October 24, 2024

Happy Thursday!

Since the start of the school year, we’ve welcomed inquiries from families each week about St. Veronica School. Each visit provides an opportunity to share the richness of our community of faith. I cherish these moments to highlight the quality education our students receive, the diverse extracurricular activities available, and the supportive, faith-filled environment that surrounds us.

Interestingly, many of our visitors already know a lot about us. They share positive stories they've heard from our parents about high school readiness and the successful transitions our students make. They talk about our sports teams, who consistently exemplify sportsmanship, and our parents, who cheer for every child, regardless of athletic ability. They mention the enthusiastic third grader in their neighborhood who performed in our spring musical and the impressive show they were able to attend. Every tour is unique, yet each one showcases our faith and excellence in action!

As November approaches, many families begin to reflect on the educational experiences they want for their children. Please continue to share your experiences about St. Veronica and invite those interested to reach out for a tour. We are always eager to share what makes our school special.

If you haven’t done so already, please consider sharing your experiences on our Niche.com profile.

God bless,

Stephanie Woodall, Principal

Oct 24

FAB Butter Braid Fundraiser Begins

Oct 25

Spirit Family Activity

Oct 28

Hoodie Monday

Science Club by Crystal Clear Science | 3:00-4:00PM

Oct 29

8th Grade Confirmation Sponsor & Candidate Meeting at St. Andrew Church | 6:30-7:30PM

Oct 30

No School Mass - Moved to Fri Nov 1 for All Saints Day

Oct 31

Halloween Parade & Classroom Parties

Spirit Wear Day + Costumes

Nov 1

All Saints Day Mass with 1st Grade Parade of Saints | 9:00AM

Spirit Wear may not be worn due to All Saints Day Mass

Nov 4

Hoodie Monday

Science Club by Crystal Clear Science | 3:00-4:00PM

Nov 6

Mass & "Stewardship" Virtue Presentation by 6th Grade | 9:00AM

Nov 8

End of Trimester 1

Nov 9

Dad & Lad Event

7th Grade Confirmation Retreat Option 1

Nov 10

Mother & Daughter Event

Nov 11

Hoodie Monday

Science Club by Crystal Clear Science | 3:00-4:00PM

Nov 13

Mass | 9:00AM

Nov 15

Spirit Wear Day

Nov 16

"Pray For Me Weekend" for First Communicants at all Masses

7th Grade Confirmation Retreat Option 2


Halloween Schedule Update | Oct 31

As we gear up for Halloween, please take note of the revised schedule. This year, student parties will kick off at 1:30PM, followed by a parade for students in Preschool through 8th grade starting at 2:15PM.

To facilitate the parade, Halloween dismissal will be adjusted. Families attending the parade or picking up their child(ren) are kindly asked to complete the Halloween Dismissal Form. This helps us anticipate the number of car riders after the parade.

For all parents picking up children, whether attending the parade or not, please park in the front and side lots of the school and church, then proceed to the back parking lot for the parade and/or dismissal. All car riders will be dismissed from the back parking lot. Parents are requested to wait there after the parade, as no vehicles will be allowed in the back lot on this day. After the parade, students will return to their homerooms to gather their belongings and will be dismissed through the rear doors of the school to parents waiting in the back lot. Please share this important change with grandparents or other family who may be picking up your child(ren) on this day.

Students who ride the bus will follow their usual dismissal schedule at 3:00 PM.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to a fun-filled Halloween!

Snacks, Birthday, and Holiday Treat Reminder 

At St. Veronica School, we maintain a nut-free environment in all classrooms. To ensure the safety of all students, please remember that all snacks and treats brought into the building must be nut-free, individually packaged, and in their original containers. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also welcome as snack options.

We ask families to adhere to these guidelines to help keep our students safe. Additionally, all snack items for classroom parties must receive approval from our school health aide, Stephanie Ghearing (sghearing@stveronica.org).

Lunch Accounts K-8

If you have not already done so, please set up your student's lunch account with PaySchools Central. Visit the school website HERE for detailed instructions for both new and returning students. **Please note - Balances have accrued since the start of the school year! If your student has a negative balance, please be sure to add enough funds to clear the negative balance plus additional funds for future purchases.**

Christmas Show

Our Christmas show for all students in grades 1-4 will take place on Tuesday, Dec 3 at 6:30PM. This year the students will be performing the show titled, "We Three Spies." Students have already been hard at work in music class preparing for this exciting event. More details will be sent home soon. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Gardner (agardner@stveronica.org).

Uniform Updates 

We are excited to share the news that our neighbor, Eastgate Custom Graphix, will be added as a vendor for our uniform apparel needs as of November 1. They will stock their store with PE uniform tops and bottoms as well as the school uniform crewneck sweatshirt and quarter zip. They have changing rooms available for students to try on items if needed. Their store hours are 10AM - 6PM Monday through Thursday, and 10AM - 5PM on Friday.

And as a reminder...

Online Store

All sales support St. Veronica School's Fine Arts programs.

The Most Scrumptious Fundraiser Is Back!

Butter Braid sales begin today, October 24. Orders can be placed on the paper form coming home or online. Order online to see additional flavors!

Sales END November 7.

Pickup will be November 18, 4:30-6:00PM, in the front parking lot. 

All details are listed on the flyer coming home this week.



Click here to print form

The following information has been shared from area high schools for our families:

McNicholas Admissions Timeline

McNicholas BooFest

Saint Ursula Upcoming Events

Saint Ursula Open House

Elder Shadow Days

Elder Upcoming Admissions Events

Elder Art Department Invitational Exhibition

Moeller Visit & Discover

Moeller Class of 2029 Dates

St. Xavier Affordability

St. Xavier Benny the Bomber's Entrepreneurship Boot Camp

Mercy McAuley Open House

Mercy McAuley Shadow Days

Mercy McAuley HSPT Prep Class

Mercy McAuley Grade School Volleyball Tournament

Ursuline Open House

MND Open House & Shadowing

XCEL Boys Basketball Winter Team Tryouts

School Website


School Year Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

SafeParish Registration


Arrival & Dismissal Map

Schoolbelles Uniforms

(code S2017)

U-Sports Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Volunteer Opportunities



PaySchools Central


(code 4315544)

St. Mary Magdalene Parish Family Website