Unfolding = Gradually developing and becoming clear.
As we continue to move through these uncertain times, we want what is in this newsletter each week to remind you that the story of 2020 is still unfolding
. . . God is working things out for good and the developing story is unfolding. This is where we place our faith . . . that God is always developing the story of our lives and our job is to pay attention so that when things become clearer, we are ready and prepared to see it!
Flawed But Faithful
Today, we want to shine a light on COVID-19. In the last week, we've had two
people in our congregation test positive for the virus, both currently experiencing
symptoms. Because of this, we want to ask that you continue to be faithful
around the things we know have the best chance of keeping us safe: social
distancing, masks, hand washing, and no indoor gatherings. Of course,
we will all fail in our attempts from time to time, but we can continue to be
faithful in our commitment to caring for ourselves AND others.
Worship With Us This Sunday!
"Faithful While Failing" by
Rev. Lillie Brock
As we live in a world where hypocrisy in government, business and even religion, it is helpful to explore the role of our flaws as we attempt to live out our call to follow in the way of Jesus. If we are honest, we all get caught being hypocritical sometimes. We all suffer with the challenge of having our actions match up with our words and convictions. In this series, we will utilize the life of St. Peter, the most flawed of Jesus’ disciples, to help us learn how to be Flawed but Faithful.
Saturday, October 17 & 31 at 7:30 PM
On the Church Property
Cost: $10 per car
Join us for a Drive-in Movie Night Experience!
October 17: Hocus Pocus
After moving to Salem, Mass., teenager Max explores an abandoned house with his sister Dani and their new friend, Allison. After dismissing a story Allison tells as superstitious, Max accidentally frees a coven of evil witches who used to live in the house. Now, with the help of a magical cat, the kids must steal the witches' book of spells to stop them from becoming immortal.
October 31: Beetlejuice
After Barbara and Adam Maitland die in a car accident, they find themselves stuck haunting their country residence, unable to leave the house. When the unbearable Deetzes and teen daughter Lydia buy the home, the Maitlands attempt to scare them away without success. Their efforts attract Beetlejuice, a rambunctious spirit whose "help" quickly becomes dangerous for the Maitlands and innocent Lydia.
Pet Blessing Drive-Thru
Saturday, October 17 from 1 pm-3 pm
On the Church Property!
Join us while we partner with the Humane Society of Sarasota County and the Humane Society of Manatee County to help our little furry friends! Donations are not required to have your pet blessed in the drive-thru, but these pets could really use: Dry Dog/Cat Food, Scoop-able or Clay Cat Litter, Low Sodium Chicken and Beef Broth, Soft Treats, Towels and Blankets and Dog Shampoo.
Other needs can be found HERE!
Donations can be made during office hours on
October 13th, 14th & 15th from 10 am - 2 pm
or on the day of the Blessing!
Butterfly Effect
Facilitators: Bonnie Alberti & Barb Merten
Saturdays, October 10 & 24 at 9 am
On the Church Property
Bonnie & Barb will introduce you to the world of raising Butterflies! Join them for just two Saturdays at 9 am on the 10th & 24th in the Church Courtyard. They will show you what you need to do to prepare for the Butterflies when they return in January and start laying eggs. The Group will meet again in January! SIGN UP HERE!
Water Walkers 2.0
Facilitator: Rev. Lillie Brock
Mondays, October 12, 19 & 26 at 6:30 pm
Calling all Water Walkers! In August, we began the journey of being Water Walkers by stretching ourselves and learning new ways that our faith might work in our lives. 2.0 will be a chance to keep stretching as we continue to take the concepts covered in the book, A Course in Miracles Made Easy. Even if you did not attend the first Water Walkers Class, you are still welcomed to join us . . . no previous participation is necessary in order to join us this time! SIGN UP HERE!
Blog Buddies
Facilitator: Marisa Casciano
Thursdays, October 15, 22 & 29 at 6:30 pm
Design a Blog! Learn what tools you need from writer Marisa Casciano to Create a Blog! YOU decide as a group what this looks like. Maybe design and lead a Trinity Blog for our Facebook Treehouse? How about a family Blog for the holidays? SIGN UP HERE!
