Michèle Sharik


“Photo by:

Message from the Chair

Greetings, Area 12!

I hope your handbell programs are running smoothly & that you’re busily planning your spring concerts and events.

Did you know you can submit your concerts and events to the Area 12 calendar? Just fill out the form here and our webmaster will post it. This is not only available to community groups, but also to church & schools groups — actually, any handbell group can submit their concerts and events for inclusion on the calendar. When I travel, I like to attend handbell concerts and events (Yes, I know I’m a handbell nerd, but I’m not the only one!), so please don’t hesitate to submit your information so that those outside your program can have the opportunity to attend.

Speaking of travel, I recently had the honor to go to Singapore as a “Foreign Guest Ringer” for the “Ministry of Bellz” concert event. In addition to ten Americans, there was a ringer from Australia, one from Iceland, one from Hong Kong, and one from Japan. I was not the only one representing Area 12, though; Gretch Raugh from the San Francisco Bay Area was also there. We all enjoyed the sights and sounds of Singapore and also played a fabulous theatrical concert. Such fun!

In other news, I’d like to welcome Harley Glenn to the Area 12 board. He will be serving as your Social Media contact, posting Area 12 info to Facebook, Instagram, and other social media outlets. If you haven’t already, please subscribe/friend/etc. to Area 12’s social media feeds. Welcome, Harley!

Carol Pickford, who has just served two terms as Area 12 Secretary, will be moving into the Southern California Regional Coordinator role. We are grateful that she has agreed to take on this position and are looking forward to continuing our work together.

Until next month, stay safe and warm and have a great handbell season!

Area 12 Elections

Handbell Musicians of America members,

don't forget to vote before March 3rd!

Election Information and Instructions 
Carol Pickford

Secretary's Report

Area 12 held our Winter board meeting on January 25th, it was nice to get back together again after the business of the holidays. The winter meeting is a shorter meeting, meant to make sure our action items keep moving forward. We have tentatively chosen a location for the next Area 12 event in 2026, but we are waiting for the announcement from National for their 2026 event to make sure we are not in conflict. Hopefully that will be coming out soon so we can finalize our plans.  

I want to thank you all for allowing me the privilege of serving as your secretary for the last four years. As our elections take place in February, I will be transferring this roll to a new secretary, and moving to the position of SoCal regional coordinator.  

Our next meeting will be in March, please reach out if there is anything you would like the board to discuss. 


Carol Pickford

More Than a Metronome

Director’s Workshop

There's still time to join us for a day of fun, learning and connecting with fellow directors this Saturday, February 8th!

Conducting is communication. Join us to learn the language of conducting by connecting your movements to the music through hands-on practice of conducting gestures with a live bell ensemble. 

CLINICIANS: Barbara Walsh & Tessique Houston

MUSIC: How Firm a Foundation arr. Jason W. Krug (2-3 oct. GMH 230037; 3-6 oct. GMH350050)

WHEN: Saturday, February 8, 2025, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: Walnut Creek United Methodist Church, 1543 Sunnyvale Ave., Walnut Creek, CA 94597

HOW MUCH: $100

Registration is open! Use the link below to save your spot.

Any questions? email Tessique Houston at:

This event is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Register here!


Marquise Usher

Greetings Bay Area Friends!

I'm excited to announce that Saturday, May 3rd, 2025, the Bay Area Spring Ring and Intense Ring returns with clinician Barb Walsh! Check out the repertoire below and our new spring ring location!

Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church

728 W. Fremont Avenue

Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Registration will open February 10, 2025. for registration details!

Can't wait to see you all there!



Rondeau, Jean-Joseph Mouret/arr. Arnold Sherman

3-5 Octaves, Level 2

Choristers Guild CGB454

Instrumental Parts – CGRP14

Full Score – CGB453


Song of Assurance, Arnold Sherman

2-3 Octave Version, Level 2 – CGB604

3-5 Octaves Version, Level 2 – CGB605

Choristers Guild


The King Shall Come, arr. Cathy Moklebust

2 or 3 Octave Version, Level 2 – CGB690

3-6 Octaves Version, Level 2 – CGB691

Choristers Guild


Inception, J. Krug

2-3 Octave Version, Level 2 – LC202021L

3-5 Octaves Version, Level 2 – LC202020L

Lorenz Corporation


Thine is the Glory, George Frideric Handel, arr. Margaret Tucker

3-5 Octaves, Level 3

Choristers Guild CGB338

Brass Parts – CGRP10

Full Score – CGB337



O Sing a Song of Bethlehem, arr. Matthew Compton

3-5 Octaves, Level 4

Alfred Handbell/Jubilate Music Group AP46259


Barbara Walsh

For information on Northern Nevada concerts, events, and other opportunities, 

click here.  


The 23rd Annual Sierra Spring Ring is happening on May 10th from 9:00-4:00 at Sparks United Methodist Church, 1231 Pyramid Way in Sparks, NV! There will be massed ringing (two pieces, TBD) and classes - 4-in-Hand, Weaving, Well Ringing=Ringing Well, Prepping Your Music at Home without Bells, Ringing without Music, and Booms and Beats (percussion and rhythm). The cost for all this is only $20! Registration coming soon! Contact me for more info. 

Hello Southern Nevada!

We had a great Twelfth Night Handbell Festival with Sandra Eithun! Thank you to all the attendees, it wouldn’t be an event without you. We had seven of our Area 12 board members in attendance, as well. 

We have announced that next year will be held on January 9-10, 2026,with guest clinician Brian Childers. Hope to see you all there!


