February 11, 2021
Unfolding = Gradually developing and becoming clear.
As we continue to move through these uncertain times, we want what is in this newsletter each week to remind you that the story of 2021 is now unfolding. . . God is working things out for good and the developing story is unfolding. This is where we place our faith . . . that God is always developing the story of our lives and our job is to pay attention so that when things become clearer, we are ready and prepared to see it!
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 17
4 pm - 6 pm

Join us for our Lenten Prayer Walk as we recognize Black History Month and our call to Social Justice!

Arrive anytime between 4 - 6 pm. Enjoy our beautiful land as you walk and visit 12 stations set up with meditative Prayer. Begin your walk over our bridge as you make your way to the first Prayer station. Turn to the left and continue to follow the path. You will find a Prayer at our Prayer Tree and the walk will close with a Prayer at our Cross.
A booklet of our Prayers will be available for those unable to make the entire walk or who would like to meditate in the Courtyard or the Labyrinth. You may want to simply take a seat by the Cross and pray.
When your prayer walk or prayer time is complete, please proceed to one of the Ash Stations where you will be able to self-impose ashes, or, impose ashes for a loved one who is already safely protected in your family household. Ashes will be in separate disposable cups and cleaning wipes will be provided as well.
A Pastor or Deacon will be available behind a shield protector to say a prayer as ashes are imposed.
Pretty Perfect Pet Party
Facilitator: Rev. Tony Viglione
TONIGHT 6:30 pm

We will gather on Zoom to announce winners! Bring your favorite beverage AND bring the STAR of the evening! No, not you silly...Your Pretty Purrrfect Pet! 

By participating, you and your amazing pet agree to have your photos posted and shared on our website, Facebook page and the Trinity Treehouse.

Click HERE to join the Zoom Room for this event!

Exponential Series:
"When I Am Called to Do Justice"
by Rev. Lillie Brock

OR copy the link below into your browser www.Facebook.com/pg/TrinityMCC/videos/
A Lenten Moment
Facilitator: Rev. Tony Viglione
Sign up below for a special recording time

Lent gives us all a very special opportunity to grow in our relationship with God. Share a few minutes with Rev. Tony and tell us why this Lenten season has meaning to you. We will post these moments in our Treehouse so that together we will build and offer to one another our very own Daily Trinity Devotions.

Between now and February 13, Rev. Tony will meet you one on one in the Zoom room to record. Sign up HERE.


Courtyard BINGO
Facilitator: Kathy King
Saturday, February 20 at 1 pm

Grab your bag of colorful daubers! This is always a fun time! $15 for 16 games, this includes one “cover-all” game! All safety protocols will be in place and monitored so that all can remain well and safe. Sign up HERE.
Laughter Yoga
FREE Introductory Session!
Facilitator: Cathy Grippi
Wednesday, February 24 at 11 am

We don't laugh because we are happy,
we are happy because we laugh!
No yoga poses or mats involved!

To sign up for this FREE session click HERE!

Join Laughter Yoga's Zoom Room HERE! password: 084 270
Courtyard Karaoke
Facilitator: Oliver Dill
Wednesday, February 24 at 6 pm

Need a night out? Oliver Dill is hosting Karaoke night and would love having many of you join him! He will set up in the courtyard at church so it will be an opportunity to enjoy being outside, seeing each other and having some fun. All safety protocols will be in place and monitored so that all can remain well and safe. Sign up HERE
Twitter D' & Twitter Dumb
Facilitator: Marisa Casciano
Wednesday, February 25 at 6:30 pm

Hey, you named the class, now show up! Learn all about Twitter. All are welcome! Nobody is Banned!

Join Marisa for a "60 Minute V-MUG” and learn the basics to help you join or refresh your knowledge of Twitter.

Click HERE to join the Zoom Room for this event!
All Faiths Food Bank Emma E. Booker Elementary School Pantry Program
Volunteer opportunity requirements include sorting and packing food, distributing food bags to cars at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School Pantry. *Every volunteer must create a profile on the All Faiths Food Bank Website.

Dates: Tuesday's February 16 & March 2 & 24
Time: 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Place: Emma E. Booker Elementary School
2350 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Sarasota, Florida 34234

*Park in any of the open parking spaces in front of the school

As we do each year, we will celebrate Black History Month at Church of the Trinity MCC. We will have minimal "other" programming in February so that you can fully participate in the wonderful things the Social Justice Ministry Team has put together for us. This is an opportunity to engage, learn and participate in the lives of our black siblings.
Black Lives Still Matter
New Schools of Black Thought Academic Symposium
February 12 & 13

A two day symposium about the Black Lives Matter movement focusing on local and national efforts for justice as well as equity in schools. To register for this FREE event click HERE.

Sarasota Newtown Panel
Facilitator: Taylor Frick
Tuesday, February 23 at 7 pm

Please join us on Tuesday, February 23 at 7 pm on zoom for a very special forum! Leaders from the African American community, including Calvin Bryant and Terill Salem, will be with us to discuss issues facing the African American community in Sarasota. There will be a time for Q&A after the panelists are done speaking. This is the perfect opportunity for us to learn how we can support our black brothers and sisters in this community and further the work of social justice. Click HERE to join the zoom room for this event on February 23 at 7 pm!

Join our Private Facebook Group
"Trinity Treehouse" Click HERE to join!

March 13th & 20th 9 am - 2 pm

Who doesn't like cookies?! Be sure to stop by the church property on March 13 & 20 and help our friends at Emma E. Booker Elementary School sell some Girl Scout Cookies!

Can’t make it?
Purchase some online through the digital links HERE!
If purchasing online please put the word Church in front of your name, so they know where to deliver the cookies.
Cary Chapman - Feb 5
Joseph DuPonte - Feb 5
TC McCarthy - Feb 10
James Ferrell - Feb 10
Don Schroeder - Feb 13
Felix Power - Feb 15
Camille Jones - Feb 15
Sandy Hasenjager - Feb 21
Beckham Severson - Feb 21
Mary Rice - Feb 25

The church office will be closed on
Monday, February 15th
in observance of Presidents Day!
Church of the Trinity MCC
7225 Lockwood Ridge Road | Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-355-0847