assessment
IS-632a Introduction to Debris Operations
IS-633 Debris Management Plan Development
IS-634 Introduction to FEMA's Public Assistance Program
IS-727 Floodplain Management and Protection of Wetlands
IS-815 ABCs of Temporary Emergency Power
IS-870.a Dam Sector: Crisis Management
IS-871.a Dam Sector: Security Awareness
IS-872.a Dam Sector: Protective Measures
IS-922.a Applications of GIS for Emergency Management
IS-1100.a Increased Cost of Compliance
IS-1101.b Basic Agent Tutorial
IS-1102 Theory of Elevation Rating
IS-1103.a Elevation Certificate for Surveyors
IS-1104 NFIP Claims Review for Adjusters
IS-1105.a EC Made Easy: Elevation Certificate Overview
IS-1106.a FEMA Mapping Changes
IS-1107 Adjuster Customer Service
IS-1108 Insuring Condominiums
IS-1109.a Understanding Basement Coverage
IS-1110.a Writing Commercial Exposures
IS-1111 Introduction to Commercial Claims
IS-1112 Introduction to Flood Claims
IS-1113 Coastal Barrier Resources Act
IS-1117 Severe Repetitive Loss for Agents
IS-1119 Letters of Map Amendment (LOMA) & Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F)
IS-1120 Letters of Map Revision (LOMR)
IS-2001 Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA)
IS-2901 Introduction to Community Lifelines