November 21, 2024

Dear Viking Families,

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday and prepare for a well-deserved week-long break, I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude for each of you. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a parent, or a staff member, your dedication, hard work, and faith make our school community truly special. This time of year reminds us to pause and give thanks for the many blessings we have, both big and small.

I am so thankful for the ways we support one another, grow in faith, and continue to foster a learning environment where every child can thrive. May this season be filled with peace, love, and joy for all of you. 

In this season of giving thanks, I share this Prayer of Thanksgiving with our school community:

Heavenly Father,

As we gather in gratitude this Thanksgiving, we give thanks for the many blessings You have bestowed upon us. Thank You for the gift of our St. Veronica Catholic School community, for the students, teachers, staff, and families who make this place of learning and faith so vibrant and full of love.

We ask You to bless each of us with peace and joy during this holiday season. Grant rest to those who are weary, comfort to those who are struggling, and strength to all who serve our school. May we continue to grow in faith, love, and kindness, both within our school and in the world around us.

Bless our families, Lord, and help us to always remember the importance of giving thanks for all that we have. May Your love and grace continue to guide us in the days ahead.

We ask this in Your holy name.


Wishing you and your families a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

God bless, 

Stephanie Woodall, Principal

Nov 21

PTO Information Sharing Session

Nov 22

Spirit Family Activity

Nov 25 - 29

No School | Thanksgiving Break

Dec 1 - 2

Secret Santa Shop

Dec 2

Advanced Band (rescheduled from Dec 3)

Vocal Ensemble - CANCELED

Dec 3

Advanced Band - CANCELED

Christmas Program, Grades 1-4 | 6:30PM

Dec 4

Mass & Virtue Awards | 9:00AM

Dec 6

Spirit Wear Day


Report Cards 

As a reminder, first trimester report cards will be posted to OptionC tomorrow, November 22.

Christmas Collection: A Letter from PTO

Click HERE for a letter from PTO regarding a Christmas collection.

Holiday Jingle and Joy!

As announced in last week's Viking Voice, students in grades K-8 will travel with their Spirit Families to one of 5 local nursing homes to present Holiday Jingle and Joy on December 20. Please be sure to return the permission slip that was sent home, if you haven't already done so.

School Website

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

SafeParish Registration


Arrival & Dismissal Map

Schoolbelles Uniforms (code S2017)

U-Sports Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Volunteer Opportunities



PaySchools Central

Pictavo (code 4315544)

Viking Cafe

St. Mary Magdalene Parish Family Website

McNicholas Admissions Timeline

Saint Ursula Upcoming Events

Elder Shadow Days

Elder Upcoming Admissions Events

Moeller Visit & Discover

Moeller Class of 2029 Dates

St. Xavier Affordability

Mercy McAuley Grade School Volleyball Tournament

MND Shadowing

Ursuline Softball & Volleyball Camps

Mercy McAuley Winter Wonderland

Mercy McAuley Grade School & Alumnae Basketball Night