The View
The Weekly Newsletter of St. John's Episcopal Church
March 16, 2021
Sunday-Morning In-Person Services
Reservations Required
Our in-person service at 8:00 a.m. has seats available. We have reached our limit for the 10:30 a.m. service; however, you may notify the office and be placed on a waiting list. Reservations, masks, and social distancing are required for in-person attendance. When you arrive at church, please check in with the ushers and enter at the front red doors.

Reservations open on Mondays at 12 Noon when parishioners will receive an email with information to reserve online or at that time call Ann in the office to make reservation.
Worship Teams for March 21

Vestry Representatives: Sue Powell, Huey Hall
Lector: 8:00 a.m. Lisa Dye; 10:30 a.m. Erin Lokken (The Lectionary)
Acolyte: 10:30 a.m. Kenzie McKimmon
Ushers: 8:00 a.m. Marty and Will Doty; 10:30 a.m. David Rice, Allen Sartain
Childcare: 10:30 a.m. Sandy Burleson, Monica Wright
Flower Rearranger: Anne Ledbetter
Flower Deliverer: Ann Stewart
Sunday-Morning Online Worship
We are thankful to be able to include our Sunday-morning 10:30 a.m. worship service online with you from Facebook. Recorded services can be watched on our YouTube channel.
Holy Week & Easter Services
Holy Week & Easter Services
Reservations Required for In-Person

We are thankful to be able to offer both in-person and online worship! Reservations are required for all in-person Holy Week services and will become available at 12 Noon on Monday, March 22. Easter Day reservations will become available at 12 Noon on Monday, March 29. View the full schedule, including those services to be livestreamed, from the link below:
Take the VBS Survey!
Vacation Bible School Survey
Your feedback is important!

This survey is very important to assist with our decision making and planning process for this summer's VBS. Thanks in advance for your input. Click the link below to participate!
Virtual Offerings: Weekdays & Sundays
Rector's Bible Study
The Rector's Bible Study will take a short break until Thursday, March 25 at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Watch the newsletter for topic information as the date draws closer.
Morning Prayer Weekdays
We are on Facebook live for Morning Prayer—Monday through Friday at 9:00 a.m. Have your Book of Common Prayer handy (starting on page 75) or follow along with an online copy. Recorded services can be watched on our YouTube channel.
Sunday Lay-Led Class
The Lay-Led Lectionary Class continues to gather virtually on Sundays at 9:15 a.m. In this series, Erika Huber will lead with the lectionary readings and meditations from Ashes and the Phoenix: Meditations for the Season of Lent.
Begins on page 127 in the Book of Common Prayer or follow online here.
End the day with Compline, a brief, peaceful end of the day service, shared on Facebook and led by Zach Redfield, on Sunday and Wednesday* evenings at 7:30 p.m. *During Lent, Compline will be shared on Sunday evenings only.
Lenten Resources
An Illustrated Lent for Families
Reflections on Prayer
During Lent, you are invited to join Sally Marsh on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. for a 30-minute Zoom gathering to focus on the spiritual discipline of prayer. These Lenten devotionals are written to be used by children and adults of all ages. Each session will have scripture, reflection and discussion questions, activity, coloring sheets, and prayer. A link to join Zoom and to the devotionals can be accessed below:
Lent Is Not Rocket Science
An Exploration of God, Creation, and the Cosmos
Our parish book will be Lent Is Not Rocket Science: An Exploration of God, Creation, and the Cosmos, by W. Nicholas Knisely. The season of Lent prompts us to ask questions, big and small, about the nature of our being, and about our role in the world. Astronomer, physicist and Episcopal Bishop W. Nicholas Knisely explores the intersection of faith and science, creation and the cosmos.
Lent Madness 2021
A Lenten Devotion About Saints
Based loosely on the NCAA basketball tournament, Lent Madness pits 32 saints against one another in a single-elimination bracket. Follow along each day in Lent at to learn about these saints and to vote for your favorite saint of the day. Who will win the Golden Halo?
St. John’s top three leaders this week with Golden Halo picks still in the game:
Click the image to view bracket standings through Monday.
  1. Ann Stewart (Golden Halo pick - Absalom Jones)
  2. Father Ackerman (Golden Halo pick - Absalom Jones)
  3. Lana Redfield (Golden Halo pick - Catherine of Genoa)
Sawyerville Summer Camp
Goal of 500 individually wrapped cookie packs
St. John's is hosting a supply drive for this year's Sawyerville Summer Camp! Our goal is to collect 500 individually wrapped cookie packs. Click here for a cookie pack example. Drop off donations during office hours: Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or bring to church on Sunday.
Sawyerville Summer Camp serves children ages 6-13 in Hale County, AL. At camp, kids hear Bible stories, create artwork, make music, play sports, learn to swim, and enjoy a breakfast, lunch, and snack all at absolutely no cost. The staff are high school and college age young people ages 16 and up. The staff come from all over the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama and the local community. Learn more about Sawyerville!
Collecting Easter Egg Candy
Individually Wrapped Candies
We are collecting individually wrapped candy, small enough to fit in a plastic egg. Drop off donations during office hours: Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or bring to church on Sunday. Save-the-Date for an in-person Easter Egg Dash on Easter Sunday, April 4. Details coming soon!
Beans & Rice Ministry
Our next Beans & Rice+ is Thursday, March 25, from 9:30am to 11:00am under the covered entrance off Gordon Drive. Volunteer opportunities for preparing bags and handing out bags are available for future dates. Select a date from the online signup below:

