Truth: Cannabis Can NOT Cure Cancer
There are several pervasive conspiracy theories claiming that cannabis (or something else simple and natural) can cure cancer – and that the giant pharmaceutical companies have been hiding this fact for years. However, this theory has a few key flaws. The first is that
the giant pharmaceutical companies had already found a cure, it would be hugely profitable for them (given that about half of us will get cancer at some point in our lives) and therefore it’d be in their best capitalistic interest
to suppress it.
Moreover, the number of people that would need to be complicit in keeping a secret of this magnitude would be staggering; during the many decades that this secret has supposedly been kept, no doubt at least one of those people would have come forward with the truth, either to be a hero or to make money with the story. The reality is simple: there is NO conspiracy hiding a cure for cancer, cannabis or otherwise.
From a science-based perspective, there have been many clinical studies on the subject over the years – and there is still no evidence that cancer can be cured by cannabis. "There have been some studies which imply that cannabis can be effective against cancer – but only in a petri dish. This is very misleading, as even saliva can kill cancer in a petri dish – and we all know saliva can't kill cancer in a person" explains Alex Rolland, oncogenomics expert and CTOAM’s Director of Scientific Research.
Truth: Cannabis
Help Symptoms Related to Chemotherapy or Radiation
For years, cannabis has been prescribed to help alleviate the nasty side effects of chemotherapy and radiation: it’s been shown to help reduce nausea, increase appetite, decrease stress, and improve sleep.