May 27, 2020 | Language Magazine
The U.S. Department of Education has issued a factsheet clarifying states’ responsibilities to English learners (ELs) and their parents during the extended school closures.
LEAs must provide language accommodations for ELs for content classes that are held remotely and can use Title III funds to do so. Such accommodations include extra time for assignments, videos with captioning or embedded interpreting, accessible or translated reading materials, other language services provided through video conferencing, an online translation dictionary, or other technological solutions.
Title III funds can be used to supplement the basic instruction or support that must be provided to ELs. Such supplementary supports include additional online resources and software for ELs, or the addition of an EL teacher
Title III funds can also be used to train teachers to use new online platforms and software designed for ELs if such training is specific to EL needs. However, if the training is for the same platform used by teachers in mainstream classes, and does not address EL needs, then the use of Title III funds would not be permitted.
May 28, 2020 | MedPage Today
Fernandez and Hildreth were testifying Wednesday at a House Ways & Means Committee hearing on the disproportionate way the COVID-19 pandemic has affected racial and ethnic minorities. Committee member Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) noted that in Sonoma County, which he represents, Hispanics accounted for 60% of the COVID-19 cases even though they comprise only 27% of the population.
For the immediate crisis, "
we need to insist that communities, public health departments, and the CDC put out information in the target language in affected communities
" as well as better integrate language access into telehealth, she said. "That's a place where the federal government can make clear what the rules are."
A lack of healthcare workers overall is a particular problem for the Native American community, said Thomas Dean Sequist, MD, MPH, professor of medicine and health care policy at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "One of the most pressing things we need to address ... is availability of healthcare workers," said Sequist, who is a member of the Navajo Nation.
In the shorter term, "we need to get funding to these communities as soon as possible, so they can enact not only programs to improve access to personal protective equipment and testing, but also improve access to food and water," he said.
May 28, 2020 | American Bar Association
Language justice is more important than ever during this pandemic as those who primarily use non-dominant languages have historically faced challenges in seeking access to basic amenities, legal remedies, and supportive services. Reports have found that English proficiency impacts access to fundamental needs, such as housing, employment, law enforcement, and health care.
Unsurprisingly, access to justice has proven difficult for individuals who use a language other than English at home
, who have higher rates of poverty than the general population. Linguistically marginalized communities are often the most isolated and vulnerable, making services and benefits difficult to access and obtain.
To honor the tenets of language justice, we must advocate for community organizations and government entities to use best practices for reaching diverse language communities. These communities include not only Spanish speakers, but people who primarily communicate in any of the more than 300 non-English spoken and sign languages in the United States. This includes proactive outreach to non-dominant language users by utilizing written translations, trained bilingual staff, and interpreting services. Steps to ensure language inclusion must be an integral part of any changes and updates to policies and practices during this time. Government entities should also work with local stakeholders to ensure that information is being disseminated. Legal services and community groups cannot be expected to be the main vehicle for reaching out and communicating changes regarding access to critical benefits and protections for low-income and linguistically marginalized communities.
The Association of Language Companies announced today that it will
postpone the 18th Annual Conference
, which was scheduled to take place September 15-17, 2020 at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV.
LC’s Board and Conference Committee are developing a virtual alternative that will bring LSC colleagues together in an engaging and dynamic forum this fall, 2020. Additional information about the virtual event will be posted to ALC’s website
June 22nd-26th, 2020
Deadline: June 19th, 2020
- Five nationally recognized Comprehension-based Communicative Language Teaching (CCLT) workshop presenters: (AnneMarie Chase, Laurie Clarcq, Jason Fritze, Diane Neubauer, and Bryce Hedstrom)
- One two-hour morning session each day plus optional Talk Story Reflection Hour
- Each day features a different presenter on a different topic for teaching in the classroom and/or online
- Some sessions include demos and coaching
- Q & A with the national presenters
- Complementary video introducing the principles of CCL
July 21st-23rd, 2020
PEARLL is pleased to announce that the National Foreign Language Center at the University of Maryland will host a virtual summit: Apart but Together: Expanding our Community
. The summit will feature asynchronous presentations from the regional world language conferences, several of which were canceled because of COVID-19, and live keynotes and panel discussions
. There will also be presentations by the NFLC team and other experts in the field.
Notice ID
Location: VA
Response Date: June 11th
ice ID
: N40084-20-R-0058
Location: JPN
Response Date: June 17th
JNCL-NCLIS Significant Contributors
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Joint National Committee for Languages
National Council for Languages and International Studies
202.580.8684 | info@languagepolicy.org | www.languagepolicy.org
FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2020
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