Here’s the Most Complete, Affordable Way to Learn Inner Bonding and Experience Self-Love
Hello ,

The 6-step process of Inner Bonding that I co-developed thirty-five years ago is the most effective way to manage painful emotions and cultivate self-love .
It’s a process that you can do on your own, anytime you’re feeling anxious, depressed, ashamed, alone, angry, or stressed.
That’s because when you have self-love, you have agency over your emotional well-being. 
This means: 

You know what you need to do in order to feel more content and at ease, and you don’t hesitate to do it

You trust yourself and your instincts

You set healthy boundaries with others

You make sound decisions based on your highest good
But what if you’re already very familiar with Inner Bonding , but you just aren’t getting the results you’d hoped for? 
There can be several reasons for this.
Inner Bonding ALWAYS Works…But ONLY If You Do the 6 Steps Effectively and Consistently
In my thirty-five years of experience with Inner Bonding , both practicing it myself and teaching it to others, I can confidently say that it is the single most transformational tool for managing painful emotions and cultivating deep self-love. The benefits of it are unmistakable and profound .

However, I’ve seen some clients who also believed in the process, but still did not enjoy the full benefits that happen as a result of a dedicated Inner Bonding practice. Perhaps you can relate to this.
One of the reasons you may not be experiencing the benefits of self-love is because you’re simply not practicing Inner Bonding effectively and consistently. 

Also, there are common mistakes that many people make with the process, and that’s okay—they’re usually very easy to remedy. 
One mistake is failing to have an INTENT TO LEARN whenever you’re feeling anything other than peace. When your intent is to avoid pain by attempting to control others or circumstances, you will not get the benefits of Inner Bonding. Your wounded self will take over, and it will tell you that Inner Bonding won’t work, can’t work, or it isn’t the right time to practice the process.
Another mistake is simply FORGETTING to do Inner Bonding whenever you’re feeling anxious or depressed. That’s also common, and quite normal because we are conditioned to turn to blame, control, and addictions to numb or avoid our pain. 

It’s a conscious choice to change our intent and want to learn about ourselves and others. It takes practice. Some of us need additional support and guidance in order to make Inner Bonding part of our lives. 
Another common mistake that could cause you to not get the most from the Inner Bonding process is that you haven't accurately identified your FALSE BELIEFS causing you to have certain thoughts and feelings. 

This is also extremely understandable. Your false beliefs stem from deep inside your unconscious, and it’s not always easy to bring them to consciousness. It takes asking yourself specific questions to help “jog” your memory, so you can get to the bottom of where certain beliefs originated in your childhood. Without being able to name your false beliefs, you’ll stay stuck around Step 3 of Inner Bonding .
Another mistake could be neglecting to take the necessary LOVING ACTION on your behalf. Your wounded self would rather AVOID painful feelings than take responsibility for them. But if you consistently avoid taking the loving action you know you need to take, you’ll only alienate your Inner Child further, which means you will continue to feel “stuck” in recurring painful emotions no matter how much you attempt to do Inner Bonding .
Inner Bonding is the single most transformational tool I know. 

It works if you use it consistently.
But since I know these common challenges exist, I’ve put together a collection of programs that addresses ALL of these to ensure you experience the full effect of this powerful process. I call this Complete Self-Love: The Ultimate Collection.

And now you can save over 50% off the regular price:

 Here’s How Complete Self-Love: The Ultimate Collection Clears the Way to Finally Experiencing Joy & Inner Peace
I’ve designed Complete Self-Love: The Ultimate Collection to help you get the most out of the Inner Bonding process in three ways:
1.  It helps you learn the ins and outs of the Inner Bonding process and practice it in real-time.  
Whether you’ve never heard of Inner Bonding before now, or have been reading about it for years, this Ultimate Collection will help you become a master practitioner of the 6-step process. You’ll
learn about every single aspect of this process in detail, why it works and what pitfalls to avoid. But more importantly, you’ll have access to an online tool that will allow you to actually practice Inner Bonding each time you’re feeling anything other than at peace. 

It’s like getting personal coaching each time you feel anxious, frustrated or just don't know how to handle a situation that comes up. And it’s available to you 24/7 in the comfort of your home.

You can review or revisit your sessions and ensure you’ve followed through on your loving actions, which is critical to transforming negative feelings into self-love.

2.   It’s personalized to help you uncover the important aspects of your unique personal history and beliefs. 
You’ll get questionnaires that will help you remember the pertinent details of your upbringing and past history, so you can uncover the origins of your underlying false beliefs that are driving your thoughts, feelings, and actions. These are questions that can elicit memories from the recesses of your unconscious, which can lead to powerful revelations about how your beliefs were formed.

3. It answers your pressing questions and offers compassion, caring, and support when you need it.
When working through any self-help program, there are times when you get stuck, and need something explained or clarified. This Ultimate Collection offers that support from the Inner Bonding community. You don’t have to do this alone! You’ll connect with others who are also healing, learning and growing.

 With Complete Self-Love: The Ultimate Collection, You’ll Receive:

And It’s Thousands of Dollars LESS Than What You’d Pay for One-on-One Facilitation, Coaching, Or Psychotherapy
Complete Self-Love: The Ultimate Collection is the closest you can come to practicing Inner Bonding with my guidance or that of your own therapist or coach, but it is training you do at your own pace , in the privacy and comfort of your home, with the support of others who are on the same path.
It’s thousands of dollars LESS than what you’d pay if you were to pay for one-on-one facilitation, coaching, or psychotherapy. Plus, even if you were to do traditional psychotherapy, it won’t necessarily get you the results you want, because it wouldn’t be based on the Inner Bonding process. 

Traditional psychotherapy is very different than Inner Bonding , and it doesn’t teach you how to access a spiritual source of love , comfort , and truth , or how to take loving responsibility for your feelings.
So go here and learn how you can get the very best value in Inner Bonding training and support, all in one place:
Remember, Inner Bonding ALWAYS works when you do it— consistently and correctly. I’m thrilled to be able to offer you a way to do just that, at a price that’s very affordable.

Dr. Margaret Paul