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Serving the people of San Jose, Santa Clara, Milpitas, Morgan Hill & Gilroy
March 2021
President's Message from Carol Watts

Program Planning, the ERA and New Events
Thanks to all of you who attended our Program Planning meeting on Feb. 20. We had a robust discussion after breaking up into virtual rooms so that we could have smaller, concurrent discussions. It was not always easy to pick which are the most important issues given our interests, concerns, time, and energies. 

These were our top three state issues:
• Affordable Housing/Homelessness
• Climate Change Emergency
• Digital Divide
Next step: after merging input from the 63 Leagues, LWV California will propose the resulting list of Priority Issues to the state convention for approval in June.

We are recommending action and education programs be created on these local issues:
• Affordable Housing/Homelessness
• Climate Change/Natural Resources
• Effect of Money in Local Elections
• Redistricting in City of Santa Clara/Monitoring Redistricting Efforts
• San Jose Governance
Yes, we chose more than three issues!  We just couldn’t stop ourselves. This effort will help us prioritize our work in the coming year after our membership approves the priorities at our Annual Meeting on June 5. If we feel the urgency and have the positions, we can still take action on other issues
March is Women’s History Month. The League and many others have worked hard through the years to pass the Equal Rights Amendment which states that “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” 
This effort has been long in the making and is not complete: 101 years ago, the 19th Amendment granted women the right to vote. 98 years ago, the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced in Congress. 49 years ago, the ERA was passed by Congress. 1 year ago, the ERA was ratified by the required 38 states.
But the Equal Rights Amendment still needs to be added to the Constitution. Read more about the history and how close we are to achieving the goal. Please encourage your federal legislators to take action--even if you think they agree with you!
Read below about several fascinating events in March that we hope are of interest to you. Also, consider adding these future events on your calendar:
  • Local Government Study Consensus: April 24, 10am
  • Annual Meeting: June 5, 10am
  • LWV California State Convention: June 7-13
Stay safe and maybe we can meet in person after we get our shots!
Virtual Lunch With League
"Rebuilding Trust in Law Enforcement"
Thursday, March 18, 2021, 12 noon
A Zoom Online Event

Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen will discuss the efforts of his office to rebuilding trust in law enforcement. Learn more about the issues and programs both underway and planned for the future.

REGISTER HERE for Virtual Lunch With League.

Mr. Rosen joined the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office in 1995 and took office as the elected District Attorney in January 2011. He is nationally recognized as a leader in criminal justice reform, including jail population reduction, diversion programs for non-violent offenders, expungements for low level drug crimes and prison reform. His innovative initiatives include a first-of-its kind Conviction Integrity Unit, Family Justice Centers, and a 12-week Parent Project course completed by thousands of local families. He has received numerous awards for his innovations. 

Also note Thursday, April 15 on your calendar when we will hear from Maryann Tekverk, Political and Community Organizer, Save the Bay, speaking on "Urban Greening in San Jose."
Bay Area League Day 2021
"Equity in Action" March 6
There is still time to sign up to attend Bay Area League Day on March 6. This year's "Equity in Action" theme reinforces the League's focus on creating more equitable communities. The three-hour event begins at 9:30 a.m. with entry via Zoom starting at 9 a.m.

REGISTER HERE for Bay Area League Day!
League Day opens with an historical perspective that acknowledges the League's difficult history with racism and spells out equity definitions. The keynote speaker is San Francisco Foundation CEO Fred Blackwell, a nationally recognized community leader on equity and economic inclusion.
A panel about equity implementation includes leaders in the field -- Darlene Flynn, Director of Oakland's Department of Race & Equity, San Jose's Director of the Office of Racial Equity Zulma Maciel, and Carolyn Wysinger, the president of SF Pride.
Paulina Gonzalez-Brito, executive director of the California Reinvestment Coalition, will talk about economic impacts of racism. She'll be joined by Sarah Treuhaft, vice president of research at PolicyLink, and Kiku Johnson, executive director of the Rainbow Community Center of Contra Costa County.
Additionally, Assemblymember Ash Kalra of San Jose will discuss legislating equity policy. League Day concludes with closing remarks by Stephanie Doute, CEO of LWV California. It's a full agenda!
What is "Opportunity Housing?"
An educational event on March 22

In April, the San Jose City Council will discuss whether to authorize a study of opportunity housing zoning as a possible vehicle for expanding affordable housing in residential neighborhoods. A program to provide information about the experiences of other cities with this type of zoning has been organized by Catalyze SV. The League is a supporting sponsor of this educational event along with other local nonprofit organizations that want to help residents be more informed so that they can decide whether this is a strategy right for San Jose.

Briefly, opportunity housing zoning allows for the construction of multi-unit housing on properties with a Residential Neighborhood land use designation, which typically have only single family homes.

Speakers are out-of-the-area individuals with experience with this type of zoning change, including: Lisa Bender, Minneapolis City Council President; Love Jonson, Transportation Demand Specialist for the City of Portland, Oregon; and Greg Sandlund, acting Planning Director in City of Sacramento.

The event is scheduled for 5-6:30 p.m. REGISTER HERE.
Can We Have Equity in Education?

Saturday, March 20, 1-3 p.m.
Participate in this Zoom forum to learn and to have a civil conversation about providing education equity for students. Topics include a "crash course" in how school districts are funded, a comparison of three school districts in Santa Clara County (budget size, sources of income and student test results), and an overview of how two other states handle school funding and governance. REGISTER HERE.
This event is produced by the Civil DIscourse Committee of the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County.

Water, water . . . anywhere? Is there enough to drink?

A recorded League webinar -- “Forecasting Urban Water Demand in California” with Heather Cooley, Director of Research, Pacific Institute -- is available to watch on demand. Among other topics, it describes how water per capita has changed over the last 40 years as our population has soared, water consumption in different cities, water consumption based on different uses (farming vs. manufacturing vs. technology) and forecasting of water needs for decision-making around infrastructure. Very informative!
Quick Links
Join the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE
Donate to the League of Women Voters of San Jose/Santa Clara HERE