Viking Newsletter


OSM (Operations and Supply Chain Management) Student Organization

‘Meet the Tutors’

February 20 | BU 220 | 11:30AM - 1PM

This is a chance for students to network, learn more about the services offered by the OSM Tutoring department,

and enjoy a Free Lunch.

Trivia Night With The Sigmas/ Black History Celebration

Tuesday, February 20

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

SC 313

This event is based on Sigma History and a Black History Month Celebration. Students will get the opportunity to learn about notable men in Sigma History as well as have a good time going over some trivia questions.

Make & Take Affirmations

Wednesday, February 21

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

SC Interlink

Join Student Wellness Programs in spreading personal action and positive self-talk through affirmations. People who stop may take an already written affirmation or choose to make one themselves. 

Hosted by Student Wellness Programs

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Info Session

Wednesday, February 21

1:41 PM - 4:00 PM


Join SPILO to learn about Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). Zoom link

Hosted by Student Public Interest Law Organization (SPILO)

Give Back CLE

Thursday, February 22

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Student Center Atrium

It’s time for Give Back Cle!

This year it was decided to give back to the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center. There are various donation bins placed throughout campus. Donations will be accepted from 2/14-2/22. The event will take place on 2/22, with raffles, snacks, drinks and more! Guest are 5$, and anyone who checks in will be given a raffle ticket, however, if you bring a donation you will receive 3 extra tickets, per item donated.

Hosted by Campus Activities Board

NIRSA: Recreational Sports and Fitness Day

Thursday, February 22

11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

CSU Recreation Center - MAC Gym

Come celebrate NIRSA Recreational Sports and Fitness Day with us on February 22nd from 11AM-2PM in the Rec Center MAC Gym! Bring your friends and join in on our Dodgeball Tournament; hosted by the CSU Club Dodgeball Team! Participants receive a free CSU beanie (while supplies last)!

Anti-Hazing Training

Thursday, February 22

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

SC 313/315

Learn more about how to prevent hazing on campus and resources for how to report hazing on campus! This training counts for hazing training requirement for students looking to join student organizations. 

Hosted by Center for Campus Engagement

African American Student Show Case

Friday, February 23

2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Berkman Hall Auditorium

Join CAB and Film Makers Club for a film festival on February 23rd from 2:30-4:30 PM. This festival will feature African American Student Films! Join them for popcorn, snacks, and some amazing student films.

Hosted by Campus Activities Board & CSU's Film Maker's Club

Intramural Pop-Up Tournaments

Don't want to commit to an 8-week long intramural league? Sign up for the Rec Center's one-day pop-up tournaments!

Pickleball: Singles Tournament Saturday, February 24th 12PM-4PM; Cost $10/singles. Pickleball: Doubles Tournament Saturday, March 2nd 12PM-4PM; Cost $15/doubles. Badminton: Singles Tournament Saturday, March 23rd 12PM-4PM; Cost $10/singles. Badminton: Doubles Tournament Saturday, March 30th 12PM-4PM; Cost $15/doubles.

For more information or to register, visit Questions? Reach out to Rishabh Choudhary at

Join us for the 5th annual Project 400 Conference

Friday, February 23 and Saturday, February 24, 2024

This year's theme is "Setting the Record Straight: Don't Believe the Hype — Hip Hop @ 50." Project 400, which began in 2019, honors the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first Africans in the British Colonies in North America. Our two-day hybrid conference will delve into the challenges faced by African Americans today, celebrating the triumphs and acknowledging the hurdles that still persist.

Explore the contributions, contradictions, and complexities of Hip Hop on its 50th anniversary, and how it intertwines with the challenges of misinformation and distortions in our present-day society.

Whether you join us virtually or in person, mark your calendars for February 23 and 24, from 10:00am to 2:30pm for this enlightening and impactful event!

Learn more and register

Student Trustees represent the student body to the governing body of Cleveland State University. Student trustee's experience working with prominent executives and professionals in Northeast Ohio by attending board social functions, University award ceremonies and Board of Trustee meetings.

Student requirements include:

  • Maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA or higher
  • Undergraduates must be at least sophomore status at the time of assuming the position
  • Must currently be a registered Ohio voter
  • Must be currently enrolled in an academic program, or already admitted to a graduate program, that will continue (at least) until May 2026

All full-time CSU students are encouraged to apply to become a Student Board of Trustee Representative. Deadline to apply: March 1, 2024

Click Here To Apply

Survey: Textbooks on Campus

The university is looking into changes regarding how

textbooks are accessed. Survey Here

As always, if you have any student concerns, please direct them to the student

government office in SC 217 and 218.

Hiring Peer Mentors for Fall 2024

First Year Experience is currently hiring peer mentors for the Fall 2024 semester! The Peer Mentor works closely with the instructor in planning and preparation for the course, attends each class, assists students in transitioning to Cleveland State University, as well as coordinates multiple out-of-class activities. This is a paid position for up to 10 hours a week at $12/hr.

The deadline to apply is April 1st, 2024. To find out position details and to apply, visit For more information regarding the position, please stop by one of their Information Sessions to speak with a current FYE Peer Mentor and/or Instructor. These sessions are held from 11:30am - 12:30pm in Berkman Hall room 305 and are taking place on the following dates: February 22nd, February 27th, March 7th, March 21st and March 26th.

Please reach out to the Office of First Year Experience at if you have any questions about this opportunity!

Lunch with the Professors - Dr. Pedro Gerum

February 28th | 12:00-1:00 | BH 541

'Meet the Professor' Series is a monthly private lunch event with OSM professors. Students are given the opportunity to ask questions and interact with professors outside of a class setting. This series is hosted by the OSM Student Organization and each 'Meet the Professor' event is limited to 5 students.

Be one of the first 5 students to register

Vikings @ Home

Come out and cheer on our CSU Vikings this week at home! For more information, visit

Go Vikings!

Friday, February 23

Men's Wrestling vs Rider

2:00 PM

Woodling Gymnasium

Saturday, February 24

Women's Tennis vs Western Michigan

10:00 AM

Medical Mutual Tennis Pavilion

Men's Lacrosse vs High Point

12:00 PM

Krenzler Field

Women's Tennis vs St. Bonaventure

5:00 PM

Medical Mutual Tennis Pavilion

Graduate Programs Open House

The Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs cordially invites you to our

Graduate Programs Open House

Saturday | March 2, 2024 | 12:30 - 3:00 PM.

Learn about Levin graduate programs and updated admission requirements for summer and fall 2024! Faculty and staff will be available to answer your questions. Learn more here

Disability and Ableism Workshop from The Diversity Institute

Wednesday, May 8 & Thursday, May 9

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Location provided upon registration

The Diversity Institute is thrilled to continue to offer trainings at no cost for students, staff, and faculty at CSU. This semester, they are including a training on Disability and Ableism. This is a 2-part workshop, and part 1 is required before taking part 2. Part 1 will take place Wednesday May 8th from 1-4pm, and part 2 will take place Thursday May 9th from 1-4pm. For more information and registration:

For more information, contact Caitlin Hawkins at

Cleveland Weather 2/19/24 ~ 2/25/24