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January 23, 2020
"Fascism thrives in obscurity and darkness." - DaShanne Stokes

"When the public's right to know is threatened, and when the rights of free speech and free press are at risk, all of the other liberties we hold dear are endangered." - Christopher Dodd

"The only security of all is in a free press." - Thomas Jefferson     
"The media, like anything else, can be bought. Everything, it seems, has its price. Even the free press." - Lance Morcan, The Orphan Conspiracies: 29 Conspiracy Theories from The Orphan Trilogy

Please Help! Our Situation is Critical
  We Are Fighting For Survival. 
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Thank you. Your help is greatly appreciated. Tom Feeley

Trump's Davos speech exposed how US isolationism is reaching its final narcissistic chapter
By Robert Fisk
The US president believes his country should be paid to intervene militarily in the Middle East - and then paid to leave. - Continue
The Trump Coup to Come
By Paul Street
Trump may well not leave the White House without a dangerous fight. - Continue
Deadly Distractions: Laying the Groundwork for the Next Civil War
By John Whitehead
Trump may well not leave the White House without a dangerous fight. - Continue
The American Chaos Machine
By Danny Sjursen
Trump could never have expanded America's wars in the Greater Middle East, without the militaristic foundations laid down for him by George W. Bush and Barack Obama. - Continue
The US's Inalienable Right to Violence
By Gregory Shupak
The US has the right to use violence (or the threat of it) to assert its will, anytime, anywhere. - Continue
What governments learned from the Iraq War - Prevent independent media from questioning the pretexts for war.
By Peter Hitchens
If the Iraq War crisis were re-run with the media of 2020, the failure to find WMD in Iraq would never have got out. - Continue
Ten Best Messages for Waging Peace
Be Freedom
If we want to grow from a radical movement of thousands to a disruptive movement of millions our job is to help people discover their own economic and political interests for opposing war and empire. - Continue
Tulsi Gabbard sues Hillary Clinton for $50M over 'Russian asset' remark
By ICH & Agencies
"That's ridiculous," Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said of the lawsuit. - Continue
Architect of CIA's Torture Program Testifies Before Man He Waterboarded 183 Times
By Margot Williams
His business received $81 million from the CIA. - Continue

Note to ICH community.

Please take time to read these articles and forward them to your social media outlets.

If we don't work to spread this information our fellow citizens will swallow, whole the propaganda that is being pumped out by our government and its subservient media.

As citizens we have a responsibility to hold our government to account before the kill and slaughter people around the world in our name.

Peace and Joy


Watch : Trump meets Iraq president during World Economic Forum: Trump said: "We'll see what happens, because we do have to do things on our terms."
Trump downplays seriousness of injuries in Iran attack after US soldiers treated for concussions: The president declared earlier this month that there were no casualties
Netanyahu, Gantz reportedly invited to Washington ahead of plan for theft of Palestinian land:Trump's proposal will be the most generous ever toward Israel; likely providing for Israeli sovereignty over all illegal West Bank settlements alongside a recognition of Palestinian statehood.
War criminal: Netanyahu calls for sanctions over ICC war crimes investigation : Netanyahu has called for sanctions against the international criminal court and people who work for it
Watch: US Defense Contractors Funding Taliban:U.S. defense contractors, alleging they are paying off the Taliban in 'protection fees' while knowing full-well that these funds are being allocated toward the killing of American soldiers
UK: Trade tensions rise as US threatens car tariffs: Mr Javid said the UK would not back down over the tax which will hit US firms like Apple, Amazon and Facebook.
U.S. to send ambassador to Bolivia for first time in over a decade: Morales expelled the last U.S. ambassador in 2008.
Supporters of the Bolivian regime gathered in La Paz today to hear their president speak: Apparently they were outnumbered by journalists and coppers.

Peace and Joy

Tom Feeley

Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,801

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan :
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