October 31, 2024

Happy Halloween!

We hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Halloween celebration today! Thank you for helping our students enjoy the festive spirit of the season.

As a reminder, All Saints Day Mass will be held tomorrow, November 1, at 9:00 AM. All families are welcome to join us as we come together to honor the saints and reflect on their example of faith and service. All students must be in uniform for our weekly mass. There will be no spirit wear tomorrow.  

End of Trimester Reminder

Please note that the end of the first trimester is quickly approaching on Wednesday, November 8. This is an important milestone for our students as we wrap up their initial grading period. Report cards will be distributed soon after, so please keep an eye out for additional communication regarding final grades.

Veterans Day Celebration 

Looking ahead, we’re excited to celebrate Veterans Day on Monday, November 11 at 1:15 PM. Students are invited to wear red, white, and blue tops with St. Veronica gym shorts, spirit wear sweatpants, or uniform bottoms to honor those who have served our country. We extend a warm invitation to any veterans in our community to join us for this special event. Please let us know if you can attend by RSVPing here, or by emailing Cherry Kuntz (ckuntz@stveronica.org) in the school office.

God bless,

Stephanie Woodall, Principal

Now - Nov 15

St. Veronica / St. Vincent de Paul Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive

Nov 1

All Saints Day Mass with 1st Grade Parade of Saints | 9:00AM

Spirit Wear may not be worn due to All Saints Day Mass

Nov 3

Donut Sunday

Nov 4

Hoodie Monday

Science Club by Crystal Clear Science | 3:00-4:00PM

Nov 6

Mass & "Stewardship" Virtue Presentation by 6th Grade | 9:00AM

Nov 8

End of Trimester 1

Nov 9

Dad & Lad Event

7th Grade Confirmation Retreat Option 1

Nov 10

Mother & Daughter Event

Nov 11

Hoodie Monday

Science Club by Crystal Clear Science | 3:00-4:00PM

Nov 13

Mass | 9:00AM

Nov 15

Spirit Wear Day

Nov 16

7th Grade Confirmation Retreat Option 2

Nov 16-17

"Pray For Me Weekend" for First Communicants at all Masses

Canned Food Drive at all Masses


Canned Food Drive | Nov 16-17

The Outreach Commission of St. Veronica Church is sponsoring a canned food drive to benefit Hope Emergency, a food pantry in Brown County. They will use the items for their Thanksgiving distribution. On November 16 and 17 please bring your donations to the narthex during Mass at St Veronica. Hope Emergency is requesting the following items:

Peanut butter

Stuffing mix

Brownie or cake mix

Canned pineapple

Gravy packets – turkey or chicken

Canned sweet potatoes

Canned cranberry sauce

Canned pumpkin

Please no canned items larger than 15oz (except pineapple)

November Menu & Lunch Account Reminder

Click HERE for the November lunch menu. If you have not already done so, please set up your student's lunch account with PaySchools Central. Visit the school website HERE for detailed instructions for both new and returning students. **Please note - Balances have accrued since the start of the school year! If your student has a negative balance, please be sure to add enough funds to clear the negative balance plus additional funds for future purchases.**

Secret Santa Shop | Dec 1-2

Brought to you by St. Veronica PTO, this year's Secret Santa Shop will take place at school on Monday, December 2 for students in PS through 4th grade and on Sunday, December 1 between Masses. This fun event is an opportunity for your child to SECRETLY purchase Christmas gifts for the special people in their lives and even their pets! Click HERE for more details and to print the order form.

Uniform Updates 

We are excited to share the news that our neighbor, Eastgate Custom Graphix, will be added as a vendor for our uniform apparel needs as of November 1. They will stock their store with PE uniform tops and bottoms as well as the school uniform crewneck sweatshirt and quarter zip. They have changing rooms available for students to try on items if needed. Their store hours are 10AM - 6PM Monday through Thursday, and 10AM - 5PM on Friday.

And as a reminder...

The following information has been shared from area high schools for our families:

McNicholas Admissions Timeline

Saint Ursula Upcoming Events

Elder Shadow Days

Elder Upcoming Admissions Events

Elder Art Department Invitational Exhibition

Moeller Visit & Discover

Moeller Class of 2029 Dates

St. Xavier Affordability

Mercy McAuley Shadow Days

Mercy McAuley Grade School Volleyball Tournament

Ursuline Open House

MND Open House & Shadowing

XCEL Boys Basketball Winter Team Tryouts

School Website


School Year Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

SafeParish Registration


Arrival & Dismissal Map

Schoolbelles Uniforms

(code S2017)

U-Sports Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Volunteer Opportunities



PaySchools Central


(code 4315544)

St. Mary Magdalene Parish Family Website