Fall Conferences | Oct 15 & 17
Fall conferences are scheduled after school on Tuesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 17 from 3:30-7:00PM. Conference sign-ups close on Sunday, October 13 at 11:59PM. All families are encouraged to schedule time to connect with their child(ren)’s classroom teachers. Preschool and Kindergarten teachers will schedule 20 minute slots. Teachers in grades 1-4 will schedule in 15 minute time slots. Teachers in grades 5-8 will have 10 minute time slots. Conference times can be found in OptionC, Office tab, Teacher Conferences. If you need to schedule a conference with a Specials teacher, please do so through email:
Technology | Mrs. Colaco (Oct 17 only)
P.E. | Mrs. Davis
Enrichment & Innovations | Mrs. Florio
Music | Mr. Gardner (Oct 17 only)
Art | Mrs. Keuffer
Spanish | Mrs. Sabla
Halloween Parade and Parties | Oct 31
Halloween is just around the corner. As you begin planning your child’s costume, please keep in mind, students will be permitted to bring their costumes for their class parties and the school parade. All students will have the opportunity to change into their costumes prior to the start of their party. It is recommended, whenever possible, students wear their uniforms under their costumes. Student costumes should be school appropriate and respectful for students of all ages. Weapons of any kind are not permitted.
Yearbook Photos: Pictavo
Do you attend school events? Do you have a student athlete? The yearbook team needs your photos! You can upload your photos straight to Pictavo for consideration for the yearbook. Click HERE for a tutorial on uploading your photos.
Lunch Accounts K-8
If you have not already done so, please set up your student's lunch account with PaySchools Central. Visit the school website HERE for detailed instructions for both new and returning students. **Please note - Balances have accrued since the start of the school year! If your student has a negative balance, please be sure to add enough funds to clear the negative balance plus additional funds for future purchases.**