Michèle Sharik


Message from the Chair

Greetings, Area 12!

As the weather warms and the spring flowers begin to bloom, many bell choirs are preparing for Lent and then Easter — and also for Spring Rings. So far, we have not one, not two, but three Spring Rings already scheduled for May this year, and a workshop, too!

There’s the Bay Area Spring Ring in Sunnyvale, the SoCal Spring Ring in Oceanside, and the Sierra Spring Ring in Sparks, as well as the “Jump Start Your Ringing Season” in Vista. You’ll find registration information in the Regional Coordinators section of this newsletter.

As I write this, I am traveling to one of HMA’s national events, Distinctly Bronze East & Crescendo, where I and over 100 other handbell musicians will ring under the direction of Concordia Irvine alumnus Nicholas Hanson, and former Area 12 chair (and past National President) P.L. Grove. This event (and its West version in October) is one the highlights of my ringing year. Not only do I get to play great music with great conductors, but I also get to see my handbell friends from all over the US and Canada (and sometimes from other countries, too).

I hope your bell choirs will take advantage of the learning opportunities and attend one or more wonderful events - in Area 12 and beyond. There are so many talented clinicians in the handbell world and so much to learn from each of them. Plus, there’s the fellowship with other handbell musicians. You’ve heard me say it more than once: handbell people are the best people! I encourage you to get out and get to know our amazing community; you won’t regret it!

Until next month, happy ringing!

PS. In just a few weeks, your Area 12 board will meet in person in Las Vegas to plan our 2026 Area conference, so stay tuned for more information about that event in the coming months.

By the time you receive this newsletter, our election will have finished, and we look forward to announcing the secretary and treasure for the next 2-year term. We’re also excited to let you know we found someone interested in being our chair elect, they will be joining at our next meeting, which is March 14-15, to get a feel for what we do as the board for Area 12. That leads me to remind all of you that visitors are always welcome to bring ideas, or just see what we do. If there’s anything you’d like us to specifically talk about, please let us know in advance so we can get you (or just your idea) on the agenda. 

Carol Pickford, Area12 Secretary

Carol Pickford


Carol Pickford


Marquise Usher

Greeting Bay Area Friends,

Registration is NOW OPEN for the 2025 Bay Area Spring Ring!

Our director this year is Barbara Walsh. She hails from Reno, Nevada, and the Bay Area is excited to have her take the podium this year.


Barbara holds a Bachelors of Music Education from Colorado State University and a Masters of Music from University of Nevada, Reno. She has been a public music school teacher in the Reno/Sparks, Nevada area for more than 33 years, and she has volunteered as the Handbell Musicians of America Area 12 Nevada/Eastern Sierra Regional Coordinator since 1993. She has developed handbell programs ranging from school-aged children to Tintab, an adult mixed-age community group. When she is not teaching, directing, or ringing handbells, Barbara plays flute and piccolo in local orchestras and shares back-country adventures with her husband, dog, and horses. We look forward to learning under Barbara’s baton on Saturday, May 3rd, in both the Intense Ring and the massed ring settings.


The day’s events will be similar to that of our 2023 event – there will be no classes: just ringing, ringing, and more ringing! As always, participants will rehearse throughout the day and give a public concert at 6:30 p.m.

Registration is discounted at $40/person for the day for those individuals/groups who bring their own tables ($50/per person if we provide tables).

Music must be purchased separately, and the music includes several two-octave selections and is easily usable in church settings throughout the year. 


The Bay Area Spring Ring is coming up fast on Saturday, May 3, so register soon. Don’t miss this opportunity to make music with a fabulous conductor and connect with ringers throughout the Bay Area!


For the full repertoire list, more information, and to register, go to:

The Bay Area Spring Ring is an endorsed event by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.


Barbara Walsh

For information on Northern Nevada concerts, events, and other opportunities, 

click here.  


presents the


Saturday, May 10, 2025

  Sparks United Methodist Church,

1231 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV


Massed Pieces:

Inception by Jason Krug, pub. Lorenz, 2-3 oct. 20/2021L, 3-5 oct. 20/2020L

The King Shall Come, arr. Cathy Moklebust, pub. Choristers Guild, 2-3 oct. CGB690, 3-6 oct. CGB691


Session I Classes: 

Ringing without Music:  Have fun ringing bells without the hassle of reading music!

Weaving:  It’s not just for hair and baskets!  Learn how to handle multiple bells using this technique.

Booms and Beats:  Have you ever wondered what those weird colored tubes are that you whack?  BOOMWACKERS® are fun and versatile!  This class takes multiple rhythmic ostinatos from our pieces and puts them on Boomwackers® to create a whole new work of art.


Session II Classes:

Healthy Ringing=Ringing Well:  We all love our sport of handbells, but sometimes our sport doesn’t love us back and we feel pain or discomfort while ringing.  Come with us to discover some techniques to use and help us ring safely so we can extend our life of healthy ringing.

4-in-Hand:  Learn the basics of the 4-in-hand technique, which truly means just two bells per hand. (Its inventor wanted to sound really impressive!)

Preparation Without Bells:  Tips and strategies for learning your music, keeping it fresh in your head, and polishing up the tough spots at home without a set of bells. Be ready to nail it at your next rehearsal with just a few focused strategies that fit around your busy lifestyle.

Fee: $20/person (Late registration $40/person.)

Due: April 28th

Questions?  Visit or contact me at 

The Sierra Spring Ring is an endorsed event by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Conflict Resolution Policy and Code of Ethics

Over the last year, your Executive Committee has spent time creating two important documents for the Area 12 board. A Conflict Resolution Policy and a Code of Ethics are very important for the safety and smooth operation of any board. You can find these documents on the Area 12 website at this link:

For More Information


Beth Loebig

The Handbell Community is an amazing place!  

