A Letter from the President

Once again, we have had a trying year. I will say though, there are many silver linings to the gray clouds which seem to have lingered for way too long. 

     We have many new members. Some come to us with a wealth of experience. Some are new to the field. This is a beautiful thing. Judi Holler, Author, recommends we find mentors who are at different stages of life…not just mentors who have “been around” for quite some time. I look forward to working with our new members and hope many will consider leadership roles in the future.

     I’ve mentioned the Action Committee several times. This is a “grassroots” group of members who want to make a difference. These members have come to realize that they are the Union and have brought many other members together to engage in the role of a union member. Whether or not you are in a leadership position, you can be involved and make a difference.

    The USA Executive Board is in a groove. Some officers had prior Union leadership experience. Others were new to the role this term. Many, many distractions were thrown our way. I feel confident in saying that we have the “Power of a Positive Team.”

    Our amazing Program Representatives have been working overtime, so to speak. Program Representatives are so committed to the position of helping members (you!) that they are working 24/7. It’s not an easy position, at all. I’ve been in this position at Fox Meadow. Being the first point of contact and having to constantly navigate “next steps” is no small task.

     We had an in-person fun-filled holiday event organized by our Hospitality Chair, Cassandra McCarthy. And guess what? More events are in the works! We are getting back to normal…not the new normal…just normal.

I know I say this all the time and it’s pretty much the only theme to my President Letters, but I have an immense feeling of gratitude when I think about the approximate 400 members of the United Staff Association. I look forward to the increasing unity and solidarity amongst programs and our unique positions. We are getting stronger by the minute! 

In Solidarity,

Catherine Armisto