Coaching Playbook
The Coaching Playbook is a monthly email blast of resources and information for all USES participants & families.
Here comes the snow! Celebrate with fun winter crafts for kids
When it's too cold to have some fun outdoors try inside arts and crafts at home. Here are some activities that are easy to follow, and encourage creativity including ice painting, indoor icicles, and water color snowflakes.
Looking for ways to learn more about parenthood?
Join USES & Families First
Sessions are open to all families, and will take place at the South End House (48 Rutland St.) with food and childcare provided.
Starting on January 29th, parents with children ages 3-8 will have the opportunity to join us for:

  • Facilitated conversations around developmental milestones
  • Managing parental stress
  • Building relationships with other parents with children of similar ages and stages
  • Support while working towards their personal or family goals

If interested, please contact Christina Harris for more information.
Coaching Spotlight
Hear what Linda has to say about coaching!
" I am excited to share that I was awarded the scholarship, and will no longer have to stress over school payments or take time-off due to financial pressures.

 I will be able to graduate without a large amount of debt/loans and start a successful career. This accomplishment has been a big milestone in my life, and I feel proud of the work that I put towards making it happen . The support of my coach allowed me to tap into my potential, and our meetings (and emails) kept me accountable and disciplined to achieve results".

Click here to read more of Linda's story.
What are you grateful for?
Practice gratitude and create a habit that allows you to focus on the positive in life!

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ― Melody Beattie
Try this simple activity that will help you identify what your grateful for and make steps towards recognizing the positive.

Get your finances ready for this holiday season!
Reduce holiday stress through budgeting tools
"During the 2017 holiday season, American credit card debt rose at the second-fastest pace in 10 years according to the Federal Reserve".

Here are some tips on how to get started on responsible spending and enjoy giving to others.
Looking for more Budgeting Tools? Contact Melody Valdes to get started on Coaching today!
Congratulations TOJ students!
On December 14th, students will be graduating from the USES Training for Office Job program!
TOJ is designed to help participants improve a variety of computer and workplace skills, enabling them to transition into administrative work upon completion of the program. Participants will gain the necessary skills for administrative work, including typing and Microsoft Office; soft skills such as time management, worker accountability, goal setting, customer service and problem solving; job readiness and job searching skills. Congrats to this cycle's class!
USES Updates
Let's Celebrate! Join us at USES's Holiday Social on December 17
Join us for a celebration of USES's impact on the South End community, bringing together folks from all walks of life to ensure that children and families have what they need to thrive.

This holiday season, USES’s Lincoln House Society has led the Holiday Wish List Campaign to clear out USES's Amazon wish list - equipping classrooms with supplies and providing children with warm winter coats and holiday gifts. Now, it’s time to come together and spread the holiday cheer!
Monday, December 17
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Darryl’s Corner Bar & Kitchen
604 Columbus Avenue, Boston
Join Our Youth Programs TODAY!
We Are Still Enrolling for ECE and club48
Contact Karen Liberatore , or click here if you are interested in enrolling today.
Enroll in Our Next Cycle of TOJ!
The next cycle of our Training for Office Jobs class starts January 17th. To begin the application process for TOJ click here . For more information please contact Joel Nitzberg.
USES is Hiring!
Stop by our website for a wide-range of career opportunities. For more information, please contact our Director of Talent and Human Resources.
Have questions about our programs?
We are thankful for your support of USES!
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