Alison Pruett

Area 12 Board Members with Sandra Eithun

80 Ringers in final concert with Sandra Eithun directing

Conflict Resolution Policy and Code of Ethics

Over the last year, your Executive Committee has spent time creating two important documents for the Area 12 board. A Conflict Resolution Policy and a Code of Ethics are very important for the safety and smooth operation of any board. You can find these documents on the Area 12 website at this link:

For More Information

Hi there, SoCal -- 

I hope you have all recovered from the December holiday season & that your handbell programs are running smoothly. 

As you know, I am unable to continue serving as your Southern California Regional Coordinator because I am serving as your Chair. I have been monitoring the SoCal email and planning the 2025 Spring Ring (link to registration form is below), but the time has come to officially pass the baton.

Beginning Feb 10, your new Southern California Regional Coordinator will be Carol Pickford. Carol previously served two terms on the board as Secretary and we are glad she agreed to remain on as your RC. I am looking forward to working with her on your Area 12 board, and also in the continued organizing and running of the 2025 Spring Ring.

Please join me in welcoming Carol to this position!

As always,

my best,


Carol Pickford


Carol Pickford

Hello SoCal,

As I wrap up my two terms as Secretary, I'm grateful there is an open position on the board that I can continue to serve Area 12. The email account will transition over mid-February, so in the next month you might get responses from either Michèle or me as we make the transition. I grew up in LA County and moved to Orange County when I started college. I currently play in two community groups (LA Bronze and Timbré) and one church choir (St. John's Lutheran in Orange). Over the years I have met many of you, and I look forward to meeting many more of you in my new role.  


Carol Pickford


Southern California is San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, & Imperial Counties

For information on Southern California concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.  

SoCal Spring Ring

May 2-3 2025

For more information and Registration check this out!

Information and Registration

The SoCal Spring Ring is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Area 12 Composers! You are invited to submit a composition for a Bell tree and handbell choir.

For More Information 

Go to our HOMEPAGE 
to submit YOUR event!
(and get a social media push!)

Check out all the membership options and benefits for Handbell Musicians of America HERE.

Current Area 12

Member Count:


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Maggie Paton

Bells Were Ringing in the North State

I'd like to introduce you to Linda Dionne, the director of Bella Norte in Eureka. Her bell choir was very busy this past Holiday season.


Linda says: “We played for the Salvation Army Open House. It was supposed to be a much larger outdoor event in the Henderson Center area, but the weather here was so bad with the 'bomb-cyclone' that the larger event was cancelled. However the Salvation "Army persevered, and so did we. In fact, it was much nicer to ring inside!

Next up was ringing at three senior living facilities, and an adult day care facility. Our final performance was at the Eureka Inn where we played in the lobby by their huge Christmas tree. This event was open to the public.

Our gift of bringing Christmas to people through our music was truly a gift of love.”


Thank you, Linda Dionne, for keeping the bells ringing on the Northern coast of California. Besides ringing bells they are very crafty making greeting cards for all seasons, making jewelry, and making miniature bells out of communion cups with handles made using a 3D printer.


I wish you all a very Happy New Year 2025.


Warm regards,

Nancy Schmitt


Erik Der

Dear LA Metro,

Check out these opportunities for your ringers and sign up now! 

High School Handbell Invitational

Monday, March 10 2025:

Register Here

This event is designed for high school ensembles to hone their skills with clinicians, attend an adjudication workshop, learn a mass ring, and perform in an evening concert! Located at Concordia University Irvine. 

Young Ringers Festival: Saturday, March 29 2025

This event is designed for ensembles 8th grade and younger. Adjudication/workshop, mass ring, afternoon concert and more await your registration!  Alex Guebert will write a special, new arrangement for the mass ring. Located at Concordia University Irvine. (suitable for all skill levels)

Register Here

 Summer Handbell Camp | June 9 - 13, 2025: Registration open Soon! 

A full-service handbell store

with music and accessories:

gloves • gifts

maintenance items

mallets • binders

bell tree items

Malmark products

visit us at



7209 Morgan Ave S Richfield, MN 55423


Our National Organization (click logos to get more info!)
Handbell Musicians of America
The Twelfth Tone is published on or around the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
We have over 1500 contacts, a 40% open rate (17% higher than the industry average) and a 13% click rate. Book your ad NOW!

For advertising types and rates:
Visit our website
Payment is due prior to publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month. No issue in July.

Please submit your ads via email to:
Communications Director
Area 12 Bell/Chime Loan Program
Teachers: Would you like the use of a three octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?

Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes.

To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has six 3-octave sets of handbells and three 3-octave sets of handchimes for loan.

To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program, click here.
Looking for a previous issue? We archive the Twelfth Tone on our website:

Your Area 12 Board

Elected Officers


Michèle Sharik

Chair Elect


Past Chair

Marci Nuoffer

Acting Treasurer

Kathy Arnold

Acting Secretary

Carol Pickford

Appointed Officers


Cathryn Griggs


Beth Loebig


Cyndi Tully


Robyn Baird

Social Media

Harley Glenn


Gail Berg

Vendor Liaison

Fran Sanders

Regional Coordinators

Central California

Maggie Paton

Far Northern California Liaison

Nancy Schmitt


Karen Carlisle

Los Angeles Metro

Erik Der

Northern California

Cindy Ksiazek

Northern Nevada

Barbara Walsh

San Francisco Bay Area

Marquise Usher

Southern California

Carol Pickford

Southern Nevada

Alison Pruett

Area 12 Handbell Musicians of America |
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