Zoom Kitchen: Healthy Food = Healthy Spirit
Facilitator: Lauren Litvinoff
Sunday, October 18 at 6:00 pm
An Exclusive Invitation for SIX Couples to create and enjoy a healthy meal together. Spend a fun and informative evening in the kitchen with Nutritional Health and Lifestyle Educator, Laura Litvinoff of Food Mind Body, LLC. Let’s Get Cookin’!
Menu: Cashew Broccoli Stir-Fry, Coconut Rice and Avocado Chocolate Mousse! SIGN UP HERE!
Karaoke in the Courtyard
Facilitator: Oliver Dill
Wednesday, October 21 at 7 pm
On the Church Property
Need a night out? Oliver Dill is reviving his Karaoke night and would love having many of you join him! He will set up in the courtyard at church so it will be an opportunity to enjoy being outside, seeing each other and having some fun. All safety protocols will be in place and monitored so that all can remain well and safe. SIGN UP HERE!
With the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg there is a vacancy on the supreme court. The current administration is pushing hard to appoint a justice and receive senate confirmation before the election. Same sex marriage was decided by Justice Ginsberg and the supreme court in a narrow victory of 5-4. If the current administration appoints the next justice, this is what is as stake:
- LGBTQ Rights
- Voter Rights
- Health Care (Especially pre-existing conditions)
If we pull together we can stop the senate from pushing through a nominee before the American people have been heard on Election Day!
Sending a personal faxed letter to your senator is super easy and fast using ResistBot.
Resisbot is a free tech tool developed and run by volunteers. Here’s how it works:
- Text RBG to 50409
- Resisbot will ask you if you would like to sign “No confirmation for supreme court until after Inauguration day.”
- It will prompt you to reply “sample” to see a copy of the letter
- You can view a copy of the letter or simply respond “yes”
- It will then collect your name and address to ensure the letter is sent
- That’s it you’re done. Your letter will go directly to your U.S. Senator.
If you prefer to contact your senator in a more traditional way, here is
their contact information:
Rick Scott
716 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Marco Rubio
254 Russel Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510
Emma E. Booker Elementary School
We had so much fun working with Emma E. Booker Elementary School that we would love to continue to help! Linked HERE is the Amazon Wish List for their wonderful teachers; just click on a teacher's name, purchase an item from the list, and it will be delivered right to the school!
Social Justice Ministry Team:
Voter Assistance Virtual Phone Bank
We are looking for volunteers to assist the Social Justice Ministry Team with our first ever Voter Assistance Virtual Phone Bank! We will be asking volunteers to call 10 to 15 Church of the Trinity MCC members to see if they need any assistance in getting to the polls or mailing in their ballots for the November 3rd general election. These will not be political calls or in favor of any particular candidate! There will not be any “cold calls”. We will only be calling Church of the Trinity members to ask if any assistance is needed in getting to the polls or mailing in a ballot.
We will have a short meeting on Wednesday October 14th at 7pm and the phone bank will take place on Saturday, October 17th (an optional kick off zoom call at 10 am & calls can take place any time during the day). This is a fun way to reach out to our membership and do our part to ensure all voices are heard in the 2020 election!
Vote By Mail: Deadline is October 24
Click HERE for instructions on how to register to Vote by Mail! Due to the concerns and unpredictability of COVID-19, we encourage all to sign up to Vote by Mail. It’s safe and it assures we can all vote in the upcoming November 3 election. If you have any problems with the process, you are welcome to call our church member, Deacon Felix Power, at 941-586-8958 for assistance.
Congregational Forum
Wednesday, October 28 at 7 pm
Please put this date on your calendar! We will be discussing our 2021 budget so please be present so you can be well-informed!
Congregational Meeting
Wednesday, November 4 at 7 pm
This is our annual Congregational Meeting where we will approve a budget and receive great information about where we are, even in a Pandemic!
The church office will be open and staffed by a volunteer on these days each week:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
10 am-2 pm
Face masks and social distancing are required to enter!
Join our Private Facebook Group
Jesse Clayton 10/2
Lauren Passero 10/6
Jennifer Passero 10/6
Joffrey Suprina 10/9
Darlene Batten 10/10
Cindy Gallant 10/11
Allison Klein 10/13
Cheri Gast 10/13
Chris Keusch 10/16
Laticia Williams 10/16
Bob Terra 10/17
Wendy LaChaunce 10/19
Cathy Williams 10/25
Fuzzy Mintz 10/27
Church of the Trinity MCC
7225 Lockwood Ridge Road | Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941-355-0847