October 17, 2024

Dear Viking Families,

As we wrap up another successful week at St. Veronica, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support and engagement during our fall conferences. It was wonderful to connect with so many of you and discuss your children's progress and achievements. Your involvement plays a vital role in creating a nurturing learning environment.

With fall break just around the corner, I encourage you to take this time to relax and enjoy quality moments with your family. Whether it’s simply enjoying cozy evenings at home or heading out for a fall adventure, these moments are precious.

As we transition into this new season, let’s also remember to embrace the spirit of gratitude. Our school community is blessed with dedicated staff, enthusiastic students, and supportive families. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

Wishing you a restful and joyful fall break! We look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for the next chapter.

God bless,

Stephanie Woodall, Principal

Oct 17

Parent-Teacher Conferences | 3:30-7:00PM

Oct 18

No School

Halloween Trunk or Treat | 6:00-8:30PM

Oct 20


Oct 21

No School

Oct 22

No School

Oct 23

Mass & Virtue Awards | 9:00AM

Lion King Jr. Callbacks

Oct 24

FAB ButterBraid Fundraiser Begins

Oct 28

Hoodie Monday

Science Club by Crystal Clear Science | 3:00-4:00PM

Oct 30

No School Mass - Moved to Fri Nov 1 for All Saints Day

Oct 31

Halloween Parade & Classroom Parties

Nov 1

All Saints Day Mass | 9:00AM


Halloween Parade and Parties | Oct 31

Halloween is just around the corner. As you begin planning your child’s costume, please keep in mind, students will be permitted to bring their costumes for their class parties and the school parade. All students will have the opportunity to change into their costumes prior to the start of their party. It is recommended, whenever possible, students wear their uniforms under their costumes. Student costumes should be school appropriate and respectful for students of all ages. Weapons of any kind are not permitted. 

Lunch Accounts K-8

If you have not already done so, please set up your student's lunch account with PaySchools Central. Visit the school website HERE for detailed instructions for both new and returning students. **Please note - Balances have accrued since the start of the school year! If your student has a negative balance, please be sure to add enough funds to clear the negative balance plus additional funds for future purchases.**

Christmas Show

Our Christmas show for all students in grades 1-4 will take place on Tuesday, Dec 3 at 6:30PM. This year the students will be performing the show titled, "We Three Spies." Students have already been hard at work in music class preparing for this exciting event. More details will be sent home soon. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Gardner (agardner@stveronica.org).

Uniform Updates 

We’ve been in close communication with our vendors, Schoolbelles and U-Sports, to address any challenges. This week, we learned that Schoolbelles has returned to their expected six-week timeline for orders. As of our last update, our orders are current. If you placed your order over six weeks ago and have not yet received it, please reach out to Sarah at the Newport store for assistance.

On the other hand, U-Sports is still experiencing delays and is still behind schedule. We understand that many of you have had difficulty reaching them for updates. We are actively following up on this issue and will keep you informed as we receive more information. We have been working to establish ordering with a second vendor and hope to be able to share more information by the end of the month.  

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work through these delays and challenges.

Volunteers Still Needed!
Click here to print form


St. Veronica Boys Basketball

Boys Basketball: Grades 3-8

-Practices begin 11/1/24 (two 1-hour practices per week)

-Games begin 12/7/24

-10 game season with an end of season league tourney

-Games are played primarily on Saturday and Sunday with an occasional Friday evening game

-Registration closes 10/20/24


Interested coaches please complete application and submit to:

Boys AD -Jamie Brescol jamie.brescol@gmail.com 

Girls AD-Julia McNeal mcnealjulia@gmail.com


The following information has been shared from area high schools for our families:

McNicholas Admissions Timeline

McNicholas BooFest

Saint Ursula Upcoming Events

Saint Ursula Open House

Elder Shadow Days

Elder Upcoming Admissions Events

Elder Art Department Invitational Exhibition

Moeller Visit & Discover

Moeller Class of 2029 Dates

St. Xavier Affordability

St. Xavier Junior High Band Night

St. Xavier Benny the Bomber's Entrepreneurship Boot Camp

Mercy McAuley Open House

Mercy McAuley Shadow Days

Mercy McAuley HSPT Prep Class

Ursuline Open House

MND Open House & Shadowing

School Website

2024-2025 School Year Calendar

2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook

SafeParish Registration


Arrival & Dismissal Map

Schoolbelles Uniforms

(code S2017)

U-Sports Uniforms & Spirit Wear

Volunteer Opportunities



PaySchools Central


(code 4315544)