Sunday Service Schedule:

10:45 a.m. Combined Holy Eucharist 
12:00 a.m. Jeff's Cinco de Mayo Celebration

     Farewell Jeff ...

Trail Notes ...  

Last Words

This is my last edition of Trail Notes at St. Dunstan's! My practice of writing a brief essay for each Sunday of worship began over 30 years ago. For many years it was called simply, "About this Service." Then when we became "The Church on the Trail," I changed the name to something that fit our parish theme - the idea of journeying together.  
I've enjoyed the weekly task of writing about the scriptures, particular feast days and seasons, notable events in the parish life, and local and national affairs that demand a Christian response. I've appreciated comments from many of you - both agreement and criticism. Thank you for being a part of the conversation.
This third Sunday of the Easter Season, we naturally hear the story of a resurrection appearance of Jesus. This one is on a beach by the lake. It is filled with symbolism: the work of fishing, the great haul of fish, the recognition of Jesus, and Jesus feeding the disciples. These are Jesus' themes throughout his ministry: the task of evangelism (fishing), a world-view of abundance, and the challenge of seeing and recognizing God's hand in the world. The breakfast on the beach is clearly Eucharistic: Jesus takes what is offered, blesses and transforms it, and it becomes food for disciples - for us.
There is a final, mysterious interaction between Peter and Jesus. Jesus asks (three times in a row): Peter, do you love me? Peter responds: Yes Lord! Then Jesus says Feed my sheep. We know that Peter had a close but conflicted relationship with Jesus. Peter professed great faith, but then denied Jesus three times. So this is Peter's moment of truth, and a time of healing of his relationship with Jesus. These are Jesus' last words to Peter.
If I myself have a last word for you, the people of St. Dunstan's, it would be:
Attend to the work of fishing - find new ways to take the love of God into your neighborhood, and ways to gather people together here at St. Dunstan's. Invest in this congregation so that it may thrive. Practice abundance not scarcity. Recognize the winds of God's Holy Spirit blowing among you. Embrace change. Welcome your new rector, and offer your active support for her/him and the new initiatives and vision that he/she will bring. Share fellowship and eat together, as Jesus taught us. Be patient and forgive each other. Love God, and love your neighbors. Feed Jesus' sheep.
Thank you for the privilege of serving as your rector these nineteen years. I wish you all the very best.   JBM

     Gardening Day ...

Dear Friends and Admirers of St, Dunstan's Memorial Garden,
Please join your garden committee for a Saturday morning spring garden cleanup.  We need to prune back our lovely but aggressive periwinkle around the shrubs and perennials in the Surut Memorial Garden. So, we'll weed a bit, and add a few new plants around the church entrance area. 
We hope you will be able to join us Saturday, May 25, 2019 at 10:00 a.m., for an hour or two, at the most, then we can all move on with our Memorial Day festivities. Come and enjoy the camaraderie and gratification of maintaining a beautiful entrance to our church. Dress for gardening, bring your garden tools, and we'll provide water and plenty of snacks.
See you there!
Rosemarie Barrett and Sue Newman

Christian Formation for Children and Youth ... 

Youth Ministry

May Youth Nights
6:00 p.m. Dinner
6:30-7:30 p.m. Program for youth in grades 5-12

Wednesday, May 8 @ Redeemer
Wednesday, May 22@ St. Dunstan's

We are now meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.

Our conversations in April will explore resurrection in our lives. How do we find a sense of hope and joy when life is difficult. Come for dinner and stay for games, community building, and conversation. Please click here to sign up.

     Church Picnic: Save the Date! ...

     Parish Notice ...

Senior Community Resource Fair
Join the members of the Business Collaborative for Health and Longevity on Sunday, May 19, 2019, 3:00-5:00 p.m. at St. Dunstan's to learn about the many resources available to you in your community to help you or your family members age in place or in the residence of your choice. For more information contact Deborah Rozell or pick up a flyer located in Founder's Hall.

Eucharistic Bread Bakers
Are you baker? Are you looking for an easy volunteer opportunity? Then we need you! We are currently recruiting volunteers to bake bread for Eucharist.  For more information, contact Jeff .

 Kim Matthews
Parish Administrator

Rector Search News ... 

Rector Search: Update

The Search Committee has completed evaluation of candidates and has presented a final report to the Vestry for consideration.  

Committee Chair

Hopes and Prayers on our Journey ...

n Need of Healing:

Curt Shively , husband of Susan Burkhalter in nursing care
Ken Farnsworth , at home in Westwood Towers
David Keegan , friend of Tom and Rosemarie Barrett, fighting cancer
Pam Plaisance , fighting cancer, cousin of Sue von
Samantha Barnes, ill,  sister of Muriel Croston
Ray Bridson , friend of the MacKnights, fighting cancer
DJ Crane , family friend of Trudy Surut, fighting cancer
Jessie McCardell, recovering from a fall
Nancy Hay, ill
Joan (Penny) Denny , ill
Eleanor London , ill, mother of Ellen McCormick
Warren Green , ill, son-in-law of Trudy Surut
Patrick Smoak , fighting cancer, brother of Fred Smoak
Katie Hemmer , ill, mother of Sidney Clark-Lequrique

The flowers  are given to the glory of the Lord by Carl Adams in loving memory of Alice Hopper.

As we seek a new rector, we pray: Lord Christ, we ask that you surround us with your love during this time of transition and renewal at St. Dunstan's. Let us view this moment of change as an invitation to build upon that which has been given to us so generously by our founders. May we possess an open heart to all the possibilities that lie ahead. We hope these months of preparation will further unite us as one faith community, and that we will continue to cherish the strengths and gifts of one another. May we find new leaders who will unite us in our mission and shared values. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

We pray for St. Dunstan's Missionaries, Cameron and Roberto Vivanco, who serve in Quito, Ecuador, and the parish of Buen Pastor.  

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please complete our prayer request form by clicking here.

Trail Map ...

The Third Sunday of Easter

May 5, 2019

10:45 a.m. Traditional Holy Eucharist
12:00 p.m. Jeff's Cinco de Mayo Celebration

The readings for this Sunday are:
Acts 9:1-20, Psalm 30,
and John 21:1-19

Sunday Schedule of Ministries ...

Serving this Sunday

Liturgical Coordinator: Rosi Sweeney
Crucifer:  Carl Adams 
Lector: Rosi Sweeney
Prayer Minister: Sue Newman
Flower Guild:  Rosemarie Barrett
Altar Guild:   Marsha Barnes 
Tellers: Donna Alvarez and Trudy Surut