December 5, 2024

Dear Viking Families,

The school office has been hard at work preparing for our admissions and registration opening in January 2025! Tuition information will be forthcoming, but please mark your calendars!  Enrollment opens January 6, 2025 for current families and parishioners. Our registration process will continue to be submitted digitally for the 2025-2026 school year. More information regarding the tuition and the registration process will be available next week.  

We strongly encourage our families to register early, as we have had a steady interest in enrollment for next school year. Registration will open to non-parishioners on January 24, 2025.

God bless, 

Stephanie Woodall, Principal

Allergy Reminder

Please help us to keep our students safe. Any food consumed in the classroom must be nut-free, this includes all snacks and party treats. The approved Safe Snack List can be found HERE

Scholarship Giving Opportunity

In the fall of 2022, the State of Ohio created a program called Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO), which allows St. Veronica Catholic School to receive a tax credit from individual donors on their Ohio taxes. Donors can share a credit up to $750 per individual and $1,500 for joint filers when donating to St. Veronica School. All you must do is make a qualified donation to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) which will benefit St. Veronica Catholic School. Learn more at

Dec 6

Spirit Wear Day

Dec 7

Reconciliation Retreat

Dec 9

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Mass | 9:00AM

Dec 10

First Reconciliation | 7:00PM

Dec 11

No School Mass due to Monday's Mass

Christmas Concert | 7:00PM

Dec 17

Parish Family Reconciliation Service | 7:00PM

Dec 18

Mass | 9:00AM

Dec 20

Christmas Wear

Jingle & Joy Visit to Nursing Homes

Dec 23 - Jan 3

Christmas Break

Jan 6

Classes Resume


Christmas Collection: A Letter from PTO

Click HERE for a letter from PTO regarding a Christmas collection.

Congratulations & Good Luck!

Congratulations and good luck to Moeller football players and St. Veronica alums Landon Adams ('22) and Teagan Cumberland ('22) as they compete in the OHSAA Division I Football State Championship game this Friday night in Canton. We are proud of you!

It's Elf Gram Time!

Would you like to send an Elf Gram to a special friend or friends? Or maybe your teachers? How about to your whole class? Click HERE for more details and to print gram tags. Don't delay! Tags must be returned to school by December 13!

Holiday Jingle and Joy!

As announced in last week's Viking Voice, students in grades K-8 will travel with their Spirit Families to one of 5 local nursing homes to present Holiday Jingle and Joy on December 20. Please be sure to return the permission slip that was sent home as soon as possible, if you haven't already done so.

School Website

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

SafeParish Registration


Arrival & Dismissal Map

Schoolbelles Uniforms (code S2017)

U-Sports Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Volunteer Opportunities



PaySchools Central

Pictavo (code 4315544)

Viking Cafe

St. Mary Magdalene Parish Family Website

McNicholas Admissions Timeline

Elder Shadow Days

Moeller Visit & Discover

Moeller Class of 2029 Dates

St. Xavier Affordability

Mercy McAuley Grade School Volleyball Tournament

MND Shadowing

Ursuline Softball & Volleyball Camps

Mercy McAuley Winter Wonderland