This is something we say all the time, but I want to take a moment to really acknowledge how handbells bring people together. This was brought home to me in a very emotional way at my last rehearsal with my Church choir. Let me provide some context. I am in my second year directing the Handbell program at a church in Claremont. We are quite blessed to have significant handbell resources and a dedicated handbell rehearsal space. Because of these resources, the space is available for other handbell groups to rehearse, including a professional ensemble and a college ensemble.  

The church choir is a legacy program that was established by powerhouse handbell directors. When they retired, the program went through many struggles. As many programs have, it dealt with COVID, new directors who were not familiar with bells, and significant changes in ringers. At the beginning of this year, I sat with the current group to discuss our 2024/2025 goals. Among musical goals, we also included recruiting goals as well as kindness and positivity. The ringers also expressed a desire to reconnect with the greater handbell community.  

This past Monday, one of my ringers surprised us by presenting a quilt she commissioned for our rehearsal room. It was made to represent our program and all the ways our handbell space provides a place for handbell musicians to make music. The three bells and the colors chosen represent the three choirs that currently use the rehearsal room. The heart at the center represents our core values of kindness, positivity, and inclusion. The overall design represents the love we have for music through bells. When this quilt was presented to us, several of the church choir ringers (including myself) were moved to tears. They talked about how connected they feel with each other and the other groups who share the space. I am so proud to be able to showcase this piece in our rehearsal space, and always have this visual reminder of how handbells have brought us all together.  

I love being a part of this musical community. I am grateful for the music I get to make, whether in front of or behind the tables. I am grateful for all the people I get to meet and all the music we make together. I encourage all of you to stop and take a moment from time to time to think about this amazing handbell community. Thank you all!



Carol Pickford


Carol Pickford


Southern California is San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, & Imperial Counties

For information on Southern California concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.  

Hello SoCal,

We have two wonderful workshop events coming up.

May 2-3 is the Southern California Spring Ring in Oceanside, with our clinician Douglas Lynn. This event is open to all levels. If you like a challenge, we invite you to consider being part of Bronze Vision on Friday night. Saturday, May 3 will be our Spring Ring. 

May seems like so far way, but the time goes by so quickly, we are only 60 days away. 

For more information and Registration check this out!

Information and Registration

The SoCal Spring Ring is sponsored by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Jump Start Your Ringing Season

In August, we look forward to Jump Start Your Ringing Season. South County Community Handbell Choir will be bringing Stevie Barryman as the clinician. If you have not worked with Stevie before, she is a lot of fun and has some really wonderful insights into promoting good ringing techniques. I encourage you to attend. More info can be found here:    

The SoCal Spring Ring is an endorsed event by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.

Area 12 Composers! You are invited to submit a composition for a Bell tree and handbell choir.

For More Information 


Erik Der

Dear LA Metro,

Check out these opportunities for your ringers and sign up now! 

High School Handbell Invitational

Monday, March 10 2025:

Register Here

This event is designed for high school ensembles to hone their skills with clinicians, attend an adjudication workshop, learn a mass ring, and perform in an evening concert! Located at Concordia University Irvine. 

Go to our HOMEPAGE 
to submit YOUR event!
(and get a social media push!)

Check out all the membership options and benefits for Handbell Musicians of America HERE.

Current Area 12

Member Count:


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a classified ad?
Click on the
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Classified Ads

Young Ringers Festival: Saturday, March 29 2025

This event is designed for ensembles 8th grade and younger. Adjudication/workshop, mass ring, afternoon concert and more await your registration!  Alex Guebert will write a special, new arrangement for the mass ring. Located at Concordia University Irvine. (suitable for all skill levels)

Register Here

 Summer Handbell Camp | June 9 - 13, 2025: Registration open Soon! 

A full-service handbell store

with music and accessories:

gloves • gifts

maintenance items

mallets • binders

bell tree items

Malmark products

visit us at



7209 Morgan Ave S Richfield, MN 55423


Our National Organization (click logos to get more info!)
Handbell Musicians of America
The Twelfth Tone is published on or around the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
We have over 1500 contacts, a 40% open rate (17% higher than the industry average) and a 13% click rate. Book your ad NOW!

For advertising types and rates:
Visit our website
Payment is due prior to publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month. No issue in July.

Please submit your ads via email to:
Communications Director
Area 12 Bell/Chime Loan Program
Teachers: Would you like the use of a three octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?

Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes.

To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has six 3-octave sets of handbells and three 3-octave sets of handchimes for loan.

To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program, click here.
Looking for a previous issue? We archive the Twelfth Tone on our website:

Your Area 12 Board

Elected Officers


Michèle Sharik

Chair Elect


Past Chair

Marci Nuoffer

Acting Treasurer

Kathy Arnold

Acting Secretary

Carol Pickford

Appointed Officers


Cathryn Griggs


Beth Loebig


Cyndi Tully


Robyn Baird

Social Media

Harley Glenn


Gail Berg

Vendor Liaison

Fran Sanders

Regional Coordinators

Central California

Maggie Paton

Far Northern California Liaison

Nancy Schmitt


Karen Carlisle

Los Angeles Metro

Erik Der

Northern California

Cindy Ksiazek

Northern Nevada

Barbara Walsh

San Francisco Bay Area

Marquise Usher

Southern California

Carol Pickford

Southern Nevada

Alison Pruett

Area 12 Handbell Musicians of America |
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