Make sure to visit VikesConnect for lots of other activities & events throughout the week!

Good Monday morning Vikings! Welcome to week 4 of fall semester. There's lots of opportunities to engage this week, including voter events, tie die, picnics, and more! Enjoy the week!

Go Vikings!

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Linguistics Club and SAA Meeting

Monday, September 16

11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Rhodes Tower 930

Do you like to discuss and learn about other cultures and languages? Then this event is for you! The Cleveland State Linguistics Club and the Student Anthropology Association (SAA) are joining together to host a meeting where you can learn about the various branches of Anthropology, and have thought-provoking conversations about the importance of cultural diversity. Come meet their officers and have some pizza!

Co-Hosted by Linguistics Club & Student Anthropology Association

Resume Reviews

Monday, September 16

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

FH 268

Drop by during their regular meeting hours to receive valuable feedback on your resume. Representatives from Career Services will be available to review your resume and offer constructive advice to help you advance and succeed in your professional journey!

Hosted by Sisters In STEM

Do's/Dont's Interview, Application Process and Pre-Med Track Competitiveness

Tuesday, September 17

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Berkman Hall 135

Join MAPS for a session on the do's and don'ts of interviews and the application process, plus tips on staying competitive in the pre-med track. They'll walk you through it all with a PowerPoint and open discussion.

Hosted by Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS)

National Voter Registration Day & The Power Of Your Vote

BLSA is committed to empowering everyone to cast an informed vote and to understand the true power of their vote. Participation both days is NOT required, but encouraged. They look forward to seeing you there and making a difference together!

National Voter Registration Day

Tuesday, September 17th

Noon - 4:00 PM

Law School Atrium

BLSA will be set up in the law building atrium, helping students register to vote. They'll have virtual and fillable forms, stickers, and more available to ensure everyone has the opportunity to get registered.

The Power of Your Vote

Wednesday, September 18

11:30 AM-1:30 PM

Mather Mansion


Join BLSA for lunch as they host a special event featuring SBA President Ellenia Matters, Justice Melody Stewart, and Reverend Dr. Otis Moss Jr. They will discuss the importance of voting on school, local, and national levels, providing insights that will help us all prepare for the November 2024 presidential election and beyond.

Hosted by Black Law Student Association (BLSA)

Tie Dye with The Poodles

Tuesday, September 17

6:22 PM - 8:00 PM

BH 146

The Tenacious Theta Rho Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is hosting a Tie Dye Night! Bring a clothing item and come have fun with them! 

Hosted by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

The Soul of Cleveland Tour

Wednesday, September 18

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Departing from the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center Berkman Hall, Room 137

The Soul of Cleveland Tour is an excursion that takes CSU students and faculty to different landmarks in Cleveland that commemorate legendary figures who contributed to the soulfulness of the Black experience in the Greater Cleveland community. Two three-hour trips have been coordinated for 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. A CSU van will be departing from the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center in Berkman Hall, Room 137, and returning to that same location for both trips. 

Students who participate with this tour will have a learning experience that introduces figures from the Abolitionist and Civil Rights Movements through various landmarks in Cleveland that are no more than a 5-mile radius from the campus. Also, students will have a chance to visit the Wade Park Community Engagement Center at Case Western Reserve University. Students interested in attending should visit the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center (BH 137) to sign-up and complete a liability release form. For more information contact Prester Pickett, M.F.A., Coordinator of the Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center at (216) 687-3656 or

Hosted by Howard A. Mims African American Cultural Center

Anxiety & Depression Screening Day

Wednesday, September 18

11:00 AM - 1:30 PM

SC Ballroom

Take 15 minutes and get a free Anxiety and Depression screening sponsored by the Counseling Center and the Counseling and Academic Success Clinic. Learn about mental health services and resources while enjoying dessert! Brownies and cookies will be served.

Hosted by Counseling Center

Latinos Unidos' Paint and Sip!

Wednesday, September 18

11:15 AM - 1:15 PM

SC Atrium

Durning Hispanic Heritage Month, come and paint with Latinos Unidos! You can release your inner creativity to reflect on the beauty of the Hispanic culture and sip on Jarritos & cafecito to make it all the more fun!

Hosted by Latinos Unidos

Sunset Yoga

Wednesday, September 18

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

MU Lawn

Embrace the serenity of nature with our outdoor yoga session, designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. One of the wonderful CSU Rec certified yoga instructors will guide you through a wonderful 1 hour session where hot tea will be provided.

Hosted by Campus Activities Board

Green & White Wednesday!

Each Wednesday during fall semester is Green & White Wednesday! Everyone is encouraged to wear your CSU colors (Green & White) and show off your Viking Pride!

Welcome & Social

Thursday, September 19

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

SC 313

The Lebanese Student Organization will be welcoming the new year with a social! Come enjoy some good food and good conversations. 

Hosted by Lebanese Student Organization

Leadership Lecture Series

Thursday, September 19

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Mather Mansion Room MM 101

All are welcome to attend the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Leadership Series! In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Honors College and 20 years of the Honors Program, the Fall 2024 Leadership Series will focus on: The Power of Narrative (or Stories) for Leaders. Their first speaker of the fall term features Caryl Pagel, Director of the Cleveland State University Poetry Center

Hosted by Mandel Honors College

Parking Day

Friday, September 20

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

1860 E 18th St, Cleveland, OH 44114

Parking Day is a global day of repurposing parking spaces for cars into tiny spaces for people, art, play, and activism.

Hosted by American Planning Association

Fall Picnic

Friday, September 20

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Lakewood Park

Join MENA along with members of the Coptic Club and Lebanese Student Orgagnization for a Fall Picnic at Lakewood Park! Enjoy a beautiful evening filled with delicious food, fun games, and great company. Whether you're coming to relax or to connect with new friends, there's something for everyone. Don't miss out on a perfect fall evening with the MENA community! 

Hosted by Middle Eastern North African Student Association

Vikings @ Home

Come out and cheer on YOUR CSU Vikings this week at home! For more information, visit

Tuesday, September 17

Men's Soccer vs Pittsburgh

7:00 PM

Krenzler Field

Friday, September 20

Volleyball vs University of Akron

6:00 PM

Woodling Gym

Saturday, September 21

Men's Soccer vs Detroit Mercy

7:00 PM

Krenzler Field

Go Vikings!

Mark Your Calendars!

Education Away at Cleveland State University offers students a variety of opportunities to engage in real-world learning opportunities abroad. Whether through faculty-led and international exchange programs, or affiliate opportunities through our partners or even inside the USA/Canada through the National Student Exchange consortium our mission is to ensure every student finds a program that meets their needs and helps them reach their goals.  

Join the Center for International Services and Programs on Tuesday, October 8 for their Education Away Fair from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM in the Student Center Atrium. Learn about the different educational opportunities available to travel abroad.

More information, visit:

Fall 2024 Intramural Leagues

Intramurals are BACK for the fall semester! Flag Football, Outdoor Soccer, Wiffleball and Cricket will be offered this fall! For days, times, pricing and how to register, please visit ( or ( for more information!

Any questions? Reach out to Mackenzie Lamar at

Cleveland Weather Forecast 9/16 ~ 9/22

As Of 9/16/24 Weather forecast courtesy of

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