Summer Sunday Schedule:

10:00 a.m. Eucharist for All
11:00 a.m. Fellowship
11:15 a.m. Formation (1st and 3rd Sundays)

Pride Sunday ... 

Trail Notes ... 

Humanity Matures
The recent Walter Isaacson biography of Leonardo da Vinci depicts a brilliant, erratic, lovable man - a giant of both art and industry - a true Renaissance man. Leonardo was also a gay man, something that he didn't hide. He had long relationships with male lovers, even while he lived at court. What happened between then and now?
In our day, we have had to fight for that kind of acceptance of ways of living and loving that don't conform to a traditional standard of heterosexual love or no love at all. Both science and the experience of countless human beings have confirmed that humans live and love in many ways, naturally. The joy and goodness I see in my many LGBTQ friends give me cause for hope that our human race can continue to become more loving, more compassionate, more accepting of difference.
My friends have taught me much, through both honest discussion and gentle confrontation. They have helped me grow in my understanding. They have helped me move beyond "tolerance" and "acceptance" to real celebration of the rich variety of human life and experience - and that's where PRIDE comes in. PRIDE is affirmation, celebration, solidarity, and compassion, all wrapped up in one.  
As we study Jesus' behavior with people who had been pushed to the margins of his society - poor people, lepers, disabled people, and notorious sinners - we see that Jesus did not distance himself. Instead, he chose to become their allies: to walk with them and respect them in front of everybody. If we wish to emulate our Lord Jesus today, we must become allies of marginalized people in our world. An ally doesn't stand by and listen to a hurtful remark or "joke," but responds firmly. It's all part of our baptismal vow to "respect the dignity of every human being." JBM

 Refugee Forum Update ... 

On Tuesday, June 5th St. Dunstan's hosted Ambassador Mark C. Storella, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration at one of our regular policymaker discussions. He had a slide show about his recent visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh related to the Rohingya refugee crisis. He visited the camps in Bangladesh where 640,000 Rohingya refugees live in temporary facilities lacking decent water and sanitation and exposed to potentially deadly monsoon rains.  He met with Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel-prize winning state counselor of Myanmar, and pressed her to take concrete action to improve their condition. 

In response to audience questions he indicated that both the regular and special refugee programs would admit fewer people than expected - perhaps 21,000 regular refugees and 13,000 special  immigrants for the entire year. He reminded us that resettlement of refugees in the U.S. cannot solve the problem of 65.6 million people displaced worldwide, and that there is an urgent need for the U.S. to provide refugee assistance and to seek durable political solutions that would allow repatriation or permanent residence. 

About 40 people attended from St. Dunstan's, other parishes, the community and from service organizations seeking to help refugees. Representatives from Lutheran Social Services were there and indicated that there was still a need for volunteers to help existing refugee families. 

Housing- In addition, for those interested in affordable housing issues there will be a Montgomery County Executive candidate forum tonight,  June 7 from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. at the Housing Opportunities Commission, 10400 Detrick Ave., Kensington.  It is sponsored by the Montgomery Housing Alliance.  You can register for the event here

Healthcare- We talked at our last meeting about an event this fall related to health care. We thought that a good step might be to have an event at St. Dunstan's in September bringing together representatives of three groups - Montgomery County agencies, healthcare providers and healthcare advocacy groups - for an informational dialogue on what programs are in place and what might need improvement.  We also discussed a possible work product, a document outlining elements of a just society, including, for instance, enduring rights to adequate health care, food, clothing, housing, education, self-respect and dignity.  We talked about the need to provide a  floor for all in these areas as a way to preserve both freedom and justice.  I still have a homework project to produce a draft of this document for the group.

Let me ask if people think a meeting in late June, perhaps the week of June 25,  would be a helpful thing to make sure we have an understanding of our next steps and initiatives.

Mark MacCarthy
Convener of the St. Dunstan's Justice League

 Adult Formation ... 

Bp. Michael Curry wants to Reclaim Jesus.
And he's not the only one.

Bp. Curry was a hit, preaching at the royal wedding about the needs of the world and the redeeming power of love. Most such royal sermons have been quite forgettable, but not this one! Over one billion people were watching. The Episcopal Church can be proud!
With 20 other Christian leaders in America, Bp. Curry has presented our country with "A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis." Called Reclaiming Jesus, this manifesto challenges the slippery slope of lies, indifference to suffering, bigotry, and abuse of power that mark our time:
  • Is "America first" a theological heresy?
  • Is autocracy what we want in America?
  • Are white people justified in their protests and privileges?
Please join a discussion this Sunday after service in the parish hall. Copies of the statement are available on the welcome table, and at the website Click here.

      Christian Formation for Children and Youth ...

Worship and Picnic

Learn about keeping the sabbath from Fr. Jeff.

Learning about magic from Abracadabra Alex.

L. Sue von Rautenkranz
Children and Youth Formation Coordinator

      Parish Notice ...

Small Groups
Men's Group, Soul Sisters, and Wednesday Bible Study and Eucharist with Healing will be suspended for the summer. The last Bible Study and Eucharist will take place on Wednesday, June 13 at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Small Groups will reconvene in the fall.

Free Concert
Colin Mac Knight is playing a half hour long recital of English organ music at National City Christian Church on  Friday, June 15 at 12:15 pm. National City is located at  5 Thomas Circle, Northwest DC  and has one of DC's largest organs. Admission is free and open to the public. Hope to see you there!

Interested in Serving Our Neighbors?
Our neighbors at St. Columba's Water Ministry provide year-round hospitality to our neighbors in need, in the form of a hot lunch, shower and laundry facilities and a place to relax and talk. The Water Ministry is seeking volunteers for June 4 - Aug. 3, and all dates in between. Volunteers may opt to serve 10 am - 1:30 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays to provide showers, laundry service and lunch to guests, and clean up afterwards. Scheduling is flexible to suit each volunteer's availability. We also need shoppers to buy food at Costco and deliver it to St. Columba's once a week on Fridays throughout the summer. Contact: Carolyn Donnelly and Shari Villarosa ([email protected]) or visit us at: 

Hopes and Prayers on our Journey ...

n Need of Healing:

Curt Shively , husband of Susan Burkhalter in nursing care
Ken Farnsworth , at home in Westwood Towers
David Keegan , friend of Tom and Rosemarie Barrett, fighting cancer
Pam Plaisance , fighting cancer, cousin of Sue von
Samantha Barnes, ill,  sister of Muriel Croston
Ray Bridson , friend of the MacKnights, fighting cancer
DJ Crane , family friend of Trudy Surut, fighting cancer
Jay Karlin , in nursing care

The flowers at the altar  are given to the glory of the Lord by Trudy Surut in recognition of long time members Bob and Ann Boyd on their last Sunday at St. Dunstan's.

We pray for St. Dunstan's Missionaries, Cameron and Roberto Vivanco, who serve in Quito, Ecuador, and the parish of Buen Pastor.  

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please complete our prayer request form by clicking here.

Trail Map ...

The Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 10, 2018

10:00 a.m. Eucharist for All
11:15 a.m. Life Long Christian Formation
12:00 p.m Fellowship

The readings for this Sunday are:
Luke 4:14-22a

Sunday Schedule of Ministries ...

Serving this Sunday
Trail Guide: Julie Anderson
Liturgical Coordinator:   Eugene Wright
Crucifer: Carl Adams
Lector:   Eugene Wright
Prayer Minister: Carl Adams
Altar Guild:   Marsha Barnes
Flower Guild: Trudy Surut
Tellers: Donna Alvarez and Chuck Cash