Backpack Food Program
St. John's and other local churches are providing weekend food to children at Banks-Caddell and Eastwood each week school is in session through May.

Deliverers are needed to take about twelve bags to Eastwood each week through May.

Packers are needed each week to fill 48 bags on or before Tuesday. Only a few slots remain - April 27th and May 18th!
Children & Youth
  • Expect a door drop with formation activities for Holy Week, and there will be special videos available only on Seesaw for Holy Week. Contact Sally if you need log on information for Seesaw. 
  • Save-the-Date for an in-person Easter Egg Dash on Easter Sunday, April 4. Details coming soon!
  • Your feedback is valuable to us for VBS—Take the survey here.
Godly Play: Sunday's lesson helps us prepare for the mystery of Easter. Wonder with us as we journey through Lent. The video will be available by 9:15 a.m. Sunday morning on our children's Facebook Group page and through the SeeSaw app. Signup for SeeSaw with Sally to be included in special events.

Sally Marsh, 256-353-9615 ext. 111 or
Youth Ministries

Details in this week's EYC newsletter about our IN-PERSON gatherings on Wednesday-nights and Sundays! Who's excited??!!

  • Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. we will meet in the Amphitheater behind the church for Weaving God’s Promises (Zoom invitation available)
  • Sunday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. we will meet in the McKimmon Garden for Living in an Icon.
  • Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. We’ll meet behind the church for our Popcorn Theology (Bring your own Dinner)
Zach Redfield, 256-353-9615 ext. 110 or
Stewardship of Creation
St. John's Creation Care Newsletter
by Anne Ness
There are lots of ways you can participate in Earth Day this year. 

Did you know that the Monarch Butterfly is the state insect of Alabama? Habitat for these beautiful creatures is being lost every year, and you can help by creating a butterfly garden. The basics you need are nectar sources for butterflies, food sources for caterpillars, shelter, water, full sun and a low pesticide zone. For more information on attracting monarch butterflies to your landscape, please visit the Alabama Cooperative Extension System website.
Altar Flowers
Altar Flowers Contributions are given to the glory of God and in memory, thanksgiving, or celebration for people or events that are important to that donor. A donation of $60 will sponsor the flower arrangements arranged by the Flower Guild. We accept one dedication per Sunday. If you would like to make such a gift, please complete a contribution form and return to the office. Please call the office with any questions. Upcoming Available Sunday Dates: March 21, 28; May 16.

To contribute Easter flowers, fill out a dedication form and return to office by Monday, March 29.
St. John's Financial Stewardship
Ways to Give to St. John's
  • Secure online giving via Tithely. You may use an e-check, debit card, or credit card for a single gift or automatic recurring gifts and options for where your gift applies.
  • By mailing a check to St. John's, 202 Gordon Drive SE, Decatur AL 35601. Please note on memo line where your gift applies.
Additional Links